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I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing and the sound of my phone going off. I had fallen asleep in one of the rooms on the floor because I didn't have any furniture. The person calling me was Paris, and I'm guess the person rag dolling my doorbell was also Paris.

I sloppily grabbed my phone and checked the time.

'6:37?' I thought to myself as I looked at the time.

I got up and walked to the front door almost tripping on the access boxes, the only thing I heard in the moment was the doorbell and my phone going off like crazy. I opened the door and saw Paris standing there obviously looking mad.

"Dude I called you like 50 times why the hell weren't you answering?!" Paris yelled.

"Because i was sleeping." I said in a groggy voice.

"Okay well wake up! The furniture guy is here. You think I wanna be up this early in the morning?!" Paris said as she barged in motioning the truck guy to come in.

A tall, very handsome guy cam out of the car. He had black hair and dark brown eyes, I could see his muscular body through his clothes.

"Hi, I'm Jueng. You must be, Ms. L/n?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm L/n. But just call me Y/n."

"Okay then, Y/n. Let's start moving your stuff in." He said as he walked away from the front porch.

"Paris! Why didn't you tell me he was hot?!" I whispered yelled to her.

"Who? Oh the truck guy? Eh, he's alright. Not my type though. And for the love of god please put some damn food in your refrigerator." Paris said as she took her head out of the fridge.

"Well I just moved In, what do you expect?"

"At least put some milk in there, Jeez." She said as she walked out of the house to help Jueng.


After finally moving all of the beds and the couches my house looked almost complete, I just had to get my cat and some food.

"Paris what time is it?" I asked her as I sat on the couch.

"It's 10:26, why?" She asked.

"Jueng!" I yelled out to the truck guy as he was about to leave.

"Yeah?!" He yelled back.

"Wanna come back In for coffee?!"

"You aren't gonna pull a Jeffery Dahmer on me are you?! Y'know, you aren't gonna eat my heart and freeze my dick right?!" He yelled.

"No! I promise! You don't have to if you have to go to work!" I yelled as he approached the house.

"Yeah, I'll stay. I think I still have some time." He said as he came in and shut the door.

"My friend thing you're hot by the way." Paris said while looking at him.

"Thank you." He said with a smile on his face.

All of a sudden I heard a light knock on the front door.

"Hold on guys." I said as I walked to the front door. When I opened it I saw Yoonbum, he had a cast and his arm was broken. "Dude, are you like a stalker or something. Why the hell are you at my house?!" I whisper yelled as I stepped outside and closed the door.

"No, I'm your neighbor. And I heard you were a therapist. Could you help me? Please..?" He asked.

"No. You walked out on me now you want my help?!" I yelled.

𝒴ℴ𝓊'𝓇ℯ ℳ𝒾𝓃ℯ💋 {𝒴ℴℴ𝓃𝒷𝓊𝓂 𝓍 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇}Where stories live. Discover now