Chapter 7

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"Young master! Please stop!"

"Young master, you're gonna get hurt!"

"Young master?!"

"Why are you guys shouti- What the?!"

"Why did you sto- Young master?!"

"Take him down right now!"

"How- how could I-"

"What do you mean? Aren't you a knight?"

"Bu- but-"

"Ugh! You are useless! Young master, come down now!"

All the servants and knights were trying to get a certain brat down from a tree. Suddenly, that boy's maid came and said elegantly.

"Young master Akira. If you don't come down right now, there would be no deserts or sweets for you."

"Lily! It's unfair! You can't take away the reason for me living!"

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"Lily! It's unfair! You can't take away the reason for me living!"

*Sigh "Find another reason too. You are youthful. You should go out once in a while."


*Strictly "Come down from that damn tree first!"

Akira then shut his mouth and quietly came down.

And other people's minds watching the scene in front of them:

If it was that easy to make him come down, what they were even doing all those times?

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If it was that easy to make him come down, what they were even doing all those times?

Lily and Akira were walking in the corridor side by side.

Then a merchant appeared before them and joined.

"Akira, I have found a solution."

"Is that true?" *Eyes widened

"Yes, Miss Lily."

"Is it true that you've found a cure for my disease?"

The real reason Akira ran away from home was because of his disease. The old Akira did leave an impression on him and he was affected by it. He started feeling the same as the old Akira. But even though it affected him, he didn't love them. After knowing all the truth about everyone just using the old Akira and maybe the future him, he felt like they were shit and didn't deserve him.

Even so, he would have preferred staying there in luxury but then he found out something which not even the novel mentioned. In the novel, he died even before the disease was mentioned. He was diagnosed with a disease that could kill him. It was rare and there was a 96% chance that he was going to die.

And he didn't want to spend his last days staying with those shit people. That's why he ran away. Those things he said before vanishing were the words the old Akira would have said........if he had given up earlier.

After running away, he did nothing. He just used his cuteness on the mercenary guide so that they would take him in. As he had great magic efficiency which no one knew about, he also made deals with some nobles using his knowledge based on the novel. He improved greatly and became rich without anyone's help.

It has been 3 years since then. The mansion in which he is residing is his own and the people at the mansion love him dearly. They all know his past and swore that they would kill everyone to protect his smile.

"Yes, Akira. You need to go to the Melanin Elations Academy for that."

Isn't it the academy all of them have gone to?

"Why do I need to go there? Can't I just receive my treatment here, Roanoke?" (*Roanoke is the name of the mage)

"The treatment lies in the academy. There are various potions and magic books there. I have a hitch that the truth lays there."

"Then can't you go instead and not make me work?"

"It won't be possible, Akira. We are not allowed to enter. But you can, as a student that is. You are also the one who needs to be treated."

"Yes, young master! You should! Maybe this time we would be successful!"

"Ugh......." *Groan

Shit. I would rather die than go there and see their faces.


"Yes, Akira?"

"How much time is left...before I.......die?"



"Answer me."

"1 year....."

"More or less?"


Lily's tears were threatening to fall and hardly held back.

*Sigh "Fine...This is my last chance. I'm going to die anyway.

*Smile "I guess I would just live my life to the fullest on the campus until then."

"Please refrain from talking like that, young master!"

"Does it hurt, Lily?"


"Would you....cry when I die?"


"Don't........Because I would like to see you smile when I take my last....."


*Smile "Thank you for everything, Lily, Roanoke."

Lily and Roanoke hugged him tightly and silently cried.

Hey, god. If you exist, please don't take away my angel. He's all I got. You couldn't be that cruel to take away our angel, right?

Hey, god. I did ask him to go to the academy. But......what if there is no cure? You won't be that cruel, right? Our little young master went through a lot. He has been all alone in this cruel world. Please...........please...........if you exist, please protect him, god.

Fuck! I need to go to hellish school again. Ugh! I swear if it annoys me to the extent of making me go insane, I'm gonna make everyone's life a living hell before dying.

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