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George barely left and Dream had already messed up. He was so useless! He expected to be punished when the glass broke. He was bad. He broke something belonging to his owner. That was bad. That was something worth punishment. But it seemed that both of his owners had a generous amount of patience with their stupid pet. Dream was really lucky. If it were sir he'd be a delirious, bloody mess by now.

But Sapnap didn't hurt him. He said that he won't punish Dream for accidents. Just like Sam never punished Fran. Of course Dream remembered that time Fran knocked over one of warden's projects. He didn't yell at her or punish her. In fact he was more worried about her than about the project. But that was different. Fran was Fran, she was lovely and sweet, no one would want to hurt her. He was a monster. He deserved to be hurt. Yet his owners were willing to forgive him his incompetence.

That doesn't mean he can relax. His owners might be understanding but there surely were limits. And he couldn't cross them. He couldn't let them realize what a lost case he was. They would surely give up on him then. He needed to be good. He won't mess up again. He'll learn the rules and be a good boy. A good pet, one they'll want to keep.

So he sat quietly in his place, while Sapnap made food. He made sure that his posture was proper while he tried to avoid staining the floor or the clothes he was provided with blood. His trainer surely wouldn't be happy if he made more mess that he already had. He wished he was less of a burden for his owners. That he was more like Fran or Patches. More perfect. But monster like him could never be perfect. He was lucky if he was passable, if they were even willing to go trough the trouble of keeping him alive.

Dream haven't even noticed that blaze was finished until Sapnap knelt beside him with a med-kit. He needs to pay more attention to his handler. But it was so hard staying still for so long without getting lost in thoughts!

"Alright, let's take a look at these cuts. Hand"

Sapnap hold out his palm and Dream gave paw, following the order sir taught him without hesitation. With sir this always ended up in more cuts lining his arm. But Sapnap said he won't be doing that.

"I won't be able to clean it like this"

Blaze laughed a little and flipped Dream's hand so it was palm up. Small whimper escaped blonde before he could even think of stopping it and tears picked in corners of his eyes. He got his trainer's order wrong. No matter how much he tried he still couldn't do anything right. Who would want such a bad pet? Before he could think about his stupidity for too long he was disturbed by hand petting his head.

"It's fine, you're good."

He was good?! But all he did was wrong! He broke the glass and then he gave paw the wrong way even tho it was the way sir taught him and-!

"I'm not mad about the glass Dream. It was an accident. That can happen to anyone. You'll be more careful the next time."

He will! He won't let something like that happen ever again! One time could be forgiven but he'll surely won't escape punishment the second time. Or worse! They could put him away, get rid of him. Compared to that, punishment would be a mercy.

Sapnap was gentle when he cleaned the cuts on his palm with cotton ball soaked in disinfection. It stung a little but Dream was used to much, much worse. Even trough George bandaged his wounds, even changed bandages when needed it was still unusual. Sir never wasted any bandages on him no matter how bad the session was. If Dream looked to be too close to death he was granted a health potion to keep him alive. Never bandages. He didn't deserve those, he didn't deserve any medical attention. And yet here he was getting his palm warped in soft gauze.

Maybe his owners just wanted their pet to look presentable? That was probably it. Most people didn't like seeing animals hurt. Even tho he wasn't an animal, he was worse than that. Sapnap said that he won't hurt him. He probably didn't want any more scars on his pet. Or maybe it was because George seemed to be upset by the idea of his pet being hurt. Sapnap probably didn't want to upset his friend.

Monsters don't deserve hugs, but you aren't a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now