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Dream didn't understood why warden was so kind to him. He didn't complain. Prime no, he'd never be so ungrateful. It was just ... strange. Warden never went to his cell. Dream's presence disgusted warden, sir told him so.

So why was warden here? And why was he so kind to Dream? Dream was a monster. He didn't deserve kindness. When he woke up still in chains, he barely registered what was happening around him. He was vaguely aware of muzzle being removed from his mouth. But that didn't made sense. Sir never took the muzzle off this soon and never this carefully.

But no one else ever came to his cell. He tried to force his eyes to open but before he could he hit the ground hardly. Someone unchained him. When he forced his eyes open he recognized the silhouette of warden above him. By the time his pain obscured mind caught up with the situation words have already left his mouth.

"'ank you, 'am."

He stiffed. He spoke without permission again. Not only that, he also called warden by his name. Warden told him to not call him by his name and sir made sure Dream didn't forget it. Warden had to be so angry with him. Dream screw up again and he must be punished. But it all hurt so much. He couldn't, not anymore. Please. Begging never helped with sir. But maybe just maybe, this once it could ...

"'m s'rry, p-please w-warden! I-I didn't meant to p-please I-I won't ... I-I'll be g-good p-please. Don't h-hurt me. I- I can't ... no m-more ple-please!"

He felt like he couldn't breath, walls were closing on him. Warden stepped closer and Dream tried to pull away. He couldn't, sharp metal dug into his ankles and he couldn't move any farther. He was trapped, he was trapped and warden was going to hurt him. And it already hurt so much.


Warden's cold voice cut trough Dream's pleads and blonde turned pale. He screw up again. He wasn't allowed to talk. He wasn't allowed to pull away. He did both. He broke the rules, again. If he broke the rules he had to be punished. Even if sir wasn't there, he couldn't break the rules. Warden was kind to Dream. He unchained him and even removed his muzzle. And all Dream did to thank him was screw up again and again.

He won't screw up again. He needed to be punished but he won't trouble warden anymore. Sir liked when Dream did the punishments himself. So he'll be good and he'll punish himself. He smashed his head against the obsidian floor. He can be a good boy.

"Dream stop!"

That was an order. Warden ordered him to stop. Dream wanted to be good, he didn't want to screw up again. So he followed warden's order best as he could. He stopped everything.


If Dream wasn't trying so hard to stay still and hold his breath he would flinch. Did he did something wrong again? What did he do wrong? How did he upset the warden. Maybe warden didn't like the punishment Dream choose for himself. Maybe he wanted to punish Dream by himself. Maybe ...

"Okay ... Dream breath with me alright?"

That was an order. Dream could follow orders. He didn't understand what warden was planing but he followed his lead like he was supposed to. Few minutes nothing happened. Dream breath in the same rhythm as warden, he no longer felt as if he couldn't breath. He noticed warden closing to him and instinct kicked in before he could stop himself, he flinched. Chains stopped him again.

"I'm going to unchain you, stay still"

Dream did and warden unchained him. Why did he do it? He had no reason to unchain him. Unless ... right warden wanted to punish him. He curled on himself. He already f*cked up so many times since warden came in. He was going to be punished anyway so he might as well give himself this little comfort. At least for a minute.

Monsters don't deserve hugs, but you aren't a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now