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Today was my boyfriend's Levi birthday. I got up super early so I could prepare for it. He always told me he hated surprises but always loved each and every single one I got for him. We live separately which provides us, well me enough space. He's been begging me to move in with him because he lives in a house which is huge by the way. Too huge for one person. It's a family house while my apartment is a bit small. It's a one bedroom but hey, it's only me.

Levi can be over overwhelming and possessive to the point where I feel smothered at times. He tells me he doesn't want to lose me but I always reassure him that he would never. I love him far too much to let that happen. I signed all the papers I needed to let go of my lease to my apartment and payed the extra fee. I payed movers to get all my stuff packed and everything was going very smoothly.

I drove to the store to get some things to prepare dinner with, and brought Levi another knife set. My boyfriend's a bit weird. He has so many weapons, as a collection. Which is cool but I never see the use for them. I'm sure he'll appreciate this though. "Hi Y/N!" I smiled at the cashier who happened to be my neighbor. "Hi Jean, how are you?" "I'm good and you?" He smiled back. "I'm great, just getting some things for Levi's birthday." "Oh." He looked away.

For some reason Jean and Levi never got along. Every time I invited Jean over for game night with us he declined as soon as he saw that Levi would be attending. Jean was a really cool person and friend but Levi hated him as well. He told me to stay away from him because he could tell when men liked me but I reassured him that Jean is just a really nice guy and he would never make a move on me. "Thanks for everything Jean." "No problem Y/N. Be safe okay?" I smiled. "Always."

I went back home to change into something more sexy. (Picture is at the top) I put a big raincoat on. Yes, this is what I do. It was now 7 pm, so I headed to Levi's house. I had the key so I didn't need to knock. I carried the groceries and put them on the kitchen table. Levi usually greets me at the door. "Levi." I called his name but no reply. He must be sleeping. I walked up the stairs preparing to wake him with a little teasing action. I smiled, he loved to be woken up with my lips around him as much as I loved doing it for him.

But a sound made me stop dead in my tracks. "Oh Levi! Harder! Fuck!" A girl high pitched scream broke out. I could feel my heart beat fast, so fast I thought it would leap out of my chest. "Yes! yes! yes! I'm cumming!" The voice spoke again. I could hear Levi sign of pleasure but more pounding and more moans and groans. I slowly walked to the door. I stood and took a breath.

I opened the door and it took a split second for Levi to notice, the girl who he pounded from behind was still in her own sense of pleasure to pay attention. I starred, my eyes couldn't keep up. "Y/N!" Levi said and quickly came to me trying to touch my face but I slapped his hands away and slapped him instead. "Fuck you." I turnt around and ran back down the stairs. I could hear his footsteps following.

"Y/N please! It's not what it looked like." I was ignoring him and gathering all my stuff. "Baby look at me! Say something to me!" He went to grab me but I invaded him. "Levi don't touch me unless you want the other side of your face to sting as well." "Hit me, spit on me. Just say something." I flipped him the bird. I was moving around so fast that my coat began to slip off, I didn't notice until Levi said something.

"Y/N, I'm going to ask you this once and one time only, where the fuck did you come from looking like that?!" This bitch had some nerve. I laughed. "Levi, you have some nerve. I bought this outfit for you, you dick. I wore this to please you because that is what good girlfriends do for their boyfriends but I see now that you are just a lie and a cheat, and I'm done with your ass."

I tied the coat back around me. This would be the last time he ever sees my body. "I'm breaking up with you, don't call me, don't text me, and don't you dare show up to my house." "Y/N, let's just talk. I'm sorry. I was lonely. You took so long to get here, I thought you forgot about my birthday!" "Levi, I was out all day preparing for your birthday! I was in my leasing office trying to get the landlord to let go of my lease so I can move in with you like you've been begging me to since we started dating. I shopped for you, I brought you all these things, but you don't deserve shit. You don't deserve me." He started crying.

"Wipe those fake ass tears. Do you see me crying you ass." He looked at me and his voice turnt sinister. "Y/N, don't walk out that door. You will regret it. I love you. I'm in love with you. You will be my wife and have my children. This was just a mistake, it will never happen again. If you leave I'll be forced to hurt others to get to you." "Levi, if you come near me again, I'll get a restraining order on you." With that I walked outside and hopped into my car and sped home.

Levi POV

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I ran back upstairs to get my keys and chase after her ass. "Levi forget about her. Come back to bed. I can make you feel more better then she has ever made you feel." "Listen you slut, she has made me come in minutes just by touching me. Your cunt can't even grip me tight enough to produce anything. Don't you EVER SPEAK ABOUT HER OR I WILL CUT OUT YOUR TONGUE. Now leave!" I yelled at her and she scurried around and left.

I kept calling her phone but she didn't answer. I got so frustrated that I started destroying everything in sight. By the time I was done the room looked a mess. I grabbed a broken picture of us. In the picture I was holding her tightly and she was smiling. "That's where you belong Y/N in my arms and that's where you'll stay." I kissed the photo.

"You think you can get away from me. You think you can leave me. Never. Your mine forever." I whispered to no one in particular finally finding my keys and going to her apartment.

To be continued. . .

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