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I sat in the vanity and applied dark catlike paint to my eyes and upper lip. I sigh " I still look so much like my dad." Emeritus walked by fixing his jacket " Change your face a little." I contour my face a bit to give myself harsher and sharper features. " That's a little better.." I put on my shoes and waited " I think you should go meet Cardinal so if anyone is here they don't catch you sneaking out of this room." He kissed my cheek. I looked up at him " I'm gonna miss you.." he laughs " We're going to see each other all day.." I frown " Yeah but not like this.." he kissed me again " it will be over before you know it." he reassured himself. I leave the room and make my way to the chapel. " Noctis?" I saw a gloved hand on the chapel door in front of me "Yes, Cardinal?" I turned to face him, he looked a little panicked " Come with me please.." he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the library and to his office slamming the door behind us "What wrong?" He peered out of the window " Just nervous, I hope they don't catch on." I slinked into his office couch " It will be fine.. " I used my magic to hide my rings on my bare hands and made my nails black and shorter" See? Everything will be fine. So, how much time do we have until they get here." He leans forward, almost falling through the window. " None, the Leviathan line is here. Come quickly." We hurry to the main entrance and greet them. I get a couple smiles and stern looks from the elder papa. Four younger looking men trail behind the stern long haired older Papa in his full papal robes " Welcome Papa Leviathan." Cardinal greeted politely. He smiled " Glad to see you doing well Copia. Where's Brother Nihil?" Copia guided him to the chapel door and I stayed at the door. My heart felt like it was going to stop for as hard as it was beating. The youngest looking one out of the Leviathan line asked " And who may you be? You weren't here last time?" I smiled " Yes, I am new here. Her Highness Luna picked me to be under Cardinal Copia and take note for her." I smiled and he looked a little shocked " Luna?" He turned to his middle brother " Who's Luna?" He slapped his shoulder " Our dark lords daughter! Have you not been paying attention in study?" He came over and smiled warmly " Lev here is our youngest. So, he still has much to learn but, is she here? Can we meet her?" He seemed excited " Yes, she's here but is safely away for now handling something important. Until Nihil hears from her she will come." The other two of the Leviathan line looked more interested now the shorter one asked " Is it true that she is beautiful as the books say?" I nodded " He never lies does he?" They all agree " Copia pokes his head out of the chapel " Come this way.." I asked politely, they all looked around the same age as my Emeritus or a little younger. I studied there paint from afar as they filed in and sat next to their Father. Each had a unique type of paint with small blue accents here and there accentuating different parts of their faces. Copia whispered " I feel a little better now." I smiled " Good, I do too. They asked about Me and I told them that Luna won't be showing up until she wants to." He nodded " Good, just what Nihil wanted" we walked back to the door as the ghouls took care of the incoming papas and their kin. The last of the lines walked in " Good day, Cardinal and who's this young one?" I smiled " This is Noctis, he's in training picked by Luna herself. He also will be taking note for her." He turned to his 5 sons " She's here.." Cardinal looked at me, giving me the okay to speak as I finished writing down all the lines " Yes Papa, she won't be coming just yet. Not until Nihil gets her word" he smiled " Great and he'll let us all know." I nodded " Yes, Papa." Copia led him into the chapel and I stayed back with his sons. The eldest eyed me and asked " What was your name again Cardinal?" I smiled and tucked away my pad and pen " Noctis." He smirked " You're really good looking for a Cardinal.. Mr. Noctis" I felt myself blush " T-thank you.. I'm just here under the orders of Luna. Um, is there anything you'd like me to pass along to her?" he smiled and grabbed his youngest brother " Yes, from the Lilith Line. I request that she protects our youngest." I wrote it down my heart melted as I looked down at him and squatted down to his level. He looked no older than 8 or 9 " And what about you? Anything you'd like to tell her?" There were a lot of young ones among the other lines and longer lines too, More than just Nihil's 3 " I want her to watch over my big brothers too.. all of them." " yes of course!" I wrote it down as I did with all the progeny of the Papa I met. The age of the Papa's that I met also varied as well. I stood up and the eldest picked him up " I'm sure you've noticed all the young ones." I nodded " Nihil is the only one that doesn't have any younger ones but he's closest to the Olde one. Of course you knew that but there's a tender curiosity in those eyes." He smiled as his younger brother put his head on his shoulder " Well thank you." Copia called " Noctis!" " please come his way.." I led them to the chapel. He winked at me then sat next to his father. Cardinal and I closed the doors behind us, Nihil came to view " Brothers and sons. Once again it is time to meet with the olde one and special few. We are fortunate to have immediate guidance from Our Lords Luna." There was a soft murmur among the sons " Now, she won't be here until she's ready unfortunately she is a bit busy." Ceremony and ritual went as usual led by Nihil himself and then of course came lunch. Then into the night came just a normal gathering. All the lines talked amongst themselves and mingled. The