8. Tomorrow?

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Chapter eight:

With the gate tightly closed, the excitement was over. Li Yi watched in amusement as the stunned upon what just happened servant cursed Liu Lan under his breath, angrily stomped his feet, went back to his carriage, and then finally left.

At this point, Li Yi also decided to return to Li family's house. The main reason for it was that he detected that some of the villagers began peeking at him with strange and curious eyes.

The other one was that it was getting late.

And he was starving.

As he walked back, he gently put a hand over his stomach and stroked it a few times in distress. It was pitifully flat...

Looking towards the sun to estimate the time, he wondered if Aunt Li and her daughters were already done with preparing today's dinner?

He planned to sneak into the kitchen and secretly take one or two bowls of rice to appease his hunger.

However, before he could fulfil his plan, just as he strode into the yard, he noticed someone who was busying themselves back and forth while anxiously sweeping the dirt from the path leading to the main house.

Li Yi stopped and cocked an eyebrow.

It was Jiang Qiu again.

After discovering his tall figure, Jiang Qiu breathed a big sigh of relief, put away her broom, and run up to him in a few quick steps. Then, she instantly frowned,

"Fool Yi! Where have you been?" the girl questioned in a hushed tone, taking a nervous look around their surroundings. She was scared to accidentally alarm their other family members. She felt happy knowing that Fool Yi came back. She was worried that her mother-in-law would learn about his disappearance and scold her just after she ordered her to deliver him the 'good news' this morning.

Imagining her elder's fierce look when she was mad, Jiang Qiu got goosebumps over her whole body and decided to reprimand the clueless man a little bit, "You know, you are not allowed to go out right now!"

Li Yi stared at her as usual, dully and completely unbothered.

Catching a sight of him still wearing the loosely fitting undergarment, the girl paused and a light blush appeared on her round face, "A-also-" she stammered, "You can't walk around the village wearing only that!" You look too frivolous!

Hearing her said that, Li Yi looked down at himself in puzzlement. What's wrong? He thought he looked quite good?

Jiang Qiu averted her gaze and continued, "Anyway, it's good that you are here. Come with me, I have something very important to tell you!" she grabbed a hold of his elbow and led him towards Fool Yi's small, tattered hut.

Only then did Li Yi remember that she was supposed to say something earlier but was previously interrupted by Li Mei's arrival and gossip.

His interest was piqued again, so he obediently followed behind her.

After the two settled in, Li Yi sitting cross-legged on a straw mat he shamelessly took away from the utility room, while Jiang Qiu was given the wooden stool, the young girl glanced at Li Yi with a some badly concealed apprehension and guilt.

The time passed by, yet the young woman still couldn't bring herself to start the conversation. Just as Li Yi began daydreaming about the delicious food he was going to eat in the future, he heard her part her mouth to say,

"Fool Yi..." she cleared her throat and began slowly, "I know that it may be hard for you since it's quite sudden..." she paused for a second and then solemnly looked into Li Yi's pair of bright and beautiful eyes.

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