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I returned home and was greeted by my cat, she was the only thing that was actually keeping me from not going crazy.

"Okay kitty, stay here while I go the the groceries from out the car." I said to my cat as I left to go grab the bag of groceries. As I walked out to my car I saw that Sangwoo had pulled up, I ignored him and brought my groceries inside.

My house is empty, and sad. If it were to be a person it wouldn't fit anywhere. It would always be the odd one out. I began to realize that I started to feel bad for my house and snapped out of it, it's not even a living thing, let alone feelings.

I put the groceries on the table and started to sort them out, while I was sorting out all of the groceries, I heard someone ring my doorbell. I paused and went to go see who it is. As I looked out the peep hole I seen my best friend, confused I let her in and she shut the door in a rush.

"Woah, what's going on? Why'd you just barge into my house like that?" I asked.

"You didn't tell me the guy across you street was that hot dude from our school!" She said as she forcefully grabbed my shoulders and shook them.

"What hot guy? I don't have any hot neighbor's. Oh, are you talking about Oh Sangwoo?" I asked.

"YES! Why did you tell me?! I wouldn't have  came over here looking a mess! I've always wanted to date him, ever since grade school." She said as she rushed to my bathroom.

"Eh, he's not that attractive. He freaks me out." I said as I followed her into the bathroom.

"Only you huh? Of course it's you, you have such bad taste. Also, did you go grocery shopping? What'd you get?" She asked as she rushed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen as she looked through the bags I wasn't finished sorting.

"I just got things I needed, since my fridge is literally fucking empty."

"Ew boring, you at least should've gotten some sweet stuff. Most of this is bitter."

"Like I said, things I need. I don't need sweet stuff, there's a corner store a few blocks from here."

"Ah, also. What's your relationship with Sangwoo? You always kept your distance, and every time I bring up his name you tense up. Did you to date?" My best friend, Megan, asked suddenly.

"Well, if you really wanna know...my mom used to be best friends with his mom. Me and him were friends but after a while my mom told me to stay away from that family because they're crazy. Ever since my mom told me that I've kept her word. Even after she died. As that one evil mom in rapunzel said: mother knows best." I said.

"Yeah right, his parents died over 5 years ago. He's probably still recovering from it." She said as she sat on my counter.

"Nah, if he can smile at girls and have sex with them then he's alright." I said as i started to put things in my fridge.

"Well, sex may be therapeutic to him. And some people are really good at covering how they feel. I heard he has PD." She said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Personality disorder. Anyways, I'm gonna go ask him since you don't want to." She said as she jumped off the counter.

"No, don't go. I think him and his friend are having cake." I said. "I don't want you to annoy them."

"It shouldn't be a problem, I'm just going to ask a question."

"Yeah a question that might trigger something in him. So stay here."

"No, if you're really worried then come with me."

"Don't you see I'm busy?! Just stay here! I'm not going to tell you again Megan."

𝒴ℴ𝓊'𝓇ℯ ℳ𝒾𝓃ℯ💋 {𝒴ℴℴ𝓃𝒷𝓊𝓂 𝓍 ℛℯ𝒶𝒹ℯ𝓇}Where stories live. Discover now