Chapter 10

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The bell rang and the students started leaving. Those six then awkwardly went in front of Akira.




"Geez brat, I was looking for you. Let's go. I'll show you your room. I have already arranged your luggage and necessities."

"Principal Sir?"

"Ah...Were you guys talking?"

Atlantes doesn't know that Akira and the others had a connection. He also didn't get to know about Akira's past while staying in his mansion but he does know that Akira was hurt in the past and it might be traumatizing.

*Cold voice "No, let's go, sir....."

The 6 boys couldn't even stop him and so just watched him walk away.

"Hey, doesn't it look like the principal and the new student are acquainted?"

"I know right? I wonder what their relationship is!"

The other students were busy whispering as they found the interaction between the principal and Akira unusual.

Akira and Atlantes were walking down the corridor toward his room.

"I think they're gonna start a rumor."

"What rumor?"

"Something like- a young handsome principal and a cute student dating?"

*Blush "W-why would you say something like that?!"

*Innocent face "Am I not supposed to?"

*clearing throat "Let them think whatever they want or if you're bothered, I can warn them also."

"No need for that."

"But you still didn't tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"The reason you came here yourself."

"I couldn't just send anyone here as no one is allowed here easily except students."

"Why do you even need to be here?"

"Can't I?"

"I'm just asking you the reason 'cause there's nothing you do without a reason."


"I'm the principal here. So, you can trust me. I can help you with your work faster."


"Is it that difficult to say? Am I forcing you to speak?"

"It's not like that...."

"Akira, you can trust me you know."

*Sigh "Fine. I'll tell you. As you know, everyone in the mansion is always overprotective of me. But they are even more worried for me when I'm injured or something?"

"Yes, I know that."

"The reason is.....I don't have much time left to live..."


"I have an incurable disease. There is a 96% chance that I'm going to die. I was told that there was a cure here, that's why they all forced me to come here."

"How much time do you have.... left?"

"1 year. Lest...."



"Let me...."


"Let me protect you!"


"I will help you in finding the cure and protect you. I'm not gonna let you die!"

*Smile "Thanks...Atlantes"

Let yourself be protected by others this time, Akira.

I Reincarnated But What The Fuck Is Wrong With My New Life!!!!!!! (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now