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I looked up at him " So, as you read earlier what those trials are to test if you're strong enough to become papa,You know like My dad. Now when I did mine which is what happened to Frater as well. We have 8 tests the first is being able to know the full words of the books you read and swear under oath to your father. The second, actually giving myself to him and him giving me power which was extremely painful.. But that's one way I got my eye. it's a rebirth of sorts. The third test is physical capability and use of powers, being able to defeat simpleton demons and hellhounds. Being able to read minds, teleportation, control, seduction things of those sorts.. Oh but that doesn't stop there. The fourth test is intelligence, not just earthly talents and smarts but also smarts of above and below, which is why we charm through beauty, music and charisma. The fifth test is being able face off with a angel.. Which is where I got these scars. You know how people think they are nice creatures.. They're nasty little things that are very weak but know where to strike." I sat up a little " so what did you do?' he looked as if reliving the moment " well, they let the thing out of the cage then it tried to escape so I had to capture it. She pleaded and bargained with me kicking and fighting then she caved in and hugged my waist she had a little dagger and stabbed me pulling down with each wound. I just screamed I won't lie, she beat the shit outta me." he scoffed " she has realized what she has done to me. I had blood pouring out of me and had a broken hand. I got her off of me and fought back hard, angry and blinded by pain. She dropped to her knees and prayed for salvation for what she had done. I ripped her wings off and she cried and I threw them down infront of her, took the dagger and told her to kill herself all her hard work to stay pure and holy had failed even in the end it did matter that she belonged to us." I laughed " I would have loved to see her heart break in that moment," he kissed me " evil little girl.. But it was a great sight seeing her slitting her wrists and throat damning herself to a life of purgatory.. Stupid thing she still had a chance with her god since we don't accept angels for trials.. Funny how he lets us take them so easily and then takes them right back.." I laugh and jokingly acted shocked putting my hand to my forehead " oh, such a blasphemous act by such a holy man however shall I be able to go on.." he laughs " let me continue, the sixth one was pretty fun I had to blend into the humans to spread some crazy disaster on earth" I gave him a puzzled look " what did you do?" he gives me this real evil look and bites his lip " you sure you want to know?" I nod " ever heard of the Spanish influenza?" I sit up and push him back " you're talking about 1918?! Emeritus how old are you?" I was taken back by his words, trying to stand up away from him he pulls me close and stares in my eyes talked to me sternly yet soft " no, listen for a second honey.." he held my hand and kissed it bringing his face close to mine his eye glowing softly " honey?" I put my finger up to his lips " you can't trance me.. " he sighs " looks like I can't avoid it now.." he gave up and laid back on the bed "looks like I'll never finish now.." I smirk at him " self centered ass.. I'll let you finish in a second " I fold my arms across my chest " I just want to know how old you are, besides nothing can scare me off we're literally immortal now.." he sits up again " sooooo.. Youwould'ntbemadatmeifItoldyouIwaslikethreehundredyearsold?" "what? Let me see if I caught that correctly, you're about 300 years old?" he looked a bit red in the face " why are you embarrassed? But that also raises some other questions but that's another time" I walk up to him and run my fingers through his hair scratching his scalp gently he almost melted under my touch I pulled away " you can continue by the way" I sat on the floor in front of him as he sat on the bed " hmm?, Oh yeah the trials! Well besides that fifth one there's like pretty easy one which is the seventh ou have to reason with the other side you know. It's very bright and surprisingly peaceful talking with them but it's all a fake when angels decide to drop their pretty cover they're uglier than things that we have here and they can be pretty violent until they realize then they crumble just as easily. They look like things out of a Hieronymus Bosch painting and then the eighth and final test is going through the original fruitful eden that they call hell. I spent days walking around enjoying memorizing every part of hell" he smiles fondly " is it beautiful?" I ask. He nods then raised one of his brows " You have never been there yet? I shook my head " No. and I don't mean to question but where are we now?" I rest my head on my hand and bat my eyes " you know i'm new to this stuff