7. First meeting

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Chapter seven:

Looking at a certain host, who, decided to go on a leisure walk along the peaceful mountain path. And watching that usually indifferent person's brisk and cheerful footsteps, made system 099 feel a little bit subtle...

But, he decided to tactfully ignore that strange feeling. And shifted his focus to the direction in which the man was heading.

[Ding! Host, where are you going?] 099 asked, even though it seemed to already know the answer.

Unfortunately, the strolling Li Yi was too engrossed in appreciation of his new surroundings to even bother to acknowledge its question.

He was turning his head curiously observing the still unfamiliar environment. Around him was a lush, ancient forest, above, a vast clear sky.

The interest in his eyes similar to a child who hasn't seen a world yet.


Still, deaf to its calls, Li Yi's gaze was suddenly attracted by a pair of white butterflies. The two little insects danced and played in the wind and air. Following their movements, Li Yi paused. He watched as they flew towards him, then gently reached out one of his palms.

To his surprise, almost instantly both of circling around him butterflies decided to take a break on his outstretched finger. Seeing their fluttering delicate wings, Li Yi's eyes brightened and somehow a soft smile formed on his thin lips.

'To see the follow up of the situation.' in a good mood, he finally decided to reply to the ignored by him system.

099 fell silent.

That silence made Li Yi, who thought that after a few days of getting along, had already figured out some of the system's strange habits, strongly suspect that 099 wanted to tell him something ridiculous again...

He narrowed his eyes dangerously and watched as the butterflies quickly took off and flew away from his hand. Then, once more, began walking in the direction of the village.

After musing over the possibility of system's little tricks for a longer part of the journey, he eventually seemed to give up their silent game and helplessly asked, 'What? Are you dissatisfied with something?'


'Say it now or forget about it.'

Second, after this sentence fell, he heard 099's long sigh.

[Ding! Well... It's nothing... But...]

However, the fake acting tone in its mechanical voice, gave Li Yi a vague premonition that the next sentence it was going to say would definitely turn into some kind of utter nonsense...

He wasn't wrong.

[Host, haven't you heard that it's commonly believed to bring bad luck for the newlyweds if the groom sees his bride before marriage?] 099 solemnly asked.

The seriousness in its question made Li Yi subconsciously halt for a moment. But in the end he only shook his head and carelessly resumed his unhurried steps.

'It's not like I care.' Li Yi said flatly.

099 was left speechless by the ruthless guy.

[...Shouldn't you be a little more superstitious? You live in ancient times now...] he muttered grumpily.

'Sorry for not being completely influenced by Fool Yi's memories.' Li Yi's tone cooled down a few degrees.

That intonation of his, made 099 who doesn't even have a real body and was only a ball of red energy stored in Li Yi's brain, shudder with goosebumps.

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