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↳ ( one last ) time

the girl sees herself in the mirror. she is crawling on the floor, until she hits the glass

she remembers that interaction like it was yesterday, when in reality it had happened four years ago

"you're just a mirror" the girl exclaims. her hair is messy, her make - up smudged. she has wounds all over her face, dried blood everywhere and a little scar above her eyebrow.

she doesn't look like that anymore, thinks the other girl, her hair is clean, so are her face and clothes. not even the scar is left. she crawls closer to the mirror as well

"i'm so much more" she exclaims, which seems to scare her other version, as she crawls back a bit.

"what are you?"

"i'm you, but i have so much more potential"

"what does that mean? what's the real difference between us?"

"time" evi maximoff exclaims while she takes one last look at her mirrored self, she herself is the new one, the optimized, who came back to her brother

her old version disappears from in front of her eyes, as suddenly a blaring alarm starts.

"it's time" says pietro while he hugs his sister goodbye

"i can always come back" she tries to reason

"no you can't" he exclaims seriously and rips her necklace off of her. on it is still his ring, the only thing that gives her a connection to him.

"the effect will probably already have taken care of that, but just to be sure"

"pietro no!" she pleads, outstretching her hand and trying to grab the necklace, but suddenly she's not sitting in the mirror dimension anymore and there's no one next to her

she cries out in agony, it feels like she lost her brother - pietro - someone all over again.

evina maximoff wipes the tears off her cheeks.. why is she crying? she shakes her head, standing up and making her way out into the living area of the compound she is in.

"steve" she exclaims hopeful, in search of the man she had missed so dearly

she doesn't feel sad. she feels happy, better than ever before, she doesn't realize it, but she really is the optimized version of her own self .. nothing to make her sad right now or anymore..

the effect will probably already have taken care of that...

every memory of pietro maximoff is gone

doing a wanda 🫣


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