Slivers of love

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                                          I sat at the end of his bed and watched him. He was sat in his bed with his bedside light on writing in a journal. He had no paint on and soft hair framing his face slightly as he looked down into the book. His white shirt was partly open and his sleeves rolled up. He smirked " How did he scare you?'" He looked up from what he was writing briefly then stared at me as blush crept across his face. He pushed his hair back; I felt myself blush as I opened the journal I was holding. " He called out to me while I was balancing on the railing trying to see something and I fell from the third floor. I scared him more than he did me." I looked at him once more. " You're okay? You didn't hit your wings on anything?" I shook my head. His soft smile and worried face made my heart squeeze itself. I put the book aside and got in bed with him. He put aside his journal and pen then sat me in between his legs " I'm happy you came to me.." He pulled my hair to my right side and kissed my shoulder while holding me. I felt my blood run cold then warm and a prickle in my throat " I woke up from a beautiful dream and I couldn't get you out of my mind." He said softly in my ear. I laid back in his arms " So, My muse I did my duty for you." He picked up the book and flipped to the page he was writing in. " I wrote something, care to hear it?" I nodded. He handed me the book. He wrapped his arms around me he leaned into my neck and rocked me side to side. I followed the words on the page in his beautiful caligraphy as he sang softly. " Can you hear me say your name forever? Can you see me longing for you forever? Would you let me touch your soul forever? Can you feel me longing for you forever, forever? I know the light grows darker down below But in your eyes it's gone before you know This is the moment of just letting go She said, if you had life eternal." He hummed softly the rest of the melody. I felt home; let out some tears. " It's beautiful.. I can't put words together." He squeezed me tight " I knew you'd like it." He nuzzled into my neck and kissed my cheek. " You're the only one that makes me feel this way.." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath." Hm?" He pulled my aside and got out of bed walking over to his window and closing it. " I didn't want you to get cold. I could have used my magic but I wanted to see your lovely face." He sat on the bed in front of me grabbing the journal I had " What were you up doing?" He looked excitedly through the pages I wrote. I fell in love with him once more " I uh, figured out somethings on the ghouls and went into the old nursery" He stopped flipping through the pages and looked at me concerned. " Why would you go in there my love?" I smiled " I needed more information on what I had decoded." He put the book down and held my face with one of his hands " Next time you do anything like that please, please let me know. I know it's hard on your especially since the little ghouls and everything that happened." I touched the hand he had laid on my face " I was okay trust me, but I will tell you." His eyes spoke volumes aside from his thoughts. He looked at me shyly " You can hear my thoughts can't you?' I nodded " I've been trying to keep my mind off of a lot of things. I'm not as composed unlike frater." I raised a eyebrow "Is that so?" I moved everything off the bed and sit back against the headboard opening my arms. " Want to talk about it?" He climbed on top of me settling on my midriff. I stroked his head and he sighed " Where should I start?" I kissed the top of his head " Where ever you feel like starting." He laughed " That doesn't help much does it now?" I laughed " Well, since you've changed into you big form should I call it, I been feeling this uneasy feeling. Like I can't control myself. I get irritated so quickly more than before" He shifts in my arms and laid on his back. I put my hands on shoulders and rub them " Oh, thank you. That feels nice." he closed his eyes continuing " Like earlier what Belial said it made want to rip his face off. Like how can you say that did he not see that you could very much eat him alive especially after everything that happened today." He looked up at me " Right?" I looked down at him and nodded. " but luckily you're as lovely as you are and spare him." I smiled " Well, i've never had human before so i'm not sure if I would eat him. Besides it's okay to question that's now you find out what is needed. I didn't take offense anyways. Everything has some type of chance for teaching." He reached up to touch my face " Can you get any better?" I laughed " Well, I do wish I was a composed as frater though he can have so much thrown at him and never buckle. Either of them." continue rubbing his shoulders " He's so stern and manly. I look up to him a lot though he can be a bit of a meanie sometimes. He comforted me a lot when our mama left. Well who I thought was our mother. Let me not ramble about that. I also love big frater he's always been quiet; a lot like our dad since when we were little.Papa was gone a lot either with music or his duties." I watched him move his hands around as he talked " Papa tried hard for a while to make it up to us and I think he has something brewing now that big frater has to leave again." I sat up " Wait, The first and second are leaving?" He looked back at me " Yes, did you not know?" I sat back again and closed my eyes putting my hand to my forehead " Good grief, no wonder the first would