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Hideo POV

I drove through the gates of home and down the long winding driveway that led to the eighteenth century antebellum mansion. Every light in the house was on; she's back. I felt the anger that I'd been holding at bay for the last two weeks surge up within me. Slamming out of my Ascari, I headed up the stairs and through the front door. Throwing my keys on the entrance table, I walked through the house not calling out for her. She was in the kitchen puttering around. My heart gave that little thump it always does when in her presence for the first time after an absence no matter how long or short. She turned with a shy smile, which died as soon as she got a good look at my face.

I walked over to her and without even a hello, grabbed her by the neck and led her out of the room.

"Hideo what...?"

I didn't even bother to answer her. She didn't deserve my words. I led her up the winding staircase, but instead of turning right to the master suite we'd once shared I took her to one of the seven guest rooms down the hall. Pushing the door open with my foot, I pushed her into the room and over to the king sized mahogany sleigh bed with its rich burgundy coverings and mountain of pillows.

The buttons of her silk blouse went flying when I gripped the material between my fists and tore. Her breasts were barely covered in the Demi bra she wore which strained under the weight of such bounty. Her slacks were next. I tore them down her legs before pushing her back on the bed with a hand to her chest. Her eyes widened on me as I released my eleven-inch cock and without a word spoken between us, lifted her and slammed home. She wasn't prepared to take me and for the first time in our year and a half marriage I didn't care. I wrapped my hand around her throat as I fucked into her in anger.

The tears in her eyes did not sway me. Anger ruled my movements, anger and the pain of betrayal. I felt the first flush of liquid heat as her body answered mine. At least that was something. Her body still knew mine. She opened her mouth to speak but no words would come. That's maybe because I was cutting off her air as I squeezed my hand around her neck. I didn't want to hear it. I fucked her as though she was nothing more than a receptacle, there to please me. To be used for my pleasure with no thought to her own.

It had been too long for me going without pussy so it wasn't long before I felt the fire burning. It started at the soles of my feet and made its way up my legs to my thighs and into my spine. Before the first drop could explode inside her I pulled out and with my free hand jerked my angry cock over her body, spraying my seed across her stomach and tits. When I was done, I shoved my still hard cock back into the confines of my pants and walked away. I heard the first sob before I cleared the door. Too fucking bad, I'd only just begun.

In my bathroom, I shed the rest of my clothes and jumped in the shower. With my hands on the wall and the power jets hitting me from six different angles, I let my shoulders relax for the first time in fourteen days. Fourteen long fucking days of worry, anger and fear. For the first two days I had no idea where she was, or who she was with. It was only after I got my security team on it that I learned she was holed up in a hotel in Bali. She'd left the fucking country without a word to me. And why? All because she'd got a wild word about some shit that she never gave me a chance to dispel.

I'm a fair man when it's all said and done but there are some things I just won't fucking stand for. Like being questioned by my wife, that's a game she knows I won't play. If she thought running off and hiding for two weeks was going to give her control over my balls she was out of her fucking mind. I love my wife but there's no way I'll let her rule me, that's my place. I'm the man in my house and the sooner she learns that shit the happier she'll be. Now she's cost herself her freedom.

I'd put shit in motion for when she got back, she had no idea but she soon will. The next time she tried to leave she'd be stopped before she even reached the gates. I'd changed the codes on everything. Her credit cards that had been limitless only a few short weeks ago now had a five hundred dollar limit. Instead of the countless number she'd had she was now down to only one.

The only reason she didn't know any of this as yet was because the net hadn't been tightened until she'd set foot back home. By tomorrow morning, her world as she knew it would be forever changed. If she wants to get her hair done at the fancy salon she liked to frequent she'd have to get permission first. Everything was on lockdown who knows for how long. All her movements were going to be curtailed until I stopped being pissed the fuck off. Spoilt little bitch.

I left the room and headed downstairs, she'd come back down and was sitting at the kitchen table looking a little shell-shocked.

"Hideo I..."

"You don't talk until I tell you to." I pointed my finger at her my face set in stone. She buttoned up her lips and went back to sipping her tea. I poured myself a shot of cognac from the sidebar and watched her from my place leaning back against the counter.

"Where you been?" I already knew the answer to that one but I wanted to hear her tell it. Plus there were two unaccounted for days. Days when I lived in terror such as I've never known thinking someone had snatched her. That one of my many business deals had so pissed off a competitor that they'd struck out at her to get back at me. She'll never know what those two days took from me. I'll never give her the power to do that shit to me again.


"What were you doing there?"

She looked down at her hands and didn't say a word.

"I asked you a question Nadia."

"I was just relaxing."

"Did you find any answers to your questions while you were there?"

"I'm sorry."

"Kill it. Who were you with?"

She looked up at me in surprise.

"No one I was alone."

"Lucky for you or I would break your fucking neck, now let me tell you what this little stunt has cost you. You'll find out soon enough anyway so I might as well. In about an hour from now all the security codes on the house and the vehicles will be changed. I see, I've got your attention. The gate will only open at my command so that little remote you have won't work and you can't walk out. You can't climb over because it's too high so you're stuck. The house phone is locked except for emergencies or a direct call to me."

I left the room when she opened her mouth to speak. Did she have any idea what those first two days had done to me? How they'd stripped me bare? I'd suffered like I never had before and never wanted to again. If I didn't love her so fucking much it wouldn't have mattered but she owns my heart and she'd fucking torn it out of my chest and trampled it under her feet. Never again in this lifetime will she be allowed to do that shit. If I had to hold her prisoner here then so be it.

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