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  It all happened so fast. Too fast for me to understand properly.

Finally I left school, after embarrassing myself. Who cared if I skipped two classes? No one would notice, except maybe my friends. But they had other things to worry about. Today started on a bad note, so I hoped that by arriving at home things would get brighter. But that did not happen. Honestly, the exact opposite occurred. Turning the corner, a familiar scene stood in front of me. Déjà vu? There were cars in front of the place I called home. Many of them. Police cars. People were coming in and out of the place, carrying items. Most of them were made of metal. The traps. Spotting Jason, who was chatting to a police officer and a female who I did not recognise, I was about to approach him, but instead someone harshly grabbed me from behind. I screamed in panic, feeling even more pairs of arms secure my own. My wrists were surrounded by cold rings. What was going on?
"Samara Kramer, you are under arrest for murder." And that was the last thing I heard before being shoved into a vehicle, which quickly drove off. In the distance I could see the smug face of Jason, looking like he had just won the lottery.

I was breathing heavily, my lungs felt like they would explode. Where was I being taken? The car came to a stop outside of a large building. It looked like some place from a nightmare. I was shoved inside, through different rooms and hallways. Eventually I came into a very spacious area. It was lined with steel bars, creating smaller cells and giving the feeling of being trapped. As soon as I stepped inside, I was surrounded by clapping and cheers. Was I some sort of hero? Inside of the 'cages' were many kids and teenagers, just like me. However most of them were bigger and scarier. Some did look helpless and innocent though, and that was the most frightening thing. What were children like these doing here? My mind was racing in all directions, I was too perplexed to even understand my current situation. Hell, I hardly even knew how I got here! The feeling of hard stone grinding against my unprotected face snapped me out of my daydream. I pulled myself up, giving out a whimper from the ache in my limbs. My arms felt very sore from being pushed. Glancing around, all I saw was the colour grey and everything was a blur. My eyes felt lost in a sea of confusion.

Under my hands I felt something and attempted to stand up with the item's assistance, but fell down once again. This was hell for me. Unable to understand anything. Unable to see. Unable to defend myself (not that I could do that in the first place).

Feeling two arms wrap around me, to help me up, I screamed.
"Stop! Don't touch me!" I yelled. The mystery person let go, probably stunned by my sudden outbreak and slightly irritated.
"Fine, you can stay on the floor," came a bitter voice. "But be up in an hour, we need to have a talk with you." Then the sound of a door closing ringed through my ears. Managing to get into a sitting position, I blinked a few times. My vision was still very blurry, caused by the sudden events of the day. Millions of voices bombarded me with questions.
"Are you really Jigsaw's daughter?"
"Did you help him with killing?"
"Is Jigsaw going to come here and get you out?"
"Do you even have anything to do with it?"
"Did you have to survive his traps too?"
I felt so powerless, blinded by trauma and hearing all of these things. I was completely disorientated and felt that any second now... My body fell limp, as I passed out on the cold floor.  

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