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Just recently there's been a numerous amount of women going missing. So lately I've been inside a lot, since i have absolutely no clue what's causing all of the cases. I've been distancing myself from people, since now you can't even trust your best friends.

'Maybe I should go to the store.' I thought to myself as I poured myself a cup of cold water. I looked in my fridge and saw I had nothing in there, only milk and a stick of butter. I sighed and closed my fridge shut. I'm to scared to go out, ever since the CEO's daughter went missing...I've been on edge.

I decided to put on my shoes anyways, since I'm being such a fucking pussy. I put on my coat and left, saying goodbye to my ginger cat. When I stepped outside, the world felt empty, like at any moment someone would come up behind me and take me. Looking at my empty neighborhood I noticed the guy from across the street going out to his car. I believe his name is Oh Sangwoo, we went to school together but I always found myself keeping my distance. He waved at me and put that disgusting smile on his face, but I saw someone else. The windows were tinted but he looked scrawny and had black hair. I just waved back and got into my car.


On the way to the store I noticed the entire parking lot was full.

'You've gotta be fucking kidding me.' I thought to myself as I drove around slowly looking for a parking space, after driving around for what felt like forever I  saw someone backing out of their parking space. I thanked them and got in the parking space, I took out the key and relaxed. Realizing that people get kidnapped here, or the fact that it's so crowded.

I stepped out of the car and looked around, 'why is everyone looking at me.?' I thought to myself as I looked around. 'Is there something on my face?' I said as I pulled out my phone and looked through the camera, nothing...so then why the hell are they giving me dirty looks..? I decided to ignore them and just go inside, so what if they're staring.

"Excuse me young lady." An old lady said from behind me.

"Yes?" I asked as a turned around to look at the poor old lady.

"That's not appropriate to be wearing out in public, especially with the amount of young lady's going missing." She said as she pointed at my ripped jeans.

"Oh! It shouldn't be a problem, it's just a small hole." I said brushing it off.

"Are you sure? That young man over there is being a bit creepy, don't you think?" She said as she pointed at a guy from afar. I looked over and saw someone who looked familiar.

"It's fine, I have pepper spray." I said hopping this old lady would just leave.

"Here take this." She said as she gave me a small white pocket knife, "I don't need it anymore. I'm gonna die soon anyway." She said as she walked away.

I stared at it, why in the world would she give me a pocket knife if I already said I have pepper spray.

"Hey, we went to school together." I heard someone say from behind me. It was the guy across the street.

"Oh yeah, hey." I said.

"Y'know I never really learned much about you, let's be friends." He said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah...no thanks. My life is too busy for friends right now." I said as I moved his hands from off my shoulder. "Have you ever heard of personal space?"

"Mine is too, but you still see me coming up to you. Yeah, I've heard of personal space. Fucking bitch." He said under his breath and walked away.

I rolled my eyes and went to go find the things I needed.


As my cart filled I noticed Sangwoo from afar and the guys I saw inside the car. I could make his face out better now, he was adorable. I caught myself staring and saw that they were fighting over what looked like that last piece of cake. I decided to mind my business and continued shopping.

"HEY LADY!" I heard someone said as I started walking away. I slowly turned around and saw the guy Sangwoo was arguing with, or what looked like arguing.

I sigh and turned around, "Yes?" I said trying to keep my cool.

"Who do you think deserves this cake? Me and my girlfriend, who's celebrating our 1 year anniversary. Or those two single guys who have no life what so ever." He said looking at me, his girlfriend was murmuring something and pulling on him as I felt Sangwoo's glare at the back of my neck.

"Honestly, I think I deserve it." I said as I grabbed the cake out of the guys hand. "Since you all wanna be fucking baby's, I'll take it. The mommy way." I said as I put it in my cart and walked off. I heard them all curse underneath their breaths and walked away. Except for one person, Sangwoo. He just stood there staring at me, I could feel it. His stares, that's the thing I hated most about him. His staring problem.

"Y/n." I heard him say.

"For the love of god. What the hell do you want?! You keep talking to me like we're fucking friends!" I snapped.

"Woah, calm your tits. Bum really wanted that cake."
He said.

"Who the hell is bum?!" I said growing more and more irritated. He pointed at the scrawny boy next to him. "Oh, is it his birthday or something?" I asked suddenly feeling bad.

"No, he just really wanted it. Until those mother fuckers got in the way."

"I bet you fuck your mother." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that? I didn't hear you." He said getting closer to me.

"Nothing, it's not important." I said. "Here, he can have the cake. This is to much for me to handle myself." I said giving him the cake.

"I mean, this is also to much for us to handle. You should come by and eat some with us." He said.

"No I'm good, I have to go home and feed my cat."

"You'll have plenty of time to feed your cat, it'll only be an hour. Right bum?" He said as the guy next to him hesitated to nod.

"No thank you, enjoy your cake though." I said walking off. Definitely the last time I'm coming out in public alone.


𝒴ℴ𝓊'𝓇ℯ ℳ𝒾𝓃ℯ💋 {𝒴ℴℴ𝓃𝒷𝓊𝓂 𝓍 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇}Where stories live. Discover now