all i've dealt with was the earthly realm and what shit hole that was, I mean beautiful but there was nothing but ignorance." he laughed " yeah, that how it's always been and as far as your question being answered that will happen tomorrow" He rubs the back of his neck " well we are there kinda.. it's kinda a middle realm where earth can still be easily accessed" I nodded "that makes sense, my dad tells me a lot but I can be clueless at times." I furrow my brows " it feels like every time I summon him and he leaves I get wiped and forget a lot of things" Emeritus looks at me concerned " So.. will you forget this time?" I shrug "I'm not even sure but I trust in him" he threw up his hands and shrugged as well. I laughed "anyways, so what about cardinal?" He shrugged, " I mean before you came along I never thought about it, if he has to or not or what his feelings are.. but let's not talk about rat boy." He smirked leaning forward grabbing my wrist " let's talk about something else.." he pulled me up to him on the bed on top of him "ugh.." I retort as I land on him with a thud. He runs his hand up my thigh and nipped at my bottom lip. I stare down at him and put my hand on his throat and squeeze gently letting my nails dig into his skin. I hear his breath hitch and feel his pulse increase under my fingertips looking at me wide eyed. Applying more pressure, I laugh "I love seeing you suffer like this.." his hands grab my arm at his neck "Don't struggle Emeritus.. just enjoy it. I know you want me to do this to you.." he lets my arm go and smiles, licking his lips. His breathing gets slower and he bites his lip at me. I let go of his throat and he took a deep breath "fine... I'll tell you about Copia." I sit back and say in a sweet voice "Great! Because I want to know more.." He sits up " So yes Cardinali, well besides me and him actually being good friends now and joking with each other he's still kinda shy and as far as emotions... I'm not totally sure. I know he has a pet." I get too excited "Really?!" He laughs " yeah, that's why we call him rat boy, he has a pet rat." I smile " That's nice, so you guys are allowed to have pets?" He nods " yeah, I had a kitty some years ago.. frater found him for me. He sadly passed away" I frown " aw, what did it look like?" " he was a little black cat, basically a fluff ball with big green eyes. I never really named him but he answered to kitty so that was his name I guess" I frowned again " that sounds super cute but Also kinda sad" I think about asking a favor from Obcasus and block that thought from Emeritus. " Anyway Luna, if you want to know more about Copia, why don't you talk to him?" I nod "look tomorrow me and my brothers and dad and some of the main clergy as well as your dad must go to Hell for some businesses to attend to. Cardinal can't go so why don't you talk to him while he works?" He smiled and nuzzled my nose " yeah that sounds like a good plan, look at you not being jealous and suggesting all these wonderful things.." I praise kissing his cheek " don't tell me you're leaving early tomorrow?" He nods " yes, but not too early.." he pulls the curtains back and looks at the moon " it's about midnight.. should we get to sleep?" I bite my lip " sleep? What is sleep?" I push him back on the bed ripping the shirt off of him and pulling the blanket over us. He smiled lustfully "Oh, you want to rough me up again.." I whisper " yes, and now it's my turn to make sure they know you're mine.." he raises his eyebrows " who?" I laugh "whoever it may be.." I bite his ear gently then move down to his neck biting hard then licking the aching place. In a breathy voice he whines " You're going to leave bruises.." "Mmhm.." I say as I lick and bite down to his collarbone. He moans " make me bleed.." I smile into his neck "gladly.." I sink my teeth into his neck letting the iron taste of his blood sweep over my tongue " Yes.." he quietly says. I bite him a couple more times. He said my name in a frantic and quiet way like a little prayer. He pulls me into his arms " I don't want you to stop but let's control ourselves for tonight.. if you push me any further I'm not sure what I'll do.." I smile grabbing his face and forcing a kiss on him " I know what I'll do.." I managed to pull off his clothes for a brief moment. He tried to fight me for domination then he melted under my touches and rough kisses. His soft whines and breaths filled the night. Soon he was asleep on my chest as I stroked his hair, he was a beautiful pale in the moonlight. Almost like a marble statue so still the only distinction was his smooth chest rising and falling as he slept. I sit there and think " I hope he doesn't think I'm a vampire, I just wanted to try something fun.." I couldn't shake the faces he made. He looked so manly yet fragile with everything I did to him he must have really liked the pain or was very pleased. He didn't want to look at me until I made