disappear a lot." He laughed " Yeah, he won't be gone long though" He pulled my hand away from my face " What's wrong did you need him?" I shook my head " No, but i'm facepalming at my lack of noticing the obvious." He leaned in looking at my lips and up to my eyes. He softly exhaled his gazed longingly at me. I sat back once more slightly rejecting his advance or his wanted advance " I was just thinking too have you ever tried talking to you brother about this? Why don't talk to him about it? I feel like you two need each other more than you think." He sat back and looked at the floor " I will, maybe not tomorrow since we have so much going on but I will before he leaves." He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes " It's weird not being able to sleep er, not needing to sleep should I say." I laid next to him " It's weird, but i'm getting used to it" He rolled over and faced me " At least you don't have to go through it alone." He kissed me gently " I don't, do I?' He kissed me again " Nope." The night went by quickly as we spent the night talking about stopping in moments to appreciate each other. I taught him the ghoul language and managed to make the alphabet look prettier. The sun peeked through the window as we studied. He laughed " You know you make studying fun?" I gave him a kiss on the cheek. " That's because you like listening to me and I keep kissing you when you get off track" He rolled his eyes " Well, I like studying with you." I got up and stretched " Last time I was the one studying with Copia's help and a certain someone was sleeping the entire time." He closed the book " That's because you were the one studying not me so.. There was no need for me to pick up a book." He stood up and rummaged through some drawers in the dresser " I'm gonna shower quickly and go down to make my rounds." He set his clothes on his bed " Of course let me not keep you from what you have to do. I'm not sure if I have anything to do yet. I feel kinda useless sometimes" I grab my journal and walk over to the door. " Wait, where did that come from?" I stopped " I mean it's how I feel. I'm sure there's so much to do around here yet I spend my days doing nothing." He sighed " Okay, I can't change how you feel because I know you won't be satisfied but! If it makes you feel better would you like to help me make my rounds?" I hesitated " But what if I get in the way? I'm gonna be a nine foot tall horned woman" He raises an eyebrow " You won't if you listen to me and do as I say" He stepped closer to me resting his forearm on the door behind me trapping me. He looked down at me holding my chin with his thumb and pointer finger his lips dangerously close to mine " Will you listen to me hm?" I nodded slowly "Good, can you wait for me while I get ready?" I nodded again. His eyes looked intense but in a lusty manner. " Emeritus, I think it would be dangerous if you kissed me right now.." He smiled and kissed me softly. He pulled away and looked at me then kissed me again " I'll be out in a bit" I just looked at him stunned a moment as he walked into bathroom. I had almost forgotten how much charm he has stored. I sighed as I made myself get ready for the day. Teleported to my room take my time almost like a ritual. It felt nice to do thing manually versus rushing things with magic, though I do use magic to style my hair since air drying and styling can take so long. I walk into my wardrobe and look around nothing really catching my eyes. I browse through a wall of clothes then take a step back; something deep emerald. I picked it up and looked it over. " But does red go with green?" I question myself. I put on the emerald off the shoulder high split dress the front paneling slightly shimmered. I posed a little a saw the spilt was very high showing front top parts of my thighs almost my hips. I look around the stash of belts the Air's left me finding a silk green one that matched it perfectly. I tied it forward for the black embroidered grucifix to face forward. I smiled at how I looked: I looked at my feet and I put on low booties that went up to ankles they had see-through lace at the front. I laced the back up and walked over to the mirror " That's perfect.." I fixed my necklace a little and made sure everything was in place before shifting slowly. I stepped back and opened my wings. I made some silver caps that would fit right over each clawed joint. I flapped a little make sure they were comfortable. I walked out to my main room grabbed my book and teleported back to Emeritus's room. I opened the door ducking before walking in " I'm not done yet" He sat his little vanity opposite of his desk we sat at all night. He was finishing his paint filling in the black parts; I leaned on the wall watching him. I teleported the book back to my room and conjured up a small present for him. I put my hands behind my back holding the tiny box " It's a nice morning this morning. I saw how green everything looked as I got ready." He looked over then up " Oh.. You look so beautiful." He put down his brush " It makes your skin look warm red. Like a rose." He set his face with appropriate colored powders then straighted himself out. I stood there watching him move about getting things he needed. He gathered it all and set it down then walked up to me. He stood at just about my the middle of my midriff. He held up a rose " For you, Melculum." I took it and broke off the stem slipping it in my hair on the left side. " For you, Maritus ." He looked at me wide eyed. I put the tiny box into his hands " Oh, Luna.." He opened the box