young ones played and mingled as well. Copia pulled me aside and whispered " Go to your room, check in and then come back. Okay?" I nodded and quietly escaped. Emeritus locked eyes with me as I slipped out of the door. I hurried to our room and locked the door behind me. I stayed there for a while and wrote down what I would say if I was myself . I hurriedly walked back " There he is. Noctis, what has she said?" Nihil said aloud. All eyes were on me and the floor slightly cleared, I read aloud " she wished she could see all your lovely faces and meet you all. She's currently over-seeing something to do with certain strong spirits. Maybe coming to visit for a brief time during the dinner or later evening. I must take her spot. In tending to what she's doing for it must not be left alone she does currently need assistance from the Second of the Emeritus line " The Second and my Emeritus walked up to me and we discussed quietly " What does she need? She needs the seconds judgment very quickly and she wanted you know that it was all going well" He nodded and I led the Second out we walked in silence back to my room and I closed and locked the door " Emeritus, why wasn't I told that Your father is close with the olde one?" He looked surprised. " No one told you?" I furrow my brows " Great, well this will be fun." He questions " What will?" I slip the notepad back into my belt " Well hopefully nothing honestly but I feel something brewing. I just hope that this all does well." He pats my shoulder " I'm sure it will." I looked up at him " When will the olde one arrive?" He sighed " When the first meeting commences unfortunately.." I nodded " okay let's go back." We went back and continued like usual. I was met with certain judgmental looks and others just simple small smiles. It was getting closer to dinner time. I saw my Aether walk by quickly to get to the kitchen. They were working over time but that's what they were for to begin with anyways. I felt a little bad for not helping. " Cardinal, good evening." A deep smooth voice stated " Yes, good evening. My First of Lilith" He smiled softly " How's Luna?" I put my hand up to my forehead "she was wrapped up in a brew with her father." He nodded " Sounds important," I studied his sharp features he looked about the seconds age he shoulder length silver hair he played with " Noctis enlighten me, what line are you from?" I smiled " Oh!, well I have none. She created me." He looked a little shocked " She made you?" I nodded " She's a goddess after all, she's my Moon. I'm her night. That's why my name's Noctis." I smiled " That's quite a big honor.." I nodded " I'm just a Cardinal, I'd give anything for her. It's my purpose.." he laughs " But certainly you're not disposable.." he raises a eyebrow " Oh, no of course not." He looks around as the middle son of the Leviathan line put his arm around his shoulder " Heya, chatting it up with Noctis I see?" He seemed a little envious " he smiled softly " Yes, actually. He was just telling me he doesn't belong to a line." he turns to me " You don't?" I shake my head " He was made by her." The middle Leviathan calls over the youngest from Asmodeus. He walks over to all of us and I almost felt like I was in highschool again " So she made him." He laughed " Did she make you in her image?" I nodded " No wonder you're cute. You look like her." He reached out and grabbed my chin lightly " I wonder if she has pretty brown eyes like yours.." The First of the Lilith line took his hand off of me. " Don't objectify him, he's her messenger." He gave him a stern look and He backed off as the Asmodeus eldest came over " What's wrong over here?" I keep quiet since I am just a Cardinal " Nothing Frater, just checking out Noctis." He explained to his older brother that I was made by myself basically and soon he was eyeing me down too " So, if I may My Papa's, yes. I look similar to my Luna. I have her hair texture and eye shape as well as lips. She wanted to be able to spot me in a crowded room like this easily. If I may be excused. It looks like Papa Emeritus needs me." I slightly bow and excuse myself " Yes Papa?" My Emeritus looked down at me angrily " What's going on over there?" I whispered in his ear what had happened. He crossed his arms and nodded " I see, well it's natural that they get like that since they've never seen her and you're as close as they're getting." I smiled " Yes Papa, do you need anything?" I looked down at his hands and his rings were gone. " No, not now Noctis." I'm glad he noticed to get rid of them " Very well then, let me go. Call for me if needed" I mingled some more and eyes followed me as talk spread " Noctis!" Copia called as Nihil watched the cross of his fellow brother and sons "Yes!?" I answered and made my way to him " Check in with her if she wants to come." I nodded. I left and made my way to the room and decided to make a good entrance. I focused my energy and I felt a small flame circle start in the middle of the great hall. I went back to my normal self. I wore something similar to when I performed while I was gone. A red silk tight dress with a slit up the left thigh I wore my rings, black lipstick and cat eyeliner fluffing out my lashes. Highlighter in all the eye catching areas. My hair is nice and curly with some black heels that have some height. I teleported myself to the center of the small ring of fire. I stepped out as the flames died down and walked up to Nihil trailing the smell of roses as I walked. No one said a word " Good evening Papa.." I kiss his cheek. He smiled as he patted my hand " This, my dear brothers and sons, is Luna." I smiled and I made sure my voice was nice and warm. " Salve, mea, dulcis amor.. As you know I'm the Enticers Daughter and here to love you