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I couldn't sleep all night, the fear of him coming into my house and killing me, just gave me the chills. I was tired but my brain wasn't allowing me. It's currently 11pm.

'I wonder if the the pizza store is open.' I wondered to myself as I put in the pizza delivery number.

"Hi, you're calling **** ****** pizza how may I help you?" A women answered.

"Hello, can I get pepperoni and cheese pizza please?" I asked. "And a bag of y'all's cookies? Please?" I asked, my voice getting shaky as I remembered Sangwoo's horrifying face.

"Yes, would that be all?" The lady asked.

"Yes, thank you." I said as I hung up. I wasn't sure how long it would take for the pizza to arrive but it usually took 15-20 minutes. I might as well be eating pizza until I die, there's no way in hell I'm going out.


It's been around 20 minutes and the bell finally rang, it felt like at least an hour but I was keeping track on my phone. 20 minutes exact. I went to go look through the peep hole and saw a tall man wearing a hat, and a guy on the floor next to him.

I caught a glance of the guy in the hat and it was Sangwoo. My body froze, why the hell is he over here?! Why can't he just leave me alone?!

'That's it.' I went into my kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife and walked to my front door.


"You want your pizza right? Then come and get it." I heard him say on the other side of the door.

"JUST LEAVE IT ON MY FRONT PORCH DAMNIT!" I yelled, horrified for my life, horrified that at any moment he'll break down my door and stab me. I tried to calm myself down but nothing was working, I was shaking uncontrollably.

"Open the door~." He said as he started knocking.

"THATS IT! IM CALLING THE FUCKING POLICE! LEAVE RIGHT NOW! GO IM SO FUCKING TIRED OF THIS! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled. There was a pause of silence. I looked out the door and saw he left. My heart dropped to my ass, where the hell could he have went...? I slowly opened the front door with my knife held tight in my sweaty hands. The pizza was far from my porch. I looked around and didn't see anyone except for the pizza guy bleeding out on the sidewalk. My blood ran cold, i thought he only knocked out the pizza man. But he's fucking dead. I noticed Sangwoo on the other side of the road staring at me.

With that same disgusting smile on his face, he's fucking insane. He began to walk towards me and I went inside.

'Shit where's my fucking phone?!' I thought to myself as I looked around. I found it on my bed and grabbed it. Dead...it's dead..? I stared at it looking dumbfounded, as Sangwoo knocked at my door. I began to tear up, the thought of me dying didn't scare me, but like this? By this time he was banging on my door and telling me to open it before he breaks it down.

'Shit. The door.' I was in to much panic to lock the door, I paused when I realized. It got quiet, the only this I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding through my chest.

"You're so fucking dumb." Was the last thing I heard before I got knocked out cold.


I woke up half naked, only a bra and my underwear. I looked around, my head was pounding and my ankles hurt. Even the slightest movement hurt them.

"Oh, you're awake! About damn time." Sangwoo said. "I'm not gonna kill you now. Only because I know you well and you seem like a good sex toy." He said as he stood over me.

"Do it. You won't. But, I really wanted that pizza though, I spend a good amount of money on that shit." I mumbled.

"What...? You must think I'm fucking joking huh? Do you not know I'm gonna kill you soon?! How do you not understand?!"

"You won't, we were childhood friends. I helped you through every fucking thing." I said.

"If I can kill my parents then I can certainly kill you." He said getting closer to my face.

"They made you crazy, I didn't. I don't get why you take out your anger on people who did nothing to you."

"So what?! You think I care about those stupid girl-." He stopped talking when he heard someone say his name.

"Sangwoo..?" Someone said as they came down into the basement.

"Bum! Meet your new friend. Y/n this is Yoonbum. I think you too would get along. Only because the both of you are stupid. Y/n, why don't you come up?"

"I can't because one I'm tied up and two my ankles hurt so fucking bad."

"Well no shit. I broke them. You have a real bad attitude for someone who might end up getting killed in their sleep."

"Wait..your the girl that gave us the cake! Or helped us get the cake at least." Yoonbum said.

"Wow Yoonbum! I should give you an A+ for noticing!" Sangwoo said in a teasingly way. He then began to walk up towards me and untied me.

"Come on, I know your ankles hurt. Let's go wrap them up." He said as he picked me up and pushed Yoonbum out of the way. I had no other choice but to allow him to take me up.

"So is the pizza still outside or did you bring it inside?" I said scratching my head.

"You talk awfully a lot, do I need to cut out your vocal cords?" He said as he threw me onto the bed above the basement.

"No, I'll shut up." I said as i acted like I zipped my mouth shut.

"You really piss me off, I might as well kill you right now. I'm going out for a smoke. Yoonbum, you know what line not to cross~." He said.

Yoonbum watched as he left and then stared at me.

"Um, what's your name..?" He asked in a low voice.

"I'm sorry? I can't hear you. Come closer, I don't bite." I said motioning him to come towards me.

"Oh." He said as he slowly moved closer to me. "I asked what your name was." He said.

"Oh, I'm Y/n. Sorry for a bad first impression, I didn't mean to meet you with my ankles beat in Sangwoo's basement." I said.

"It's okay, so do you guys know each other? Because he definitely would've killed you by now." He asked, hesitating to say it.

"Am I scary? Because you keep hesitating."

"No...no you aren't. It's just been a while since I've talked to a women. I'm scared you'll find me weird for looking at you half naked." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Well, might as well let the entire world see. It's fine, I don't mind. Besides, you're kinda cute. And yeah, me and Sangwoo's mom used to be close. But before my mom died she sold me to cut him off and to never get near him nor his family."

"Oh." He said. After he said that it just got awkward we were sitting there enjoying each other's presence, he seemed to be glad that someone could stay with him when Sangwoo had to go out.


I ended up dozing off after sitting there for 3 minutes. It was so quiet, though I was scared to fall asleep my ankles told me otherwise. They hurt so much, but giving Sangwoo the entertainment he wanted was definitely not the way of going, all he wanted out of me was a reaction.

But with Yoonbum I didn't feel safe either, he just had a cold feeling. Like he's used to seeing people being thrown down into Sangwoo's basement. I hate him with a passion.


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