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  I got my books ready for school and skipped downstairs, to grab something quick to eat. When I got to the kitchen, Amanda was there. That was new, she was never here in the morning. Well, it's now or never.
"Hey Amanda," I greeted. The woman turned towards me and gave a small wave.
"Hi." She smiled. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, thanks. Can I ask you about something?"
"Sure." Amanda checked her watch. "But make it quick, you don't want to be late for school."
"Do you know anything about anyone called Jill?" I got straight to the point.
"Jill?" Amanda looked taken aback. "That's the name of John's ex-wife."

His ex-wife? Why would Jason be talking to her in the first place? Everything here seemed like a mystery to be solved. Could it be possible that they were planning something against John and his game? Worrying thoughts were plaguing my brain and I could not think clearly.
"Are you okay?" Amanda snapped me out of my trance, concerned.
"I...I heard Jason talking to someone and he called her Jill and it didn't sound good and I think they're planning something and I'm really worried," I rushed out. Amanda placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Samara, calm down. Now repeat what you said, more slowly, because I did not understand a word of that." Her soothing voice helped me relax. I took a deep breath.
"Whenever I tried to tell you this, you were busy." I looked around before explaining, to make sure that no one would overhear, then told her everything.

When I was done, Amanda looked like she was just hit with a train: a similar reaction to the one John gave me.
"Are you sure about this? Jason has worked for us for nearly a year now." She still did not seem sure. I nodded my head.
"What do we do about this?"
"I think this is a job for you. After all you're Jigsaw's daughter." Amanda winked playfully. "We can't do much right now, so can you please just keep an eye on Jason? If he gets up to anything else with Jill, or anyone, let me know and I will deal with it." Suddenly, her eyes widened. "Go! You're going to miss your bus!" I was rushed out of the front door and it was shut in my face.

The school day was just like all other ones. Going from lesson to lesson, sitting in the back of the class, hearing teachers deliver boring speeches. Something seemed off today though. Everyone was more quiet (which I highly enjoyed) and acted more discreetly. In addition, I thought I had spotted a girl crying and her friends comforting her. That was a weird situation, as things like this did not happen at this school very often. I did not pay much attention today, as my mind was occupied with different things. Yesterday, Amanda had assured me that John was fine and the doctor was doing a good job at keeping him alive. However I still could not help but worry. That Jill person was still out there plotting against him. I did not want John to die, for some reason.

The clock just hit time for lunch and I went through my usual routine of collecting food. When I was making my way to the field, where my friends always met up, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I sighed.
"Hi, Logan."
"Hey, Samara!" The brown eyed boy greeted eagerly. "What's up?" I dangled my lunch in front of his face, as an answer. "Have you heard of the Jigsaw killer?" I flinched at the word 'killer', but made sure Logan did not see it. My...dad...was not a killer. Neither was I.
"No, Logan, I have not heard of the world-famous man, who is all over the news and has everyone out looking for him." I went for sarcasm with my answer.
"You're funny!" Logan chuckled, but then went serious. "Do you know Maddie Roberts, in the year above us?" I nodded; she was the girl, who was sobbing in the hallway.
"What about her?"
"That jerk, Jigsaw, killed her dad."

All I could utter was an 'oh'. For some reason I felt an unusual emotion. What was it? Sadness? No, it was not strong enough. Pity? Yes, that's it. Pity. But why was I feeling this way? Her dad obviously did something to deserve being put into the game and chose to die. It was his fault, so why did I feel so bad? Why was I feeling guilty? I knew exactly why. It reminded me of my mum. I knew what it was like to loose a parent. All of our happy memories came flooding down onto me. Before I knew it, I was being pulled into an unwanted hug.
"Don't cry, it'll be okay," Logan soothed.
"What?!" I pushed myself away from him, hating the texture of human skin. Only then did I realise that there was liquid flowing down my cheeks. Tears. No, I was so weak! How could I let this happen? And the worst part was that I could not make the tears stop, they were flooding my vision. It was painful to be seen like this by one of my friends. Even if he was very annoying, Logan was still probably counted as a friend. The fact that he hugged me did not help.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Calm down, Samara. It's okay! I won't do anything to you." I was, once again, being pulled into an embrace, but this time I did not push him away. As uncomfortable as this was, it felt...nice to be consoled by someone.  

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