4. System 099

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Chapter four:

[Complete the task: Get married to the villain!]

Li Yi: "....."


Li Yi felt speechless and began seriously considering the possibility of being mentally ill. How else could he explain this ability of hearing voices in his head?

He was probably losing his mind...

[No! You are definitely very healthy!]

Li Yi jolted in surprise at the sudden shout and then quietly moved his gaze to look towards his weak, malnutrished body.

[...Well, at least your mental health is fine.] the voice mumbled weakly.

Li Yi opened his mouth to speak, however he quickly noticed that only a few broken and airy sounds escaped from his slightly parted lips. He paused and raised his hand to gently caress his painful throat.

[Don't worry host, it's because your current body hasn't used its vocal cords very much] perceiving his distress, the voice comforted [Take your time and practice well and I promise, you'll be able to sing beautiful love songs in no time!]

...Why would he want to sing love songs?

[Of course it's for expressing your love towards your wife!]

All of a sudden, Li Yi felt that his headache grew even more intense. After massaging his temples, he heard the voice laughing to itself [You are more interesting this way.]

Li Yi's eyebrows twitched, but before he could think more deeply about the meaning of that sentence, the voice smoothly interrupted [By the way, you can speak to me in your mind and I'll be able to hear you.]

Taken aback, Li Yi's eyes widened, but after a moment of consideration he felt that it all made sense. He thought for a couple of seconds and then finally questioned-

'What are you?'

[Me? I'm your supervisor, system 099, happy cooperation host!]

Li Yi frowned.


[Yeah! I'll be monitoring the completion of your tasks. "Love the villain, be on top!" Didn't you hear?]

Oh, he heard that very clearly.

After narrowing his eyes, Li Yi lazily put his back against the cold, dusty wall and arrogantly crossed his arms in front of his skinny chest. Feeling a little dissatisfied he also raised his chin making himself look more domineering.

A while later he gently uttered 'I refuse to participate.' still he didn't forget to add a justifiable reason 'You see, in this life I don't want to tie myself to anyone.' he shrugged his shoulders with some feigned helplessness.

099 was silent. Probably speechless by his unreasonably provocative behaviour.

[I'm afraid you can't do that host...] it began to explain quite stifly [The Golden Finger has been activated, we can't stop it.] the tone of its mechanical voice grew a bit more serious [You have to follow the mission tasks.]

'Or else?' Li Yi raised his eyebrow.

[You'll be obliterated.]

'.....' fine.

• • •

After two days of staying inside the cramped room, Li Yi finally gained enough strength and began wondering around the Li's house. Naturally before going out he picked a time when the other members of the family were either far away or too busy with their own work to pay attention to his movements.

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