Don't Hate The Player Pt.2

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On second thought, maybe this was a bad idea. I had been to countless parties before but for some reason the thought of walking into a building filled with highly intoxicated people frightened me.

The strobing lights and the music vibrating from the building seemed to smirk at me trying their best to coax me into entering

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The strobing lights and the music vibrating from the building seemed to smirk at me trying their best to coax me into entering. This was definitely the place, it stood out amongst all the other sleeping buildings and it screamed Hennessy and good vibes and that was all the convincing I needed.

"Hey." I muttered a polite greeting to the steroid injected boy blocking the entrance. I attempted to step pass him but he used his body to push me back.

"Sorry, just trying to get pass."

"We're packed, no more people allowed inside."

Inside was in fact loaded to the brim but I was stubborn and refused to give up that easily.

"That's funny, look I've been walking for hours I just need some alcohol and I'll be on my way."

He still didn't seem convinced. I leaned forward, using my cleavage to my advantage. He stared at my boobs shamelessly.

"You'll let me in though right? I just really need to get blatantly drunk and have some fun tonight." I leaned against him.

A sigh of relief escaped my body as he smiled brightly from ear to ear. Hook, line and sinker. Men really made my job too easy and it's a pity because he wasn't that bad looking either.

Stepping aside, he made some room for me to enter. I pushed against reckless drunk college students who all had one thing in common–we all wanted to get shitfaced tonight.

Where can a girl get a good free drink in this place?

"Syair!" A shrill voice screamed from the corner of the room.

Jordan, the red head from earlier waved her hand frantically in the air, gesturing for me to come over. She wasn't alone, a small group of people surrounded her fixating their gaze on me as I approached them. This was great for me because I had crippling anxiety and didn't know the first thing about human interaction. To top it all off, my eye decided to start twitching at this very moment. I held my head down, so they wouldn't notice but by the weird looks they were sending me I wasn't fooling anyone.

"Guys this is the girl I was telling you about."

Why would she be telling anyone about me? So far my college experience has been a pile of the most uninteresting shit you could step in.

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