and took out a small silver thin chain with a locket that was shaped into a cushion cut rectangle. He looked at the details " It's beautiful.. I don't know what to say.." He realized it was a locket and opened it to a little picture of the both of us." He let out a small gasp " Luna.. oh. Mei cara." He looked very happy and I couldn't stop my tail from moving; I was also excited to see him that happy. He held up the necklace. I shifted back to my normal self and put it on him and straightening it up for him. I patted his chest gently " There you go, you look great." He kissed me softly and held me with his forehead to mine " I don't want to be apart from you.." I smiled " Then don't I'll help you with your work and you can just linger around me while I do what I have to with the lines" He kept me in his arms for a moment longer and took a deep breath " Very well Cara.." He picked up everything he needed once more and tucked it under his arm. He lead the way as we walked out of the room. I shifted back to my true form. I followed him quietly as he went down the steps to the first floor he pushed his way into a work room and talked to all the ghouls as I stood aside and watched " As far as you new ones you follow Alpha, Aether and Air's words until we get the lines to move then our princess here shall have something else lined up for you. " The olde ones ghouls still were very rugged and didn't speak they only did as they were told. I frowned " Pardon me interrupting your morning talk with them but I must say something." I kept my distance from them as to not link them to me since I was in a different form. I spoke to them in ghoul " Air, I want you to keep tabs on them. If you can sense any change or breaking take note. I just can't believe they were treated a way to not have any will now once free." I sigh. She picked up a notepad and pen tucking them under her arm. Emeritus put his hand on my side to sooth me. I watch him continue to give them duties. He handed out papers with times on them " Let's be punctual, unless Luna says other wise" He looked at me with a stern look and I put up my hands." I won't interfere today, I promise!" He softens his face and laughs. He leads me out and goes to the chapel " I usually do all of this while you're asleep then come back before you notice" He held the doors open. I take a seat in a pew and he goes to work polishing everything on the alter. He made a face " Em, Luna did you still need this mirror and crystal?" I laughed " I've never seen you like this, I love it!" I use my powers to take them and put them in my room. He continued quickly arranging always moving quickly. " How long have you been doing this?" He stood up from where he was dusting and arranging books under the podium " It was passed to me from frater so for a very long time.." He hid behind the podium finishing up. I sat and drew little pictures of a distressed Emeritus over a slight mess I had left on the alter table. I laugh to myself drawing little anger marks in his forehead. " What's so funny?" He stood to the right of me with his arms crossed and a eyebrow raised. " Nothing, nothing at.." I quickly closed the book. He held out his hand; I put it in his hand " Oh, you think i'm funny huh?" He furrowed his brows, my tail swished back and forth. I laughed again and he handed me the book " Oh you love it!" I teased. I stood up looking down at him this time. He shook his head in a disappointed manner and started walking to the doors again." Oh wait for me you big meanie!" He stopped and turn around putting his hand to his chest dramatically " Me!? A MEANIE??" I laughed " Yes you, come on let's go" I caught up to him. He opened the doors again for me and then he lead me to the hall where everyone were to have breakfast. " I know you don't like to eat in the morning so I had a place set aside for you.." He had a chair facing the sunrise near the window in his line of sight of course. I grabbed his hand " I have a favor to ask, can I have those lyrics you wrote? I want to do something with them." He made the journal appear and handed it to me. " Here you are my dear. I need to get everyone down here so i'll be right back." I took a seat in the sunshine " Of course my morning star. I'll wait for you" He left quickly. I sat there and looked at his beautiful writing. I wondered what stirred all that emotion and what dream he had. I ran my fingers on the page tracing the words softly. I set it the book on the windowsill and pushed open the window to let the morning air in. I watched the birds fly by as I conjured up a flat little piece of gold. I started carving into it some designs that stretched across the whole flat bar which I extended further to fit more the design. It was square like irregularly overlapped with the grucifix mixed into the design. I took my time with my pinky nail adding little things I liked like. The doors opened and the lines came in I set down the thin bar on the book in the windowsill. I conjured up tiny diamonds and a small bowl which I also set aside. "Princess!" a little voice called out. I looked down " Oh good morning my sunshine!" I picked up little Axel holding him up in the air and then giving him little kisses all over his face. He giggled cutely; I sit him in my lap " Do you feel better?" I nodded " So much better, your kisses are magical they healed me up right away." He smiled. I conjure up a small goat plush that looked like a little him " Here my love. I want you to keep him safe for me like how you kept me safe"

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