Chapter 3: Happy Little Pill.

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Author's Note:

So. I'm getting such a overwhelmingly wonderful response to this story & already so close to a hundred reads when it's only two chapters in, not to mention only about two weeks ago I started it as well.

You are so so absolutely amazing. ❤

I'll do my best to give you a story that won't disappoint, thank you, my lovelies, AAAAH.

Here is Chapter 3 because you're fantastic. See ya at the end of the chapter!! ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡


Chapter 3: Happy Little Pill.

{Troye's P.O.V.}

I couldn't stop thinking about the way I had just recently handled that situation with Tyler at the front door. I fucking ran away like a coward because I couldn't stand the sight in front of me.

I waited for him for 7 years & he shows up at my door on my Birthday with a BOYFRIEND.

...Really. Really. I think I saw Ty's face fill with guilt a few seconds before I ran, but I can't really know for sure considering I refused to turn around. It's not that I didn't want to, I did. I honestly did. But he didn't even come after me. I wasn't expecting anything huge like a love confession & him dropping down on one knee in marriage, I just wanted to know that he cared. He cared & missed me like I did for the past several days, months, years.

I haven't seen him in person for 7 years. I kept up with all of his YouTube videos though, even subscribed, & making sure I comment on every one to make sure he knows I still think about him. I ran my own channel in the meantime, hoping that maybe I could catch his attention. It never happened.7 years. That's a really long time to be apart from someone you love like actually love. Like you would give anything, even the world, to see them smile because your happiness depended on their's. Oh my God, I'm such a cheesy sap.

I snapped out of my thoughts becoming conscious of my surroundings. I remember where I am now & what I was doing. I am in our backyard garden, sitting in our gazebo, surrounded by roses, writing songs, considering I had a great emotional outlet of an inspiration called Tyler Oakley. Not to mention I was crying on top of that too. I was crying over him, yet, I'm doing something that I love most over him. Writing music about him. If that doesn't make me an idiot, I don't know what does.

Music has pulled me through when it seemed that nothing else could. It meant everything to me. I remembered he had asked me for years to sing for him. I have, but not ever actual, professional, serious kind of singing. I would scream along to our favorite songs on the radio or something, but nothing major.


I was singing along with the radio when a One Direction song came on. It was Through the Dark, my favorite song off of Midnight Memories. I was singing as loud as my voice would allow me when Tyler turned the radio down to hear me sing better. I immediately started singing softer until my voice just faded out into nothingness. He instantly began to frown & I saw before I shifted in my seat, glancing down into my lap for awhile, feeling quite guilty for being the one to cause it. I knew what he was going to ask before he did.

"Troye, why are you so afraid to sing in front of me?" Bingo, there it is.

I took a deep shakey breath, trying to compose an answer that didn't make me seem like an insecure piece of shit like I really am, but there was no way to go on about explaining it without basically telling him that. He looked over at me while driving, reaching over & giving my hand a squeeze for reassurance. I looked into his eyes which seemed to say, "You can tell me anything, I won't judge you."

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