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" What's got you so tired Swiss?" He looked up at me " Em, Well Mama I had a long night playing games with Nubis and Alpha. I have no idea how they aren't falling asleep" He tapped his nails on the desk nervously as Omega laughed. I nodded happy with his honesty " Well Alpha has been on tours so he can handle his late nights. Nubis is always tired he takes after Belphie.." I patted his head " I'm surprised he isn't sleeping yet." Swiss's tail wrapped around the back of the chair as he pulled it out from under himself " Punishments?" I shook my head " No, just a little extra homework tonight is all." He sighed " I rather something else." He pouted. I take the ruler and tap his tail lightly " There, but now you're the first to be graded on dialogue out loud." I turned to face Emeritus " You and Your Papa." I winked " Come to the front please!" I walked up to my desk. They recited, as they all did and before we knew it they were mostly fluent. " Leave your papers on the left side of my desk. Also make sure to take your books if extra study is wanted." I erased what was on the board and wrote the next days plan which was numbers and some other boring basics of language. I sighed again , I might have been a bit harsh with Emeritus. I felt a hand on my shoulder " Yes?" I turned to see the second. " Emeritus feels bad for what he said earlier but he doesn't know how to apologize." I nodded. " I see, I was just thinking I was being a bit tough on him earlier." I hugged him suddenly " Papa, I think I need confession." He patted my back " I think, you should confess to that Papa not me." I nodded " I'll tell him to go to the confessional." He turned to walk away " Wait! Don't tell him it's gonna be me." I grabbed the back of his shirt "Ah, sorry.." I pulled back my hand. He smiled and stepped to me " Just calm yourself, when you go down just act like it's me or someone else." I nodded. He patted my shoulder then pulled me to him he kissed my forehead. " I hope you clear your mind." He turned and left again. I finished erasing and clipping the papers together. I turned off the light on desk before I left the room. I made my way to the first floor. I walked into the one booth with the light on " Hello, I've come to confess my sins" I whispered " You may proceed my child." I sigh and close my eyes leaning on the wooden weaving that blocked whoever was there from me. " I think i've sinned. My husband is a sweet man that gets flustered at times. Earlier today he had some emotions that I couldn't handle. Ever since I had this big change there's been this thing in me that makes me upset when women are demeaned. I'm sure he meant something else but I got upset in that moment. I'm afraid, I'm afraid my husband, well that he's too upset with me to speak to me." He heard him shift on the other side " I love my husband very much. I don't know what I would do if I angered him or upset him. Though I do have some family to tend to I want him to be present. He is my little family. He's all I have in the end since everyone else is busy with their lives." I heard the creak of wood as he stood and then sat again. He sighed " My dear, recite a Hail Lucifer and here's one thing I can assure you. All men have their moments of misunderstanding. I believe that's what happened between you two." He sighed again " Thank you for coming sweet woman to confess you may proceed or to leave." I cleared my throat " T-Thank you.. I'm sorry i'm a bit overcome with emotions currently" I sniffled. I did feel bad for my Emeritus and how I got caught up in other things forgetting to hear him out. I wipe away some tears; taking a deep breath. I get up and make my way out of the confessional booth. I stretch: walking around to the side of it and leaned against it. I heard him come out of the booth. He walked around the other side then came around to me. He opened his arms " Come here." He pulled me into hug and I sniffled into his chest " Eme.. I just.. I " He patted my back then kissed the top of my head . " We had a little miss understanding is all" I stepped back " I was confessing to you?" I played innocent. He nodded " Oh, my love. I feel twice as embarrassed now.." He laughed " Embarrassed to talk to your.. Husband?" I nodded " We aren't married yet. We will be but it's funny you call me that" I looked up at him " Well what else should I call you? He smiled " Whatever you want as long as i'm yours" He held my face. He gave me a little kiss " Let's go figure out what to do for the rest of the evening with your uncles" He took my hand and he lead me out to the main entry. " It's almost time for them to come back." He looked down at me and just stared at me " I can't get over how beautiful you are.. I can't wait just for anything we do." I smiled " I feel the same i'm excited to just be and do with someone as lovely as you." The doors opened " Marriage? Hm, we haven't had one of those in a long time." Beelzebub said as he walked in as Belphegor trailed him. " Who married? Luna?" He looked back him " Sounds like it." I looked at them both " Well my dad already did the ring thing and he's already immortal." I squeezed Emeritus's hand " Go ahead and change honey." He changed. He sprouted his horns and tail as well as him getting a little bigger. I looked up at him " Isn't he beautiful?" Beelzebub stepped up to him " He's a bit small but he is pretty though." He touched his horns " No one has this pattern. How lovely." He smiled at Emeritus " Welcome brother, I can't wait to fully