him look at me, his small moans furrowed brows with a light pink hue across his face. He would look at me so tenderly, biting his lip. Just thinking about his faces again made me feel so hot. I slid down and actually laid down next to him trying not to wake him. He stirred and pulled me close. Soon I was asleep in rather cold hands; Which I didn't mind. I woke up sometime in the morning wrapped in blankets. I felt around no one but me. I sigh with my eyes still closed " and he's not here.." I feel pressure in between my legs as if someone is climbing on top of me, honey smooth voice replies. " no, but I'm here.." I feel a person laying on top of me. I open my eyes, meeting a pair of blue ones " Good morning my lady.." Aether whispers his eyes smile behind that restricting mask of his " Morning Mr. ghoul.." I pull off his hood and mask and sit up pulling up the blanket still naked from last night's events. He lays between my legs playing with my baphomet necklace " had a good night without me?" He slid his hand down my neck down the little exposed part of my chest down to the blanket. He put his head on my stomach and pulled my hands through his hair " jealous?" He looked up at me " who me?" I nodded and he laid there silent " yeah.. " I started laughing " well damn I thought you were going to say no." He laughs " why would I want to lie to you? You'd probably figure it still.." I laugh "So, Your emeritus told me to come get you.. and do this." Aether straddled my hips and flipped his hair back fixing it, coming closer to my face placing his hands on my cheeks he looked at my face and deep in my eyes pulling me to him. I held the blanket in place, not exposing myself to him I put a hand on his face too. We look at each other for a moment taking in each other. He got closer pressing his lips against mine he smiled and he pushed the kiss deeper gently pushing for a taste. He sweeps his tongue over my bottom lip and I don't let him and bite his lip gently. He pulls away " That was from Emeritus and he says sorry for not being with you today and he can't tell you what he's doing either not yet at least" I nod I lean forward getting close to him again " and this is from me to you.." I grab his face and kiss him in a rougher manner. I lick his bottom lip as I pull away to sit back against the headboard. His pretty face in a slight shock, soft full lips slightly parted realizing what I just did, bright blue eyes looking down at the blanket he slowly looked up at me a pinky hue across his face "L-Luna.." seeming shy now. He licks his bottom lip, cute little forked tongue like my Emeritus "surprised?" He covers his face with his hand leaning over his hair a brown-blonde cape covering his shoulders and part of his hand covered face. I smiled at his shy reactions " Aether, are you okay?" I peel away one of his hands " I'm so pathetic," he laughs " why do I feel this way? So overcome with emotions. I feel like my heart is going to explode" I laugh " couldn't it be because I gave you some affection?" I moved back his hair " just lay down, I'll take care of you and help you feel better I mean it's only going to be me and you right?" He nods as he lays down covering his face again " and the other ghouls and Cardinal. Everyone else is gone including your dad." I smile " perfect.. now don't look" I get up and hurry to the closet and try to put on panties and a semi long night gown. I look at him, his legs hanging off the bed covering his face with his hands. He's so long.. er should I say tall. He's my mouse to play with today. So are the others and I'm ready to hunt. I get closer and climb on top of him moving his hands yet again " Aether, don't be shy.." I sit right on his hips. I touch his face looking at it seeing all the near perfect features. A small opening in the window flooded a part of his face with sunlight making his eyes look like crystal blue pools of refreshing water " You're so beautiful.." I touch his lips tracing the nice out line " how are you real.." his eyes studying my face as well " I could say the same to you.." I blush a little " you know Aether you can come to me whenever you need I'm here to help as well" I hug him closer to me " I don't ever want you feeling alone.." he hugs back rubbing my back, his large warm hand reassuring him listening to me " and don't worry about emeritus is going to say enjoy the love and take from me.." I pull away and look in his eyes again with other arm behind his head " I can say it for you if you want.." he nods I smile down at him hugging him " I love you Aether, never forget those words.." he pulls me down to him nodding into my neck " I want you to be strong and remember no matter what have faith in me.." I let him go, he lay there just staring blankly " I didn't even have to talk.. you knew.. I mean I know you are supposed to know.. I just, just feel so clean and calm.." I laugh and get off of him " I'm going to shower