Chapter 6

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Time skip~~

Seven years had passed. Akira was 16 years old now. Today his brothers, Adrian, Georde, and Kei were leaving for the academy. It was where the real part starts in the novel.

I was supposed to be the villain. I'm not interested in being involved in the story. I'm ready to welcome death and even willing to be villainous. He he~ It's gonna be fun bullying others.

Tbh, I'm the happiest today since I've reincarnated except for the food which made me happier.

All of their carriages were here as they became close friends and decided to depart together. Adrian and Kei's relationship is still a secret.

"We are going to leave........"

"Take care of yourself, my sons........" *Wipes tears


"Rain, take care of them well, okay?"

"Yes, mom....."

"Aren't you gonna say goodbye to everyone, Akira?"


"Where is that boy now?"

"There! It's him, right?!"

"What the-"

"Why does it look like he's super happy?"

"Who even allowed him to be like that?"

"My~ He's so cute~"


"You are the one who's disgusting to call him that."

"I was talking about you." *Done look



"Is your little dance session over now?"

*Excited smile "When are they leaving?"

"You....hate them that much?"


"We can hear you, you know."

*Chuckle "Let him be, Abel-ni-san."


Akira ran towards them and hugged Kei tightly.

"It was nice to meet you again, Kei-Sama. So......"


"Did Adrian cheat on me?" *Innocently blinks

Everyone choked on his words. They were surely not expecting him to say something like that.

*Cold "It's none of your business."

*Innocent smile "But you are my fiancé and you love me like I do, right?"

"I don't love you."

Akira's parents and brothers were worried for him as it must have hurt him. But they mostly looked worried for Kei as Akira could burst out on him.

It's the same. They care for him more than me. My destiny huh~

"But we are going to be a couple and even make kids. I love you~ When I also graduate from the academy, you are gonna marry me, right?" *Innocent bambi eyes


Huh. It hurts to know that I'm not gonna be loved.

"Let's go. I have no time to talk to you."

All of them got on the carriage and they were going to leave now.

They didn't notice him. No. They didn't care for him much. He was just an outcast to them. A no one. A tool to use. Just someone who is sure to be replaced soon without a second thought.


Everyone looked at Akira who called Adrian's name.

"Let's not see each other ever again."


"Because I can't anymore.......I.........I wish you a happy life with Kei..........."

Everyone's eyes widened at his words. Especially Adrian and Kei.

"I love you......"

Smoke started to surround Akira as he slowly started disappearing. Everyone's eyes widened at that.

"Wha- what are you doing?"

They started getting down from the carriage which was about to be started.

"Sorry for leaving all of a sudden........but it's for the best.......I love you guys........."

*Tears falling "What are you doing, dear?!"

"Sorry, Mom.........I........will remove my name from the register of your family......."

"No no no no NO!!"

"I'm sorry..........I love you............"

Everyone looked at his disappearing figure. They didn't know why he was doing that but they knew that they would not see him again if they let him go now.

"You should have left earlier."


"What?! It's the truth. I hate him. Listen here, I hate you. Everyone hates you. All people here just ignore you. You are just a burden to all of us. You said that you love me, right? Then, do me a favor. Please die. Stay away from this family. JUST DIE!"

*Smile "Then........I would do so, your highness.........Also -"

Akira then vanished like he was never there in the first place

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Akira then vanished like he was never there in the first place.

Everyone started looking around but never found him. He vanished without any trace. No one actually cared for him that much but when he left; they all felt uneasiness in their hearts as if someone was squeezing them tightly. They didn't know why they were feeling so but for sure they doubted if they had let someone precious go.

Saki: Are you guys confused? You guys will know why Akira acted like this in the next chapter.

I Reincarnated But What The Fuck Is Wrong With My New Life!!!!!!! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now