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  Finally, after many near-death experiences, May, Jack and I managed to make our way into a plain corridor. It was not easy to get through John's traps, but we somehow did. It took a while and forced us to do more than any human should experience. Jack nearly got stabbed in the skull, by a blade which suddenly ejected itself from a wall and raced straight for his face. However, he was one of Jigsaw's helpers for a reason. Jack had amazing instincts and reflexes, which luckily kicked in at just the correct time.

Taking the path, we found ourselves in an open room. Each and every wall was lined with torture devices, insects were stashed into jars and the faint smell of expensive perfume wafted in the air. Typical Amanda. Without a single word being spoken, our trio wondered around in search of someone. Anyone.

John and Amanda were certainly busy, while I was gone for the short while. They were not the people to waste valuable time. After a short while May found another passage, which lead to a single door. Automatically we assumed that it would take us to John, so we followed the corridor. A strange, yet familiar, scent plagued the oxygen around the door. Was it...blood?

As potential realisation struck me, I barged through the tough door. My eyes met a horrifyingly disgusting sight. Five dead bodies. Three of them seemed to have died of simple bullet wounds. One of them was an all-too-recognisable woman. Amanda. However her limp body was not the most disturbing thing in the room. Propped up against a bloody wall was a corpse. Immediately I could tell that it was no other than Lynn. The only evidence I had was the tanned skin on her arms and lonely strands of obsidian hair, lying around on the tiled floor. Her head was gone. Just like that. Massacred parts of flesh were showered around the entire room, as if they were exploded. I even noticed an eyeball... It was most likely caused by the machine, which was supposed to end her life when Jigsaw's heart stopped beating.

And that was when I gazed over at the bed and the heart rate monitor, which dragged out a straight line and played a high-pitched sound. Frightened of what I would see, I tore my orbs away from the monitor and at the unmoving body. It was John. Helpless. Powerless. Lifeless. He was dead. A large gash had split the skin of his neck and blood oozed out like a waterfall. Now it was all dried up and still. Not a single movement or breath.
"Dad?" My voice cracked, barely above a whisper. I completely ignored the two people who were in the room with me and approached the corpse, which was covered up by the stained sheets. What would I do now? I hadn't known John for long, but we certainly built up a strong bond. It was a weird emotion, but I enjoyed it. Whenever he gave me simple tips on life, in general, I would get a warm feeling inside of my chest. It seemed like, for once, I was loved and accepted for who I was.

This was not how it was supposed to go. John was never supposed to die, he was Jigsaw! Lynn failed her job at keeping him alive, so her life got taken away as well. I was alone now. No Amanda to make me smile with her motherly care. No John to teach me about life and give great advice. No...me. Nothing. First my mum, then the two people I had learned to love. Sadness burst out of me through multiple tears, that streamed down my puffy cheeks. How would I deal with life now? I knew that this day would come, but I never expected it to be so soon. I had somehow trained myself to accept the fact that my father would pass away, but I never expected Amanda to leave me too. They were supposed to be here and support me throughout becoming the new Jigsaw.

My mind was running a marathon with all of the different thoughts, but one stood out most:

The people I love are dead and someone is responsible for it.

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