have you on our side." His eyes widened " I finally have a brother near my size" Belphegor put his hands on his shoulders and squeezed them slightly. " Thank you Luna. I was hoping you didn't pick the Second he's very, tall." I laughed " Oh stop, I love them all but this one is mine" They changed form and I followed suit " Oh wow, you two are similar height." I smiled at the three now chatting more comfortably. I walked back into the main hall " Come on, I have a idea" I walked barefoot straight to the stairwell I walked up the stairs and to a smoking room. " Go ahead in you three." I close the door behind them and turn to walk away. Beel opens the door " Where are you going?" I smiled and did a little spin " To do lady things, the smoking room is for men." He signaled me over with his finger " Well I say it's for everyone." He grabbed my arm and pulled me in. " You're not running away from us.." I frowned " I just wanted you all to bond together and I thought me being here would make it weird." I looked over at Emeritus smoking in as he sat in one of the chairs my heart raced as he side eyed me. Belphegor opened the windows letting in some breeze. " Oh, I see. Your partner. You like this." Beel laughed " Well now you have to stay.. You have to interact with him since last time you wanted to run." I looked up at him " We know and see quite a lot." I blushed then sighed " I'll stick around then." I walked over to the little bar and set four glasses down on the tray used my magic to get small sphered ice. I place one in each glass then pull the stopper to some whiskey. Oh why does it smell like so bitter? I shrugged and poured into each glass. I conjured a orange and garnished each drink along with squeezing a little in each glass. I stirred each glass making sure they all looked perfect. I picked up the tray and walked over to the three that were now talking and laughing. There was a haze on smoke in the room. It caught me off guard and it made me feel high until I met eyes with Emeritus I was grounded once more. I walked over and offered Beelzebub then Belphegor and finally Emeritus. I took mine and went to set down the tray I walked over to the window. My horns bumped the window " Oh!" I leaned back and pushed it open a little further. I drank and it went to my head quickly: I noticed it when looking out to the rest of the church and field. I turned around and saw all three of them staring at me " What?" Belphegor laughed " Nothing, we just wanted to look at you. Also this drinks are very nice" I smiled. " I was hoping you liked them." I sat near the window " Is the smoke bothering you?" Emeritus asked. I shook my head " No, i'm getting a lot of it as it gets pulled out by the wind." He nodded. I enjoyed the drink as they talked. I hummed the tune of the song he had wrote for me. I felt a rush of breeze whip past. A red eyed Emeritus laughed at some joke Belphegor made. Beel sat next to me " Luna, you feeling alright?" I nodded " Peachy, You?" I looked up at him " Same." He wrapped his tail around my hand and made me set down my drink " So about this marriage business, do you really want to?" I nodded " Yeah i'm pretty set on it. I really do want him around." He sighs " You know Asmodeus isn't going to let you breathe until your wedding day" I laughed " I bet, when was the last wedding around here?" He sighs " I was going to be Lilith with some human that she fell for after all that happened. Your dad and Obcasus wiped him clean of memories of her and let him go." He sipped the drink " He's the one who your dad modeled the male ghouls after." He made a face of agreeance " Well the ones that have the build of your main ghoul. What's his name? Aether?" I felt my heart stir " Oh, I didn't know that she never revealed that to me." I got a little sad " Hey don't be upset, she knows things are done for a reason" I smiled " Yeah you're right. Plus I have Emeritus" I looked at him again " I can tell he's a good fit for you. He drives you crazy sometimes huh?" I laughed " Absolutely, but I wouldn't trade that for anything." He leaned in " Not even one of Belphies papa's?" I shook my head " Oh no, The Emeritus have my heart" He sat back " Even the little Cardinal?" He put up his hand making the space between his fingers small " Yes, even The little Cardinal." I laughed. He looked at Belphegor " You owe me." I laughed " You two were betting on it?" He looked at me shyly " There's still is betting going, Asmo thinks he can pull you over." He rolled his eyes. I looked at Emeritus " The Emeritus are all so unique. Something about him though it from the start it felt so comfortable." He nodded " I remember your dad giving the order for them to get you. He didn't think you were going to fall for him since he was the youngest and his favorite was The second. He had wiped your memory or at least a good amount of it " I nodded " He did unfortunately, well fortunately in my case. I was so confused then thinking Satan and Lucifer where the same." He put his hands up in a defensive manner " Whoa don't let Satan hear that, he'll never let you hear the end of it." I smiled " To see all your pretty faces again. I'd love to even if it meant to be chewed out by him." I opened my arms; scooting forward on the bench and hug him. I close my eyes " You know? It feels nice to be loved. It's a emotion that I rarely used before I was here." He stroked his hand down my back " We rarely get this comfort any of us." I stayed at his chest. I looked over at Emeritus as he still chatted with Belphegor " Luna, You know