5. Who is this handsome man?!

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Chapter five:

Although Fool Yi and the villain had little to do with each other, he still knew some things about that Liu Lan.


Liu Lan, the eldest son of the old carpenter's Liu family, was the best looking person in the village.

Treated as a little prince since he was a child, pampered by his parents, adored and indulged by his elders and juniors.

It was a shame that, because of the unconditional spoiling he had been exposed to since a very young age, Liu Lan grew up into someone whose three views became a bit crooked, making him feel too proud and imperious...

But even then, he, with his exceedingly overbearing and arrogant character, was an extremely popular existence, especially among boys and young men.

And at present, by the usual course of things, Liu Lan, who was already 21 this year, should have been long married to the most suitable man, chosen from his countless suitors, give birth to a fat and healthy baby and live a very happy, stable and satisfying life.

It's almost a pity that instead, because of his actions, he was reduced into an object of collective ridicule and disdain.

Called 'that slut' by people like Aunt Li...

Thinking about Liu Lan's misfortune captured in the memories of Fool Yi, Li Yi didn't know if he wanted to laugh more or sigh, pitying the beauty.

He thought that the kid's antagonistic role, together with a future downfall of his reputation, should've started from the day of him falling for Wen Xuan.

. . .

Six years ago, after Wen Xuan appeared in their village, Liu Lan became very interested in that unfamiliar man and began pestering him on every possible occasion, trying very hard to make him notice his almost ready to marry, fifteen year old self.

However, unfortunately for him, Wen Xuan didn't pay him any attention and instead was more curious about the miserable yet still polite and hard-working Liu Lixin.

The teenage Liu Lan, who, before that, never encountered any major setbacks in life, was frustrated and unwilling to let go of this unrequited love. With a jealous heart, he directed all of his irritation towards the one he labeled as his rival, Liu Lixin.

He played some little pranks and accompanied by his devoted followers, childishly bullied the other ger.

But in Li Yi's opinion, those petty tricks weren't worth gaining a mighty title, such as the book's villain. (a/n: Liu Lan, cannon fodder: Confirmed.)

Until one day, a year later, Liu Lan seemed to have crossed the line...

. . .

It was at the beginning of the spring. After hearing the news of Wen Xuan going out to find a matchmaker to help him ask for a marriage with Liu Lixin, Liu Lan felt anxious. And that anxiousness made him come up with a terrible idea.

He wanted to secretly go to the county town, sell some of the silver jewelry he had and hire the local thugs to make them slander Liu Lixin, hoping that it would ultimately prevent him from getting together with Wen Xuan.

But it turned out that before Liu Lan could even proceed with his plan, he had been discovered, got tricked and fell victim to his own schemes...

Li Yi mocked expressionlessly.

Speaking of which... recalling that period of time more carefully, after that failed attempt, Liu Lan, who apparently didn't know how to give up, seemed to be even more crazy and set his eyes on the easy to deceive Fool Yi...

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