2. Dream of the past (part 1)

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Chapter two:

"Can you try sitting up?" the girl asked, after she came back with a steaming bowl of porridge in one hand and a cup of water in the other. She looked at him from above and seeing his lack of reaction, she tilted her head and helplessly sighed, "You'll choke if you drink while laying down, you know?..."

But he was like a pile of stones, dull and unresponsive.

So, she put the bowl and a cup down, a little further away from the two of them and after adjusting her long skirt, she kneeled on the side of his torso. Then, she grabbed a hold of his shoulders and after using some force, she managed to pull him up.

"You are really like a spoiled child when you act like that Fool Yi..." she mumbled. After making him sit with his back against the wall, she picked up the still warm porridge and handed it over to him with a small smile on her face "Here,"

When a nice, milky smell of hot rice entered his nostrils, his aching belly roared in hunger. He expressionlessly studied the soft, white and deliciously looking paste for a very long time.

After giving it some thought, he raised his two feeble arms to laboriously hold the bowl into the palms of his hands. Then, he caught a sight of the layer of dirt sticking to his skin and under his long nails...

He stared at his hands in a daze, trying to ignore the discomfort in his heart, and unconsciously twitched his fingers. He quietly peeked towards the still squatting next to him lady, trying to figure out if she saw it too. But the woman seemed to be completely clueless about his small embarrassment.

"Go on, eat!" she encouraged, "And remember to blow on it before taking a sip, or you'll burn your mouth!" she added with worry.

And so, after raising the bowl under his chapped and dry lips, he followed the friendly advice of that kind young lady and waited for the porridge to cool down. When he was finally able to taste the food for the first time, tentatively, with the tip of his tongue, his numb and withered taste buds suddenly exploded! 

Even though some rice grains were a little too hard to chew, it was really delicious!

Seeing him obediently eating his meal, the girl sighed with relief. "Slow down, or your stomach will hurt again." she reminded with a little chuckle.

This person was really nice... he thought absentmindedly as he was enjoying his food.

After finishing eating, the young woman handed him a cup of sugar water. And he drank it all in one big gulp. He had to admit that he liked the taste a lot more. Because it was sweet.

"Fool Yi..." when he licked his moistened lips with satisfaction and reluctantly put down the empty cup, the girl called him with some hesitation. He raised his eyes to look at her curiously.

Does she have more delicious things to give him?

Seeing that she caught the man's full attention, she took a short breath and her expression turned a little more serious, "I know that you are upset about the decision of the elders..." she began quietly, seemingly afraid of being heard by the people outside, "But you really have to stop harming yourself like that!"

Oh, so it turned out she was just scolding him...

"Look, if we hadn't found you today, you could really starve to death!" she cried out in a hushed tone, "Do you wish to die, Fool Yi?" she continued in distress.

Witnessing her emotional outburst, he was a little surprised. "Promise you will never do that again!" the girl asked, staring straight into his eyes.

Well, she looked very concerned about his wellbeing... he thought, and it really wasn't like he was planning on mistreating himself in the future...

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