1. Who am I, where am I?

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Chapter One:

[Ding! Destination selected: small world #ACFG104


Ding! Generating new identity for the host: successful...


The binding program begins in:




Ding! Binding program: successful...


Ding! The amount of obtained Golden fingers: 1


Ding! Thank you for believing in our Transmigration Centre. We wish you a wonderful experience!]

. . .

The joyful mechanical voice echoed in his mind as his weak consciousness fought between falling asleep and staying awake.

He was confused. What happened to him?

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at the rays of bright light shining through the holes of a thatched roof above his head. He blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the physiological tears that blurred his vision.

He turned his head to one side and looked around the room he was currently in. This action alone made him feel extremely dizzy, a little nauseous, even.

That room was tiny, dusty and smelly. Walls made of wood, straw and clay barely managed to stand without a collapse. There were no windows, and the only source of ventilation was a small, closed door made of a few crooked flat boards.

He glanced towards the corner furthest away from the entrance and saw an old and damp pile of hay. Next to it stood a little stool with a decaying wooden basin on top of it.

What is this place? He wondered with a frown.

It's really filthy in here... He didn't want to stay any longer.

With determination, he tried his best to pull himself up into a sitting position, but a sudden stomachache made him sharply inhale a breath of heavy, humid air and instantly stopped all his movements.

He bit his dry lips to muffle a painful moan as drops of cold sweat appeared on his pale forehead.

What was wrong with him? He groaned as he held his upset stomach and curled into a fetal position. He felt sick to the point of fainting. Then, a yell sounded loudly and clearly as the crooked, small door trembled when a person rudely kicked it open from the outside.

"Fool, why haven't you changed the water in a pigsty yet?!" a shrill voice of a middle aged woman stabbed into his ears, making him feel even worse.

He struggled to open his eyes and look at the unexpected visitor. But before he managed to do that, the woman walked towards him with a few furious steps and probed his hunched back with the sole of her right foot.

"Why are you still idling on the ground for? Get up! The pigs can't wait!"

His body trembled, he wanted to tell that woman to stop her insulting action, but he was too weak to even make a sound.

"Mother-in-law, I think Fool Yi is sick!" an uncertain voice of the second to arrive person spoke with a little uneasiness. It was also woman's, but this time it belonged to someone a lot younger.

"Sick?" the older woman paused, "How can he get sick now?" she questioned with some scepticism and annoyance.

The younger woman hesitated a little and after glancing at her mother-in-law's furrowed brows, she slowly bypassed the older lady and cautiously crouched next to the sick man, who, using the last bits of energy, moved his heavy and weak body to once again lay on his back.

He turned his head to face the two strangers. Some wariness and doubt well disguised behind his blank expression. The younger lady looked at his sickly and sweaty face with pity and worry hidden in her small, black eyes, 

"Fool Yi, what's wrong with you?" she asked quietly.

He would also like to know that...

Since he couldn't give her any answer, he just stared at her motionlessly. Within the silence that befell between the three of them, only occasionally interrupted by some faint noises made by roaming around chickens and ducks, there was a sudden, loud growl coming out from his sunken belly. The younger woman exclaimed in shock and realization,

"Fool Yi, when was the last time you ate something?"

Eating? He doesn't know, so he looked at her blankly. The woman bit the flesh inside of her left cheek in distress. She turned her head towards the older lady and confidently declared,

"Mother-in-law, I think Fool Yi is starving himself again!"

After hearing that, the woman made an ugly grimace, making her wrinkled and tanned face looking very similar to a small dried fruit. She cursed in a low voice and glared at him with unconcealed disgust, seemingly frustrated by his irresponsible and stupid behaviour. Her hateful gaze made him feel uncomfortable. She looked like someone who couldn't wait to beat him up. He sighed helplessly in his heart,

Alas, in his current state, he couldn't even win a fight against her...

But in the end, the middle aged woman seemed to think of something, giving up on that brutal idea. She gritted her teeth and snapped at the only other living being present, her second daughter-in-law,

"And what are you waiting for?! Go get him something to eat then! I can't afford for him to die yet..." she grumbled and mumbled as she strode out of the room and walked towards the pigsty. Her footsteps fast and heavy, as she left with a belly full of anger.

The younger woman stared at her leaving figure and exhaled her tightly held breath, "That woman is so fierce..." she whispered and looked towards the paralysed on the ground man. A tiny reassuring smile danced on her round and youthful face. "Don't worry, I'll bring you some warm porridge in a minute!" she promised and speedily run out of the smelly little hut.

When he was waiting for her return, the man stared at that leaking rooftop in a daze once again.

Really... Where was he? And who were these two people? Why did they act like they had known him for a long time? And why did he wake up in this shabby place?

And more importantly... He couldn't remember who he was...

But he felt that he wasn't the one they've been addressing as a 'Fool Yi'.

He was very certain of that.


Author has something to say:

MC: I'm not a fool! I'm obviously very smart!

εїз  • • • ~ εїз ~ • • • εїз

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