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Screams echoed trough the prison. Again. At this point Sam was used to hearing them. Still it didn't made it any easier. No matter how many days he spend listening to them he still wanted to cover his ears, to do anything to block out that horrible sound. Dream is a monster, he deserves this ... right? It were times like these when prisoner's desperate screams filled the air when Sam found himself hesitating.

He deserves it.

Another scream. 

He killed Tommy.

Another scream, followed by rattling of chains and what he assumed to be cracking of whip. 

He hurt everyone. And Sam had to make sure he won't have a chance to hurt anyone again. He had to keep server safe. This was alright, this was justice. Dream was locked up and no one was hurt (except of Dream)

There were no more screams, just cruel laughter of duck hybrid.

Memory of early days on the server. Of Dream's laughter when he messed around with George and Sapnap. Memory of the warm feeling in Sam's chest as he watched his friends.

Sam shook his head clearing it of these thoughts. Those days were long gone. Dream he once cared about, loved as a brother even, was long gone. Replaced by cruel manipulative man Sam couldn't recognize. His Dream was long dead. The monster in cell wasn't him, it couldn't be

"Sam! I'm done here!"

Quackity's voice made Sam turn his head towards the wall of lava. Without much thought he lowered it. It was familiar process, he didn't even have to look at his hands when he pulled the levels. Slowly lava came down and revealed two figures. Prisoners body hung limply, only hold up by chains connecting his wrists to ceiling. It didn't appear like Quackity planned on unchaining him. Duck himself stood by the lava, even from distance Sam could see the blood on him and his smile send shiver down Sam's spine. Quackity weren't meant to enjoy this, but he did. 

There was a monster in that cell. One Sam swore to protect everyone from. 

There were two people in that cell, one of them a monster.

And with every passing day Sam become more and more unsure of which one of them it was.


Everything hurt, but it always hurt so it was fine. Dream was used to it. Pain became a constant in his life. He couldn't remember the last time something didn't hurt. Even before Q-sir's visits things hurt. And after sir started to visit ... shiver wrecked Dream's body just at the thought of it. He was thirsty but there was no strength left in him to stand up and go to cauldron. He didn't even have enough energy to stand up. So he stayed lying on harsh obsidian floor, trying not to think about the last time he eaten. It had to be several days.

He knew he deserved it. All of it. He hurt everyone, and they hated him for it. And they were right, they should hate him. He was terrible. A monster. And monsters needed to be caged. And tamed. 

He needed to be tamed, to learn how to behave. Because there were rules for monsters, rules they had to follow if they didn't want to be punished. And he was trying. He really was! But he just wasn't good enough. That was why sir had to punish him. But it hurt. It hurt so much, he just wants it to stop! Please just for one day ...

Clicking of red stone mechanisms cut of his line of thought. Sir is here. Ignoring all the pain and broken bones Dream pushed to his knees. He had to greet sir properly. That was a rule. He could be good and follow the rules. Maybe then sir won't have to punish him too badly. 

Lava lowered. Sir was here. He focused on his breathing, keeping it as quiet as possible. Sir didn't like it when he was loud. He wanted to curl up into corner as far from sir as possible but he knew he wasn't allowed to do that. Sir demand Dream to greet him properly, so Dream'll be and do it. 

Monsters don't deserve hugs, but you aren't a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now