you have to go before the rest of us right?" I nodded " Some of us aren't as nice an accepting." I nodded again " Are you just enjoying me?" I nodded again. He laughed. I felt him shift, flipping his hair back " Oh! I do have a question. Can you do certain favors?" I laughed using my magic to make the basket of candy in front of me " You wanted this?" I sat back and put the basket in between us " I know you very well. I've been studying about all of you. Including my good old dad." He looked through the candy " Ugh! It's been years since i've had any new candy." He was a big strong kid suddenly Belphegor was standing next to us. I got startled " Oh, sorry Luna." He put his hand on my shoulder " Since were twins we have this sense. We always know each others emotions and call to each other " He handed Belphegor a chocolate bar " He likes sweets. I like sour things." Beel said. Belphegor shook his head " No don't let him fool you. He EATS everything." I laughed. " I'm glad, no wonder he's so big." I grabbed his bicep and give it a little squeeze. He paused and flexed his arm for me. I couldn't even put my hand around his bicep "Sweet Lucifer! What do you throw rocks all day?" He smirked " No! Well almost. I'm always working out. Since well I tend to like.. Appreciate foods." I finished my drink " I really don't eat like that but the other night I put Emeritus through some trouble." They looked at him " What happened Emi?" He used his magic and brought two chair over then sat again at my side. " she needed offerings and it was her first time. I had to run to my brother since I never had what she wanted." Beel looked at me " You need devotion! You need followers as well." I looked at Emeritus " But I don't even know much about myself let alone being a god.." He put his hand on top of mine " I can help with that my love, I've already written one song about you what's a million more?" Emeritus's eyes shined. Belphegor took a seat " That little Cardinal of your should be keeping tabs about you." I clenched my jaw " I'm sorry Emeritus." I take my other hand and pat the top of his holding mine. I hope he doesn't get offended by my words." Do you think i've been a bit too easy on them?" The twins looked at each other Belphegor sighed and Beel bit his lip " Well, you are a goddess" Beel smiled then Belphegor continued " But! We can't tell you how you reign what is yours and how you conduct yourself around them." Beel finished " and in this circumstance you do have Emeritus here. So there's wiggle room but also things do need to be done so things like that don't happen again." Belphegor smirked " Things will get worse because you will probably have yearnings of love and appreciation that even your Emeritus will not be able to quell." I locked eyes with Emeritus. " Why me, I felt awful the other night and to make it worse we tether." The twins make a pained face " Emi is that true?" Beel curiously asked. He nodded " Unfortunately, it is and it's brutal." I made a worried face " I think I have a lot to consider and think about tonight while grading." The twins looked at each other " You sound just like Lilith, She was torn for awhile because she loved so much but also wanted to handle things all her self and well.. Things didn't go well. " I nodded. Emeritus squeezed my hand " If I may, I think you shouldn't fear anything. You are immortal but in that sense let's not overwhelm yourself. For my sake if I maybe selfish I don't want to see you go through bad feelings and times. Nor do I." I feel at ease again and look at the twins " Lucifers eyes, You've made a decision." I smiled at Belphegor's words. " Oh dear, am I too much like him?" I stood up and walked to the bar to pour myself some more and drank it straight up. " By the way what were you guys smoking?" They all looked at me with the same expression of surprise and guilt. " Ah, we rather not say." Emeritus said as he looked out the window. I shake my head " I figured." They all laughed. We ended up leaving that room after a while and Emeritus did follow through with his word. He cooked quiet a lot; not just for us at home but also the twins. There was some tension at the dinner table " So Beel, to you liking?" Emeritus asked calmly as Beelzebub was elbows deep in food. Despite the demolishing of what was in front of him he had perfect edicate. I watched and picked at my food " Copia, how was your day?" He sighed as I looked at him " Good, but tiring. I received the copy from the other say from the Azazel and started transferring everything about you officially. I spent a good amount of my day with Aether to do so." I looked at Belphegor " Oh, thank you Copia.. I was just chatting to Belphegor about that." He smiled "I'd be a bad Cardinal if I didn't do my job especially when we have you right here." My heart fluttered in a happy manner. Emeritus asked the first " Where's dad?" It seemed like the first and second were afraid to speak " Well, he ate earlier in the day. So he's sleeping." I smiled " Oh! My second! I almost forgot! I have somethings before you and the first leave." He nodded. I furrowed my brows " Something wrong?" He sighed " Kinda." I leaned forward " Oh! Please do tell or rather would you in private." He looked at the first then the third " I rather after. I wouldn't want to disturb especially with family around." I smiled " Very well." Beelzebub struck up conversation with the second to distracting him. It was like all three of us were on the same page subconsciously.

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