3. Dream of the past (part 2)

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[[ A/N
This chapter is a little bit long and half of it still focuses mostly on the relationship between Ge'er and Dafu (and their family drama)

But the later part is all about Fool Yi's childhood.
Please, bare with me through those boring moments!

The upcoming chapters are going to be more interesting, I promise!!
>⁠.⁠< ]]

Chapter three:

Even though it was only over half a month later when the two of them met for the second time...

Everything happened on a day when Li Dafu, who once again failed to see the younger ger, chosen to walk on the road heading towards Li Ge'er's village, hoping he would be able to catch a sigh of Li Ge'er's shadow.

And luckily for both of them, he arrived there at the right time...

The reason for their sudden lack of contact was quite simple. After Li Ge'er returned to the Li family he met with an old patriarch Li and his wife, who questioned him about his whereabouts during the time of his disappearance.

Li Ge'er didn't want to tell them about what happened to him at all and when the two elders saw his resistance, they grew even more angry and as a punishment prohibited him from going outside of the gates of their house.

Li Ge'er felt heartbroken, but he was even more afraid of what his parents would do if they knew that he was staying in Li Dafu's house.

And his worries weren't completely unnecessary...

A couple of days later when wife Li was visiting her friend to sell her some eggs in exchange of fat, she heard a group of local gossipers whispering about how Li Ge'er was seen talking to a strange man at the entrance of their village.

They wondered if that man was interested in Li Ge'er or whether the two of them had already slept together.

When wife Li heard their chatter she was both embarrassed and furious. She forgot about her friend and went straight back home to tell patriarch Li about everything she had learnt. After telling him about the gossip, both husband and wife were sure that Li Ge'er definitely stayed at that man's house.

They confronted Li Ge'er and after seeing his face turning pale and him bowing his head in shame, wife Li accused him of whoring and the enraged Patriarch Li decided to teach that uneducated ger a lesson and beat him up with a wooden stick.

The ruckus was noticed by their curious neighbours who excitedly called over other villagers to join in watching the fun.

At that time Li Dafu was passing by two young man who were rushing to the scene. Li Dafu followed them without thinking.

When he arrived at the Li family's house he was shocked by the commotion that was happening there.

After hastily making his way through the happily eating melons locals, he saw the two Li sons, standing on both sides of the backyard huddled together with their wives and children. The madam Li who felt ashamed after losing face in front of the whole village was madly shouting insults at the hunched on the ground Li Ge'er whose thin back began to bled from the injuries caused by the angry patriarch Li.

Li Dafu was frightened when he saw the wounded and pitiful Li Ge'er and he quickly run over to step in between the furious father and half dead son. After yanking the stick out of patriarch Li's hands he kneeled next to Li Ge'er and carefully picked him up into his shaking embrace, wishing to take him to the village doctor as soon as possible.

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