Chapter 3

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Akira returned to his room and locked the door.

It was a cruel thing. He was only 6 years old but was hated so much by this world. He should have died. Tears rolled down his cheeks and it was getting harder for him to breathe.

 Tears rolled down his cheeks and it was getting harder for him to breathe

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Ugh. I promised myself not to cry but......I can't help it. I know the feeling very well when you are the only one, all alone in this cruel world.

Akira wiped his tears roughly and was startled when he saw some unknown people at his window. He gasped loudly.


He looked back to run but someone already blocked his way to run away.

"Hey, don't you think we're getting a huge sum of money if we sell him?"

"Don't be greedy. He is the duke's son and precious. We can't kill him."

"Tch. Fine."

"But he didn't say not to hurt him, right? ~"

Akira was shaking badly in fear. He didn't want to end up like this. He wasn't afraid of death but he doesn't want to get abused anymore. He was abused badly in his past life which left him a trauma. He was also abused in this life when his parents were late to rescue him. He was younger than a 6-year-old at that time. You can't blame him for having a trauma.

"Hey, come here-"

One of the men grabbed his hand tightly and forced him to go with them.

"Let- let me go!"

They started laughing.

"Ha. No one is going to save you."

"Yep. You were destined to be used."

No...Wrong. They were wrong. He wasn't born to be used.

"You're wrong....."


"I wasn't born for anyone to use!"

Then suddenly white rays surrounded the room and there was an explosion. Everyone in the mansion was shocked at the sound and saw that it came from Akira's room. Everyone rushed there and what they saw shocked them the most.


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The assassins and kidnappers were groaning on the ground, injured.

"H- How?"

"Just because I'm a kid or younger than you, doesn't mean that I'm going to be obedient and get beaten up. Also, you should never underestimate your opponent. If you're going to throw a punch, expect to be punched too."


"Are you alright, dear?"

*Smile* "I'm alright, Mom, Dad."

*Nod and expressionless* "Guards. Take them to the dungeon and interrogate them."

The knights bowed and took the already injured kidnappers and assassins to the dungeon aka prison.

Rain, Abel, and Aden couldn't help but again recall the words Akira said before. They had many questions in their mind.

"Dad, we'd like to talk to you."

Abel and Aden agreed with Rain and nodded.

"Okay. Come to my study room now."

"We want you to come there too, Mom. It's private."

The duke and duchess understood their words. They then proceeded to leave Akira's room.

"Take care of yourself, dear."

"Okay, Mom."

In the study room~~

"Is it true that Akira was adopted?"

Saki: Does it matter now?

I Reincarnated But What The Fuck Is Wrong With My New Life!!!!!!! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now