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George didn't know what to do. He wanted to help Dream! He really did! But he had no idea where to start. There were so many things wrong with Dream! Sure George expect as much but it was far worse then he could imagine.

Dream did nothing himself unless he was told to or given permission.
He was always on his toes waiting for a hit. No matter how many times George assured him that he won't be hurt or punished it didn't ease the tension in blonde's shoulders.

Dream's injuries were healing but it will take a long time till all of them were healed. He slept most of the time for first two days in Kinoko. Together with time in prison it made Dream sleep for almost 5 days. George was getting worried, was it healthy to sleep for such long time? Well, as someone who slept for several weeks he couldn't really judge. Besides Dream looked like he needed sleep. What worried brunette more was the fact that Dream seemed to be stuck in nightmare more often then not.

George didn't know how to deal with it. He tried to shake Dream awake once but it only made things worse. He didn't try it again. Talking to him sometimes worked. It usually didn't woke him up but he trashed less in his sleep. However most of the times George could do nothing just listen to his friends muffed screams. Even in his sleep Dream was trying to stay as quiet as possible.

When Dream finally spend more time awake then asleep a hoard of new problems arose. Only now did George caught a glimpse on all the trauma Quackity caused. He awaited punishment for literally everything he did and for things he didn't as well. Whenever George entered the room Dream would ignore all his injuries and try to get on his knees. If anything George said even distantly remind him of order or request he'd try to fulfill it. He still waited for permission to speak or eat. Any sudden move in his direction made him flinch.

George was desperate. He wasn't cut out for this. Everything he did felt so f*cking inadequate. This was job for Puffy or maybe Bad. But neither of them could do, neither of them could be trusted. Currently there were only 2 people other then George that he knew wouldn't kill Dream or send him back to prison the moment they spot him. 3 if you count Ghostbur but ghost didn't really count. And George didn't really trust either of them. Sam might've helped him and let Dream out but he also allowed him to be tortured. Anarchist still owed Dream a favor so he probably wouldn't kill him on sight but that didn't meant he'd help. George wouldn't ask Technoblade for help anyway. Some people might change their mind if they saw Dream but they might not.

With sigh George knocked on Dream's doors. He didn't really expect blonde to answer. He never did. But at least like this Dream expected him and wasn't so startled. Hearing the movement inside he knew the other was up so he slowly entered. Sight before him was the same as all the other times. Dream despite his wounds was pushing to his knees from where he was lying on ground.

Ever since he got a bit more aware of all around him Dream refused to sleep on the bed. Well, refuse might be a bit strong word. He never did something that would even resemble disagreeing with George. But he apparently preferred lying on the ground. It might be a habit after such a long time in a cell without bed but it was more likely some sick conviction that he doesn't deserve to sleep in bed. It upset George but he didn't push it, he just made sure to mention that it's totally fine if Dream sleeps in bed but he doesn't have to. For now he was happy that Dream at least used the blanket he gave him.

Muffed whine from Dream snapped his attention to blonde. Slowly he approached doing his best to not scare him. He spoke to him softly but Dream still stiffed.

"It's fine Dream. You don't have to do that, remember?"

Dream didn't changed his position much but he moved a little so he was leaning against the wall and his straight back relaxed a little. He was still tense but it was something. And unlike many times before George didn't have to specify what he meant.

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