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Dream woke up from what must've been the most beautiful dream he had in ... in very a long time actually. He didn't dream of prison or sir's lessons as he usually did. He dreamt of his friends. George and Sam, Fran was there too. It was bit strange, he didn't dream of Sam much, not like this, not after ... but this dream was nice. It was Sam in it, not warden. He wished he didn't have to wake up.

First thing he realized after waking was that he was sleeping on something soft. It took him a moment to remember that he was not in prison. It's been a while but it was still strange thought. Being out. He thought he'll never be out again. But he was.

After he opened his eyes he realized a second thing. He wasn't in the same room as usually. He was in what he recognized to be a living room. Oh, yeah he was here. So he must have fallen asleep here. Yeah that seemed about right? He couldn't really differ where his memories ended and dream began. Blonde pushed himself up take a better look around and see if George and warden were still here.

"Good morning."

Dream jerked and turned in the direction the voice came from. Once he realized it was George he relaxed. George was safe at least Dream wanted to believe it. Wanted to believe his promises of safety and no pain.

Upon turning to George he realized another thing. His hair, it wasn't in a way. His hair got significantly longer in prison and it tend to get in his eyes all of the time. It didn't this time. He reached up and was surprised to find it braided in a braid. It was a little bit messy from his sleep but it was still neater then anything George would be able to do. Sam braided his hair like this in his dream. Or maybe it wasn't a dream? Did it really happen? Did warden told him he was wrong? Did he said it's okay for him to talk even without permission? Was he still here? Brunette noticed his confusion and the way his eyes darted around in search of warden.

"Sam left a while back. ... Do you wanna eat breakfast?"

Dream nodded realizing that yes, he wanted to eat. He felt a little ashamed by how easily he got used to the regular meals George was giving him. He was feeling hungry and he only missed one meal yesterday. He went without food for much longer in prison and was ... well not fine but managing. Sir'd probably be disappointed if he saw him. Eating food he did nothing to deserve-

"Okay, to the kitchen then."

George waited for blonde to follow him before heading to the kitchen, occasionally checking over his shoulder to see if Dream wasn't staying behind. Brunette immediately got to work, leaving the younger to stand by the doors unsure of what he should do. Should he help? Or should he-

"You can sit down, it'll only be a minute."

Brunette gestured towards the table without even looking. Well guess that solves it for him. Dream sat down and waited. It really didn't took long before toast and eggs were placed before him.

"Thank you."

Simply saying thanks was nowhere near enough to express how grateful Dream was but he had nothing else to offer. He looked between the plate and George, waiting. Brunette tried to hide it but he was sneaking glances at Dream expecting him to do something, he made no move to give Dream permission. It usually took him a while till he did. Dream still wasn't sure why ... well ...

Dream, you won't get punished I promise. It's completely okay for you to eat anytime you want.

George is right. You don't have to wait for permission to eat.

George and warden ... wanted him to eat? Sir taught him not to, not without permission but George's rules were different. And warden seemed to agree with them. George always looked almost disappointed when Dream waited. So maybe ... before he could change his mind Dream shoved the toast into his mouth, swallowing it quickly. If he misunderstood this then he'll probably won't be fed for a while, he needs to eat something while he has a chance. Blonde hunched on himself ready for a hit. When it didn't came he risked a quick glance at George. Brunette said nothing, in fact he kept on eating his own toast as if nothing happened. But he was smiling lightly. He was ... happy? Encouraged by George's reaction, or rather lack of screaming and cursing he took another bite, slower this time.

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