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I groaned and rolled over onto my back, an annoying beeping noise screeching from my bedside cabinet. Swiftly I turned off the irritating sound, which was escaping from my phone, and dragged myself out of bed. I made sure to set my alarm to two hours before school started, just to be prepared. Being late on my first day would not be a great start. I threw on some average, dark clothes - I had nobody to impress, so what would be the point in dressing up? I took my time, knowing that I would have a lot of it to spare this morning. Going to school would be an awkward experience, as it was the middle of the year. Silently I hoped that the news about my mum had not spread this far. If people found out they would probably rather stay away from me, thinking I would be the same. But that was not true, I valued my life.

I went through my usual routine and entered the kitchen where, waiting patiently, sat Amanda. This woman surprises me too much. She greeted me joyously, as I poured myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

"You didn't need to wake up so early, there's still over 40 minutes until the bus comes." She toyed with the sleeves of her long-sleeved shirt, like she was trying to hide something. Luckily I was an observant person and got a glimpse of red spots. Blood.

"Are you okay? There's blood on your clothes." I swallowed my shyness. I had gotten used to her way quicker than expected. However I was still wary around others. She buried her hands in the pockets of her jeans.

"I'm fine," Amanda replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible (and failing). "I accidentally cut myself earlier today."Earlier today? , I thought. It's barely 7 am. There is not much of an 'earlier'. Of course I would never say that to her, I preferred to keep my mind unspoken.

As I was about to enter my bedroom to kill time on my laptop, I spotted a door at the end of the long carpeted hallway. How did I not see that before? With hesitance I approached the stiff iron-looking door, not being able to fight my curiosity. I placed a shaking hand on the cold metal handle. Why were my hands shaking? It was probably knowing that I was doing something I shouldn't be, the thrill of it pulsing through my body. Just like I expected, the door was locked. I wondered where it led to. With an annoyed sigh, I made my way back to my bedroom. However I couldn't help but wonder about what was hidden behind that secure slate of thick metal. Why would anything need to be guarded with such caution? I ask myself too many questions...

The time passed quickly, while I checked the usual social media and enjoyed the silence. I loved when it was quiet. Noise was not really my thing, nor was music. People found it weird, but there was nothing I could do. It was just the way I am. No music or any other sounds, just pure and peaceful silence. As I exited my dull bedroom, I found my gaze once again drifting over to the door. I nearly jumped in shock. In the small hole, just below the handle, rested a petite golden key. The door seemed locked but, with one twist of the fragile-looking skeleton, that could be changed. Without even realising it, I was approaching the large iron entrance. Something was luring me to it. I turned the key and it made a satisfying clicking sound. Just as I was about to push open the grand structure, which was separating me from whatever secrets waited on the other side, a feminine voice called to me from downstairs.

"Samara! You need to catch your bus." It was Amanda. I quickly snatched the key, after locking up the door once again. I was going to find out what was hiding on the other side. My eagerness would be eating away at me for the entire day, and I knew it.

I skipped down the stairs, the shimmering key protectively put to safety in the pocket of my jeans. My bag was slung over my shoulder, when I exited the house. Amanda followed after me, I guessed that she would be leading the way to the bus stop. Our house was isolated, so the vehicle would not park right outside of it. All we had to do was walk down the slim road and make a turn to the left, before I saw a small group of teenagers piled up together. They were different ages and sized, all waiting for the bus. I sighed as Amanda left me with an awkward wave of her hand. I slowly walked over to the other kids, making sure to stay at least a few meters away. Having lots of noise around me was already bad enough, I wasn't in the mood to deal with people right now. I gained a few confused looks from the miniature crowd, but kept my head down. I hoped that none of them would come and talk to me. I would start stuttering and mumbling about random nonsense, making myself look like a total idiot. I did not want that to happen, not in this new life. If it was only possible to make friends without having to socialise with them first...

I bus arrived a few minutes later. I managed to get through the people to the empty seat right at the back, having no one talk to me. This place was so loud it was giving me a slight headache. Everyone was either laughing, saying something that would make another person laugh or listening to their Ipods. Brushing it off I looked out of the window to see some unfortunate teens who, missed the bus and, were trying to catch up. It was oddly entertaining to watch them frantically wave at the driver, who simply ignored them. I guess they got what they deserved for being late.

It did not take long for the bus to pull up in front of a large yellow building, with many windows and little doors. My anxiety was keeping me alert. What if I didn't find any friends? They probably thought I looked like a creep with waist-length raven hair and dark clothing. I inwardly sighed and got off the vehicle, making my way to the front entrance. Even more stares. Great. Finally, with my head kept lower then I thought it could even go, I entered the school and walked up to the reception desk where I was handed a timetable and given a locker number. I thanked the cheerful woman, in a low voice, and went over to my locker, preparing my books for the next lesson.

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