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"Stop! Please! He didn't do anything!" Y/N said to her boyfriend as he violently beat Haru. Y/N invited Haru to her place because she was practicing baking because she wanted to make Eren a cake for his birthday as a surprise, and she needed a test person and she knew that Haru had a sweet tooth.

When Eren walked in and found them both eating cake and laughing he didn't know what to think or suspect.
"No!" She tried pulling him of her friend but he was just too strong. "If you don't stop, I'm leaving you!" That made him stop dead in his tracks. He was breathing hard but suddenly his breath stopped. He turnt around slowly. His hands were covered in blood.

"You would. . . Leave me. . . For a nobody." It was supposed to be a questioned but he stated it as a statement. Y/N started crying, she wasn't sure what she should do, she just wanted to get her friend out of here. "Eren, please." He gripped her. "I love you, don't you see. He's trying to take you away from me! I see the way he looks at you Y/N." She shook her head. She's never seen this side of him before.

She knew he got jealous at times but it has never been this bad. "Eren." She had to compose herself. She didn't want to break down. "I'm not leaving you for him or anyone." He smiled. "I'm leaving you because you are acting crazy. You are out of control. This is not love! I can't be with someone who finds pleasure in hurting others." She pushed him out the way and helped Haru up. "I'm so sorry." She whispered.

She heard a laugh behind her, she couldn't stop the tears from falling out her eyes. She wrapped Haru arms around her shoulder and carried him out. "Y/N if you walk out this house, you will regret it. I love you too much to let you go." She turnt around and took one more good look at Eren. She shook her head and continued to walk out.

Y/N carried Haru to her car and strapped him in. "I'm gonna take you to a hospital." "No, I'm okay." "No your not. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry." "Stop apologizing for Eren mistakes. You didn't do anything but be yourself. He's the crazy one. He's the one who did this." "He's just been so out of control lately." She strapped herself and started driving.

"He was never like this. Always so calm, collected and loving." "Maybe to you, but he's always been this way. I never seen him act differently. I just didn't expect to get this much heat from it." They made it to the hospital and the doctor treated Haru's wounds. "You have a couple of broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. How did this happen?" Y/N looked down and signed. "I was hit by a car. It was a hit and run. Luckily my friend was right there to take me here."

"Did you get a good look at the car?" "It was black with the most roughest interior." "You could have been killed, luckily she was here to bring you here sooner then later. You need to stay here for at least a week." The doctor smiled. "Get comfortable, I will be back." Y/N helped Haru get into bed. "Do you want me to stay?" "No go home and get some rest. I'll call you if I need anything." "Okay, please let me know." She hugged him. "Please get some rest. I will be back to visit you tomorrow." Haru smiled and closed his eyes.

Y/N walked back to her car and took a deep breath. She drove back to her apartment. She walked in and sighed putting her keys on the table. "Hello Y/N." She jumped. "What are you doing here?!" He held out his hand revealing her house key. "You gave this to me, and told me that this was my home as much as it was yours." "Eren, not anymore. I broke up with you. I need space." She held out her hand. "Give me the key." "No. Now come here."

She never really disobeyed him before. "No." "Don't make me come get you Y/N." She crossed her arms. He starred her down, his eyes going wide. He stalked her going up to her and grabbed her face. "Don't you see how much I am trying not to hurt you. I love you Y/N. Why can't you see that?" She tried moving her face but he gripped her tight enough it started to hurt. "Eren, I don't like this. Please stop." He let her go but then kissed her. Kissed her so hard that she couldn't breath.

She fell deeper and deeper into the kiss, she loved him but she knew she couldn't be with him anymore. She slowly pulled away from him. "See, that's love." He whispered. Y/N shook her head and separated herself from him. "I need the key and I want you to go." "It's because of that bitch boy isn't it?" She didn't answer him. "Isn't it!?" He yelled. She jumped. "Your leaving me for him!" "No! I'm leaving you because of you! Your love smoothers me. I can't take it anymore!" She finally yelled back at him. He gasped.

"My love smoothers you. . ." He looked around. "The love that I give you so you feel protected and cared for smoothers you?" He gave her the keys. "Just know, if I can't have you, no one can." He whispered and kissed her forehead. "I will be back, I'll give you the time and space that you're so desperately asking for but Y/N this isn't over. It will never be over. We are bonded to each other. When I drunk your blood that sealed the deal."

He was referring to when he went down on her during her period. She didn't want to but he begged her to do it claiming that it brings a couple more together and that blood doesn't gross him out, especially if it's the blood of the one he loves. "I do truly love you." And with that he walked out the door. Y/N hurried and locked the door before crumbling to the floor.

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