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George still wasn't coming back. It was already a week! What if something happened to him? What if he lied and he wasn't coming back after all? What if he realized that he's better off without Dream? After all Dream was a burden. He was trying but he was still far from a perfect pet, he knew that much. And until he was perfect, well behaved he was just a burden. George had to take care of him, no wonder he grew tired of it. Now that he finally could take a break from Dream he'd surely realized just what a waste of time his pet is. Will Sapnap be willing to keep him? Or will he be send back to prison? Or even worse will they ... get rid of him? Put an end to his miserable, wortles existence?

That was a wrong line of thinking, he knew. Pets shouldn't be thinking like this. But could he not? When it was his life on a line, no matter how pathetic it might be? He enjoyed being here with Sapnap and George, even more so if there were both of them. Even so it was much, much better than prison with sir was. Despite that he'd rather return to prison and had sir back than to be killed. Because as long as sir was there and was willing to train him there was a chance he'll actually learn to be better. If he was dead there'd be no such a chance. Would sir even be willing to take him back? After all the effort he put into his training and Dream still failed ... would there be anyone else willing to take him? Maybe Sam? Lately he was very kind to him. Plus he liked dogs and had a lot of experience training them. Maybe he'd take pity on Dream?

But hopefully that won't happen. Sapnap didn't seem exactly displeased with him. Right? He did mess up a few times but that was mostly because of his incompetence (which was no excuse!), or because he didn't know the rules yet (again no excuse but thankfully something Sapnap seemed to consider, as he haven't corrected Dream behavior in any other than verbal way, yet). So as long as Dream remains good and learns the rules he will probably be allowed to stay. If he won 't drive Sapnap away by his stupidity like he probably did with George. He has to be careful, has to listen. Or it'll be just a question of time till they give up on him.

He wished Patches made it easier. Don't get it wrong, she was amazing! Always by his side always calming him but she seemed to dislike Sapnap. That was a problem. Blaze was kind enough to allow her to stay with Dream and never once hurt her. And yet she seemed to have a problem with his treatment of blonde. She didn't understand, how could she? She was too pure, too kind. She didn't saw the monster Dream was. Didn't realize that he deserved much worse treatment than he was getting. He just hoped she won't do something stupid. So far Sapnap was kind enough to ignore the nasty looks she was giving him. Dream hoped she won't test her luck. He wouldn't bear it if something happened to her. If he caused death of another innocent and pure creature like Patches, like Hope was.

Despite knowing how silly it is he even asked her to please, please be careful. Of course Patches couldn't listen to Dream's pleads ....


It was a week since George had left and Sapnap was getting worried. It shouldn't take this long. But there were no messages from George asking for help or announcing trouble so hopefully it was nothing bad. He'll probably be back soon. For now blaze focused on Dream. It didn't go all too bad so far. Blonde answered more of his questions, Sapnap got him to sit with him on sofa and to not flinch form his every touch. They also went out more, after the first walk they did several more. Dream seemed to like them a lot. That was no surprise considering the amount of time he spend locked in cell.

So far it wasn't going so bad. Except the fact that Dream believed he's a pet. That part was a little inconvenient. But it was fine. It wasn't like he gave Dream any rules or so. All Dream did he did out of his own decision, Sapnap never forbid him to sit on a chair or do things on his own. He never encouraged him either. Sure that wasn't the only problem. Sapnap also noticed Dream not talking at all unless Sapnap started the conversation. Again that could be fixed with time.

Monsters don't deserve hugs, but you aren't a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now