all. Come to me for anything but please don't be shy.." I walk over to an empty chair and sit and watch every one talk and glance over at me and the little ones play. The youngest from the Lucifer line walks up to me just a baby " Hello, Ms. Luna." He does a little bow and my heart melts just a mere baby no more then 7. I fan myself and smiled " Yes baby? Come closer." He closed the gap in between us. Some eyes watch us interact " What do you need my little love huh?" He looks back at all the men and asks a little more full of pride " Well, why are you all alone?" I looked down at my nails and check the sharpness " Well, I'm not alone now am I?" I reach out and sit him in my lap " I have you." His cute little painted face made me feel warm inside " Ms. Luna, I learned about you in my book" I nodded " Is that so baby?" He nodded " And what did you learn?" He smiled " That you help us and are really important to us." He stopped and thought a bit " Like a princess." I laughed " Yes kinda like a princess." I brushed back his wavy gold hair " Tell me, what's your name hm?" He smiled " Lucio." I smiled down at him " I'll remember that name.. Little Lucio." I kissed his forehead " Don't worry about me baby, I won't be alone okay? You can go play." I conjured a cherry red sucker and handed it to him " Now don't run with this in your mouth okay Lucio?" He nodded. I put him down. I saw a couple other cute faces pop out in between the crowd. I conjured a little basket of the same candy. I motioned with my finger to come to me. The older guys watched me as Emeritus just watched with a smile. I got to know all of the little ones. It was almost healing, making me feel a little better about the ghouls that I lost. I made the basket disappear and I put one of the suckers in my mouth. No one really came to me as I asked so, I walked directly to the youngest of Asmodeus " You." I looked down at him slightly. " A little red birdie told me that you thought he was cute huh?" He looked scared he didn't say much " Is that true?" I smiled " Please, learn not to objectify. It's like nothing was taught to you. You look like a man but you act like a boy." I open his mouth slightly and stick the sucker in his mouth " Don't get treated like one.." I wink to his oldest brother and gently close his mouth " Don't wanna catch flies now do you?" I smirk. I walked over to Lilith's oldest " Hello, nice to meet you" he bows and kisses my hand " Your highness, I.." I put my hand up " I know exactly who you are and where you're from." He smiled softly " What can I do for you?" I smiled and took his hand " Give me the pleasure of talking to you.. that's all." His hands were big and knuckles a cute pink " I don't make you nervous do I?" I squeezed his hand and looked slightly up at him " Yes, actually." I laughed and rubbed the top of his hand " Oh please, don't worry about status. I'm here for you." I softened my eyes " What would you like to know? What do you want me to do? Anything. Just request anything." I smiled and let go of his hand. I play with my rings for a bit " Well, I didn't think you were real if you want me to be honest." I nodded " That makes sense, no one has seen me before, but the reason is I roamed earth for many moons learning and perfecting myself." He smiled " I love the way you look at me." I smiled and reached up to his face " Please remember me, that I am real and call for me whenever you need." I pulled away my hand and handed him a Azalea " I promise it won't die like my love for you all." I tuck it in his vest pocket. I slid my hand down his chest " Take care, My first" I walked away from him. I walked over to My Emeritus and whispered in his ear " You're doing so well.." he smiled and whispered back " Why wouldn't I be, I know you're mine." I nodded and smiled. I mingled with most of the boys the sat back down at the chair where I talked with Lucio " Aether!" I called softly. He appeared next to me " Can I have some water?" He nodded and disappeared then reappeared with a glass of water I took a drink and handed it back to him. I grabbed his tail and pet it " I missed you." I looked up at him and he stood tall and stern " You can go now I just needed grounding." He walked away, I smirked and crossed my legs exposing my thigh " I watched all eyes struggling to not look at my leg. Except for one pair of eyes, they were fiery and piercing mismatched like all the others, but his a mix of gingery red and green in one and the other bright white. As it got darker I snapped and all the candles lit. I point to him in the crowd " You!.. come here" the crowd parted and Emeritus also stepped forth " Emeritus step back please, but you." I stand up and walk to him, stopping half way. He's the same age as me. His skin a beautiful olive tone, almost too perfect to be real, his black hair parted down the center long and flowing. His paint was harsh and it looked like fangs were painted on his face. " You. What's the issue?" He smirks " I know you, you're the second to last youngest out of Mammon'' he stood in front of me " Yes, your highness." A tinge of sarcasm in his voice. It felt like spit in my face " Young man, is that sarcasm I hear?" His father blurred out " He's just got back from trial he.." I raise my hand and motion for quiet " I have no issue with you Papa, I just need to talk to your son is all." He furrowed his brows. I heard his thoughts " If you're going to think about it then say it to me. Don't what?" I smile, Emeritus looked worried I knew I looked upset. He balled his fists and murmured " Excuse me a little louder." He clears his throat and says " Don't quiet my father." I took as step back and smiled " and why is that my dear? What has you so upset?"

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