Vanilla and Cotton Candy

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I struggled to keep my eyes open in my two hour lecture. Amari and I had stayed up in my dorm last night watching reruns of Bad Girls Club. Which she deemed as ratchet television, but when I fell asleep there she was binging the whole season without me.

After last night's little mishap, Amari practically dragged me out of there and took me back to my dorm. We can't forget the lecture she gave me about avoiding Dior and staying out of any drama that she was involved in.

After a long shower and an unplanned wash-day routine for my hair, she waited patiently for me to finish and snuggled up beside me as a way to comfort me. Comfort me from what? Fuck if I knew, I was all for it becoming a regular thing.

While she watched the screen attentively, I struggled to regulate my breathing due to our close proximity. She didn't care that I was cutting off the blood flow in her arm or that my hair kept tickling her cheek when I struggled to get closer. She just held me with no complaints.

I secretly messaged her under the table, and agreed to meet up with her after class for lunch. As soon as class dismissed I was out of there, I was looking forward to this for some reason, not that it was anything special, it was just two friends getting something to eat.

So what was I so worked up about?

"You're going the wrong way." Her voice stopped me in my tracks.

Amari leaned casually on the wall waiting for me by the lecture hall.

"I knew that."

She threw her arm around me casually as we headed in the opposite direction to the cafe. See what I mean, she keeps doing stuff like this that gets me all freaked out. Not that I was uncomfortable I liked being close to her.

"So next week Saturday, are you busy?"

If it was another party, then I would have to pass. The first one was enough to tell me that college parties might not actually be my thing.

"Depends, is it another party?"

"Nah. I can't put you through that again."

I rolled my eyes at her. She would not stop apologizing about the incident after I repeatedly told her it wasn't her fault, because it really wasn't. It was that conceited bitch who put her nose in other peoples business. I don't remember bumping into her last night but the little vendetta she had against me because she got a simple slap on the wrist due to the dorm incident was ridiculous.

"Why what did you have in mind?"

"There's this movie coming out soon and I really wanna go see it."

Was this a date?

"Not like a date or anything." She continued, "I just really want to see it, and hang out with you."

That's nice, very nice actually and very platonic because Amari and I were just two friends who were hanging out.

"Sure!" I said a little too excited, trying not to show my disappointment.

She flinched due to my sudden outburst.

"Great I'll come by at seven."


I closed my door and leaned against it, I knew I was reading into this way deeper than I should have. Neither Amari and I had brought up what the casual flirting had meant online, and I certainly was not going to embarrass myself again. Maybe to her it didn't mean anything but as I said I was a sucker for romance.

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