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𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓕𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾

❖ ════ ❃•❃ ════ ❖𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓕𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾

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That's what he felt all the time. Asfandyaar did not care that Zubab was a divorcee. All he cared about was that he liked Zubab in a way that nothing can make him feel okay. All he wanted was Zubab to be in her best health.

That night after she confessed and left the cafe. They never met. He had even bought a simple diamond ring for her.

It was true that she was divorcee and a victim of physical and mental abuse. It was hard to believe for Asfandyaar but it was true.

It made sense to him how she tries to hide her scars. It hurt him a lot that she had to go through certain amount of pain. Not certain but the every little amount that came in a way that hurt her badly.

He checked his phone after the nth time during the marketing meeting of the Shah Textiles Industry. His mind was drifted towards her. He messages her to ask if she could be free for a meet during the day. He can meet her by force but he wanted to respect her space.

That's what real men do.

His eyes blew up when the notification of her message came.

Can't meet. Have a bunch of groceries to shop with Ammi.

Asfandyaar shook his head but an idea to meet her. So he texted her,

Should I catch up there?

He closed his eyes feeling all the weirdness that he spitting it. He was feeling bad for coming between the mother daughter time.

Sorry, Asfand. It's just our time. I usually can't give Ammi much time. It's these time where I can completely focus on her.

His face showed how much he felt offended but he understood what she meant there and let it be that way. "Sir, anything wrong about tasks and plans regarding the promotion of the summer collection?"

He touched the fabric. It felt thin but looked thick. His mind was completely filled with Zubab. He grabs the plan sheet.

"Ask the promotion team to select the best celebraties for promotion in paid partnership."

"Sir, it's time for a new ambassador. Who do we sign our contract with?" The manager of the textile company asks in the meeting. Syeré was the name of the company. His eyes felt empty looking at the fabrics.

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