~ Introduction ~

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"And now we would like to introduce the transfer students! First of all let us welcome Yukihira Soma!" You heard a loud booming voice announce, as murmurs from the student body erupted. A young boy, around your age made his way over to the stage.

You would think his bright spiky ombré red to dark purple hair was what caught your attention at first, but in fact it was his gold eyes, that seemed to pull you in. They had a hint of mischief, which you found refreshing. He wore a navy blue top, which had 'Yukihira' written on his chest. Non the less, he was incredibly handsome.

He had a cheeky smile, before he began his speech. "Hi y'all! So um, lets just keep this short and sweet, just a few sentences." Soma said, meanwhile you prepared yourself, dusting off your skirt, and brushing your hand through your hair.

"I'm Yukihira Soma, and uh I'm the transfer student. To be honest, I wasnt expecting to transfer here, this academy is just a stepping stone to my future succeses." He continued, as you smiled, you liked his word choice, it was..unique. Soma seemed to not mind the stares and grumbled of his fellow classmates.

"Also.. I don't plan on losing to some folks who've never served to customers before. But basically now that I'm here, I'll be taking the first seat! Thank you!" He ended, as you laughed to yourself.

He had a knack for riling up the crowd. Soma walked off the stage, humming to himself as if nothing had happened, he breezed past you, his eyes momentarily scanning you, you simply offered him a smile.

"A-and for our.. grand finale, we welcome.." The announcer paused, still trying to calm down the screaming crowd. "Another legend to our school.. our directors third.. grandchild! Nakiri (Name)!" He yelled, making the introduction much flashier than it needed to be.

The crowd was silent for a moment, letting the new information sink in, and then murmurs broke out, as people gasped and awaited eagerly.

You smiled to yourself before walking onto the stage, you walked with confidence, and yet averted your eyes, avoiding eye contact. A pit forming in your stomach from nervousness. You repeated the words "fake it till you make it" to make yourself seem more confident.

You were an extreme beauty, and were quickly catching the hearts of both the male and female population. Your eyes were this ethereal color of (eye color) and the wind brushed past your beautiful (hair colored) hair.

"Hihi! It's nice to meet you all." You greeted, ignoring the stares of over 1000 humans. "As you've heard, I'm Nakiri (Name)." You introduced, not knowing what more to say.

"I'm not a huge fan of speeches, so I'll end it soon. Good luck with the academy, and try not to get expelled! I'll see you guys around." You smiled before hurrying off the stage, had you stayed there any longer you swore your heart would've leaped out of your chest. You let out a sigh of relief.

Whilst you were getting off the stage, your eyes landed on Soma and beside him was.. Erina? Erina Nakiri was your beloved cousin, while she seemed strict and stuck up, she was honestly a shy and soft person. And she definitely had a soft spot for you. In fact you were probably her favorite cousin.

"Erina!" You called out, her lilac eyes switching from Soma to you. Her expression changed from one of disgust to one of happiness. "(N-name)?!" She questioned as you ran upto her and captured her in a large embrace. "Surprise!" You yelled out, happy to see her after a long time.

Erina timidly wrapped her hands around you, a perfect reunion.. or at least you had thought. "Two Nakiris!" Soma yelled from beside you, ruining the moment. You simply smiled to yourself before letting go of Erina.

"Man you didn't have to get the crowd so angry right before my speech, you know?" You teased, trying to keep the atmosphere light, Soma chuckled to himself before saying: "They seemed agitated, wanted them to let go of some steam, ya know?" He teased back, in a similar tone, as the both of you exchanged a pleasant greeting.

"I'm Nakiri (Name), pleasure to meet you!" You introduced as Erina silently protested from beside you, you could tell she didn't like this man at all. "Yukihira Soma! Pleasures all mine." He stated, a familiar smile on his face, he was definitely a cheerful person. You heard Erina grumble once more, before she grabbed your wrist.

"Don't talk to this second rate chef! He's not worth your time, neither mine!" She yelled, storming off, as you had to follow suite, however you did look back once more and offered the male a smile. "Catch ya later Nakiri's!" He yelled, as you replied with: "See ya, Yukihira!"


You sometimes wondered how Erina doesn't get lonely from staying in a large mansion all by herself, on the bright side at-least she had a lovely little roommate now.

"Stay still." Erina strictly ordered, and swat your hand away, when you attempted to scratch your eyebrow. It was late into the night, and Erina was applying a green face mask onto your face. You were laying on her bed, and your head rested in her lap, as she ever-so seriously applied the kiwi scented cream. Her first victim was her assistant and best friend, Hisako Arato.

Another student of the Totsuki school, a talented chief, diligent assistant, and kind best friend. Hisako had pale skin, and maroon pink hair which was cut into a bob. Not to mention her chocolate brown eyes. She was gorgeous. "Are you done yet?" You whined, getting bored of just staring at the ceiling.

The plans for tonight were simple, till now you had baked snacks and watched movies, and after applying some beauty products, you would spend the rest of the night reading Erina's manga collection! The most exciting part.

By doing all this, they helped you forget about the anxiety of your first day, and it was also extremely fun bonding with your cousin. So you were glad, your cousin had arranged this.

"Almost done." Erina mumbled back, incredibly focused on not getting the cream into your hair. You smiled to yourself, the sight of seeing Erina so focused, and seeing Hisako pick out the best romance mangas, and all three of your wearing the new jammies. It was so wholesome, and incredibly nostalgic.


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