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  I slammed my bare hands hard against the wood, contemplating what I would do next. With John and Amanda gone, I had to take over their job. But how? I still was not very experienced, as I had only made one trap so far. Also I could not go out now. My face was all over the TV and newspapers. Everyone hated me. But that was the price I had to pay for bringing justice to the reckless people of our world, who did not value their existence.

The news about Jigsaw's death had spread and two other members of his crew arrived. Sam, the man who supplied the materials, and Abigail, the woman who helped him. As much as I hated to, I had to trust these people. Everything relied on their loyalty and my planning. I already had a few things in mind: potential people, who would play the game, ideas for traps and resources. Ordering Sam and Abigail to get me a large amount of metal, they obeyed. I slumped into my leather seat and leaned my head back.

This used to be John's office, before his illness got worse. In yet another strange location. The walls were a simple, dull brown and the floor was clothed with a beige carpet. I was sitting at a wooden desk, sketching designs and looking over information. Dad's death really hit me hard. I rubbed my eyes, which were stained with hopeless amounts of coffee. Was it even healthy for me to have hardly any sleep? Probably not. But sleep was not my biggest worry. Right now I had to focus on tracking down a certain person.

I scanned through the files of papers, in hope of finding the correct data on a single person: Jason Rogers. After hearing that I was no longer in jail, he fled and was no where to be found. Where could a man like him be hiding? My eyes flashed through the multiple pages. No girlfriend... No wife... No kids... No parents... No - what's this? He had an older brother. Kyle Rogers. Bingo. Exactly what I was looking for. Where else could he go? It was not like he was earning much money in helping Jigsaw (or rather doing the opposite). It was logical, he had no other place to stay. Unless Jason contacted Jill... No that would be foolish of him. Jason knew that if he and Jill were together it would be easier to track him down. However what he didn't expect was that we knew everything about him. All the way from his date of birth to his mother's blood type.

If I had the energy to, I would have jumped up in joy. Instead I smiled weakly to myself. It was certainly a long day, but at least I managed to make progress in my new 'job'. Along with the title of Jigsaw, my dad left an entire bank account for me. He must have earned it after years and years of hard work and spent it on making the world a better place.

Before I was able to take a break, I had one last thing to do. I fished for my microphone and brought it up to my face, opening up a voice changer on my laptop. My priority was to record instructions for a victim, who just arrived. Clearing my throat, I started the overly-practised speech.
"Hello, Damien. Welcome to the game." I smirked to myself, already excited. "Do you see those chains around your ankles? Don't they remind you of what you did to those women? The only way to free yourself to dig through these piles of intestines. Looks familiar, doesn't it? You must find a key, which is hidden in one of them. You have exactly one minute. Remember: the more you pull the chain, the tighter it will get. If you do not succeed with the task within a minute, you will be pulled into that pool over to your right. It is full of blood." I took one last deep breath. "Live or die, make your choice."

I felt proud of myself. Obviously, my way of setting up the game was a lot different from John's. His was more about the physical pain, while I wanted to bring out the guilt from inside of the victims and cause them mental agony. I did not want to be a clone of my dad, I wanted a style of my own. It may have been more gruesome and sadistic, but that was the difference between us. One focused more on the body, while the other focused more on the mind. However, we had one thing in common.

Both of us loved to cause pain. 

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