and change" he sits up " OH! before I forget! Here." He conjures a pile of clothes " Here, my sisters told me to give you these.." he hold them out to me "sisters?" I take the clothes " oh right you know them by ghulehs' or air.. We all see each other as siblings in a way.." I smile at him " that's beautiful well now I know that." He smiles eyes sparkling a shining blue more lively now" actually Aether," I turned to him " can you come help me?" He goes pink in the face " yes, my lady.." I walk into the bathroom and drop my dress quickly wrapping myself in a robe " can you run this bath for me?" He nods and does so, soon the bathroom was steamy hot and smelled of lavender " it's ready for you.." He steps away also looking away. I drop my robe and settle in the tub and hugged my knees to my chest under the water " Hey, you can look now.." he looked down at me and kneeled " anything else you want me to do for you?" I shook my head " No, but I do want to ask how do you feel about me coming here?" He sits on the floor " well.. it feels more, happy more bright and cheerful I could say.." I submerge myself in the water then come back up and rub my eyes " well I'm glad I hope none of you feel any despair or sadness , doubt." He hands me lavender shampoo " just put some in my hands" I scrub my head then submerge myself again " here let me help.." he grabs the little shower head from the other end of the tub and rinses my hair fully " your hair is so long.." he squeezes my hair in a towel putting it outside of the tub " mmhm.." I answer pulling the plug in the tub, he hands me the shower head again and I rinse my body. He walks over to the window and stares out side. I finish up the bath my hair was partially dry "Aether..." I call out pulling my knees to my chest trying to cover myself as much as I could. He averted his eyes handing me the robe again I wrapped myself and he leaves the bathroom. I wrap my damp curly hair in a towel and get dressed in the clothes he brought for me " mhmm... this is cute, different but cute." I say out loud looking at myself in the bathroom mirror " at least I look damn good.." they were tight black bell bottomed pants that sat right at my hips under my belly button and a very form fitting shirt at exposed my midriff in a bright blood red with a red black grucifix in the front of the soft shirt on the black clergy collar. It exaggerated all my curves, it was revealing yet covered me beautifully. Under the clergy collar was a small window to show off some cleavage and the long sleeves were belled as well, holding my hands out it looks so nice with my black claws I smiled " they outdid it again.." I smile at myself in the mirror the make my way to my ghoul " so what do you think?" He sat on the couch eyeing me " Will I get slapped?" I shrug " You tell me.." He sits up " well.. what I can say is that you are the true enticer.." I walk over to my vanity and apply the usual make up as he stands behind me and watches. Finishing I sprayed myself with a heavy vanilla scent perfume and dot rose perfume on my wrists. I held out my hand and he looked down at me while kissing it. I stood pulling to me enveloping him in vanilla. He looks at me dearly, watching his pupils grow bigger I smile. " like what you see?" He drops his hands to his side while mine stay firmly around his waist. "Ahem.." his voice breaks a little " yes.. I do. You look beautiful Luna" I sit back down on my vanity stool and look up at him from his waist level " I.. um" he tries to take a step back but I grab his hand and make him touch my face. He's skin prickles and he shivers slightly. He caresses my face lightly biting his lip, a low "Mmm.." comes from his closed mouth " I'm sorry if I'm teasing you.. but I just like how warm your hands are." He shakes his head " Ah, yes.. sorry Luna.. don't worry. It's fine with me as long as Emeritus doesn't kill me for it.." I laugh " No, he won't do such a thing as long as I'm around." I stand up " You're dismissed Aether.. I want to find the Cardinal for myself" I hand him his hood and mask " If I need you what would you like me to do to call for you." He puts everything back on becoming a ghoul once more" Just call for me.. I'll be in my chambers." He starts for the door and I pull him back "Aether.." I grab his hand and pull him towards me " Thank you for being understanding.." I press myself against him and hug him tightly " here's something for all your help" I lifted his mask and give him a final kiss. He begs for a way in and I bite back again his bottom lip another small groan escapes him. He hurries off to his chambers at a fast pace. I laugh as I close the door again " he's so fun to tease.." I walk over to my vanity and slip in the bracelet death gave me. It makes me wonder on how he's doing. I put on some little flat comfortable shoes and make my way to the library to visit Copia.

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