↳ chapter thirteen

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↳ peter parker

tony had suggested to split up and search for something - anything at that - that they could use to try and fix the ship with.

he himself had admitted that it wasn't the smartest idea, but he split them up in teams of two, each getting some kind of buzzer, which would alarm the others if something happened

peter and evi were strolling around mindlessly, not really looking at anything

"tell me something about you" said evi all of a sudden

"what?" peter asked dumbfounded

"you know so much about me already, and i so little about you"

"well" said peter "i live with my aunt—"

"what about your parents?"


"i'm sorry, i know how shitty that is. is she at least nice? your aunt?" she specified at peters questioning gaze

"she is incredible, she's like my mom. her name's may.. i couldn't ask for anyone better"

"that seems really cool, to have someone you're so close to"

"yes, but i always wanted a sibling, it does get lonely as an only child"

"that i don't know of" evi joked "i was always glad that i had my siblings, especially after our parents death, but your aunt sounds like she made it as pleasant for you as she could"

"she did, it was great to grow up with her as my guardian" he admitted laughing "what do you wanna do after this is over? where do you want to go?"

"if i live after this then i'd like to live with steve, if he wants me to"

"steve? as in steve rogers? captain america?"

"yes" evi smiled "my sister will be gone, so there's no other family i have. besides— besides steve"

"you're related to captain america?"

"not biologically, no. he's someone i trust with my life, he became a part of my family"

"wow that's cool, but you're still gonna be in new york right? i could still see you? you know, if you'd like to meet after this is over?"

"you're not getting rid off me this easily" she laughed, hinting at the words he had said the day before

"so..." peter trailed off "do you have a boyfriend?" his eyes wandered at the sky above them, cheeks turning red

"oh so you're already shooting your shot" evi laughed, surprised at his sudden forward approach. "no" she shook her head and acted as if she were deep in thought "i don't have a boyfriend, not anyone i know of at least"

"good" smiled peter

"so since when are you this big superhero? and how did you even stumble into this mess?" she gestured back at where they had talked to tony just a few minutes ago.

"since the spider bite. i just walked into this room and suddenly i had these abilities" he shot a web to demonstrate "i build some web-shooters and the next day i was spider-man"

"were you supposed to be in that room?"

"no, i suppose i wasn't" he laughed, "and i first met mr stark when he was suddenly sitting in my apartment. he recruited me"

"he did?" evi asked surprised, that didn't seem like a tony thing to do

"yeah, it was last year, when the avengers broke up"

"okay, about that.. what did happen that made them break up?"

"after sokovia many people wanted the avengers to be controlled by the government, so that they would follow rules and couldn't just do what they'd like to, so the government made them sign a contract, the sokovia accords, not all of them were ready to sign that"

"who wasn't?" asked evi

"hawkeye, ant-man, falcon, some out-law guy.., captain america and your sister"

"you were obviously on tony's side?"

"yeah i was" he sighed "don't tell mr stark, but back then i didn't know what i was fighting for, today i would be on caps side"

"my lips are sealed" said evi, making a gesture as if to throw away a key, she leaned over at peter and whispered "i would've been too"

"you're actually really nice" peter said after some silence

"what?" evi laughed, stunned at his sudden approach

"i was a big fan of yours, after the sokovia thing, but you always seemed so intimidating and i imagined you would be totally annoyed by me if we ever met, i never thought you could stand me— let alone like me a bit"

"well" evi grinned "to your information i like you more than just a bit, a whole lot more"

"i like you more than just a bit too" peter mumbled

both their cheeks turned red and they looked down in embarrassment. evina maximoff was never one to be ashamed easily, she was loud and sarcastic, but she met a whole new side of her while she got to know peter parker.

she was nervous in his company, she turned red when he said something and she could listen and talk to him for forever, without ever not knowing what to say.

it was comforting to be in peter parker's company. it wasn't stressful or exhausting it made her feel warm and made her want to be as close to him as possible

evi had never fallen in love, or even got close to liking someone that way, but with peter it just felt easy and... right
and maybe that was what was happening to her.

she wasn't sure if it was good or bad to get close to yet another person she could potentially hurt or lose, but she decided that there was no decision here, it was probably already too late for that anyway, in their short time together she had grown fond of the boy fast and he seemed to feel the same towards her

and then, suddenly evina maximoff not only shocked herself, but peter parker too, when she outstretched her arm and took his hand in hers, interlacing their fingers

"maybe a bit too much" she mumbled, before they walked further, hands still intertwined and a grin on both of their faces

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