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No One POV

"I'm so excited! This is supposed to be a killer party!"

"Me too!"

"This place is gorgeous."

All the girls swooned, talked and laughed. They were enjoying themselves. "Is it a all girls party?" One of them asked. All the girls looked around and could see it was no men at the party. "That's odd." The lights dimmed at bit illuminating one's presence.

"Please line up." They all heard a man's voice. Everyone lined up next to each other. The man walked off the stage and the girls took a look at him. He was beautiful. Pale skin. Blond hair and dark eyes. He was dressed as a butler. "I didn't know this was a costume party." One of the girls snickered causing everyone to laugh but one.

Everyone was dressed accordingly to the invitation. All black, tight fitting clothes. "Ladies." The butler man greeted. "My name is Riku." He placed his hand over his heart and took a bow. All the girls swooned and one of them continued to look up but not say a word. The butler examined each of them.

"This will due." He clapped his hands signaling the  butlers and maids to appear and form a line. "Presenting King Akio."  Everyone took a bow but the invited guests. He walked in with his head held high and a smile on his face.

All the woman swooned over him. He kissed everyone's hand as a greeting but one snatched her hand away from him. He chuckled and walked away. "Ladies." He greeted. "Thank you for coming. We all do appreciate your tribute to our lives. We will use each part of your body. Hopefully your spirit goes on to the afterlife." Everyone looked at him not sure what he meant except one girl.

He grabbed a girl and lifted her in the air by her throat and then bit her causing her to scream bloody murder. All the other girls started screaming and running until the servants caught them and did the exact same thing. Draining them of their blood. The women all shook in fear. Their screams were piercing and blood curling. It was exciting to the blood suckers. It made it all the better for their feed. After all predators love easy prey.
It made them even more blood thirsty.

There was one girl who wasn't fazed. She stood perfectly still and waited for her life to be taken. After all this is what she wanted. What's she's been waiting for. One of the butlers came at her and grabbed her until the king appeared behind him. "I want this one." His voiced boomed. The butler immediately let her go.

The king approached her, ready to take her life. His hands were drenched in blood, his mouth dripping and salivating. To her, he was still beautiful. Pale skin. Dark jet black hair and piercing red bright eyes. He smelled her. She smelt wonderful but not edible. "Are you not afraid girl?" She shook her head no. He has never seen something like this.

"Speak to me. Let me hear your voice." "I am not afraid. I want to die. Kill me." He laughed. Whole heartedly, for the first time in 100s of years. This girl was delightful to him. He grabbed her by her throat and squeezed. She didn't make a sound. This was going to be fun for him.

"Master?" The screams started to die down meaning everyone was dead and the butlers were full. They looked at Akio waiting for his next order. "I will be taking this one especially. No one is to touch her. She is mine." His voice boomed. "Yes king." All his servants bowed. Akio picked her up carried her to his bed chambers. "What is your name?" He dropped her on his bed as she bounced up. "Nani." She answered.

She looked around his room. Dark. So dark, with candles as the only light. Big, beautiful soft bed. "Nani, why aren't you afraid of me?" He stood above her and starred down at her. "You may not remember but you saved me. I was only a child and used as a tool for men. You saved me. I could never be scared in your presence." He tried to think back. She was no older then 19 so this had to happen when she was a child.

He remembered killing many men but in this particular day he killed them because they wanted to rape a child. This was her. He smiled. "I remember." "I haven't been frightened since that moment. "You told me-" "to never show fear." He finished before her. She nodded her head. He slowly got into bed. She looked up. "If I can't kill you, I want you to satisfy me in a different way." She nodded her head. He smiled evilly. "But if you scream, I swear to all that is me that I will kill you." Akio ripped off all of Nani's clothes and without a second to lose forced himself inside her.

Nani POV

When he shoved into me, it felt like a knife stabbing me between my legs. I dropped my head back, as my vision flickered in and out. He shuddered, his big chest pressing against mine. I was distracted by the pain so it was easier for him to do what he wanted. He was nothing if not impatient.

He spit into his hand and rubbed it against me, artificially wetting me. With a wild noise, deep in his throat, he began to buck his dick in me in earnest. I opened my mouth to scream, but I couldn't this time. I wouldn't. My throat closed up. My whole body was screaming instead. My head was throbbing, louder and louder, pushing out all other thoughts. To say it hurt would be an understatement. He sawed his gigantic dick in and out of me, harder and harder.

"Scream, Nani. Let me hear it," he growled against my lips, arching his back toward the ceiling as he pumped into me. I shook my head, still rebellious despite everything. "Let me fucking hear you scream!" he rasped. I remained silent, the slapping sounds our bodies made rung loud in my ears. He levered up, his shoulders broad as he stretched my arms spread eagle. The muscles in his arms rippled at the movement. He was all rock hard muscles from head to foot. It was a terrifying thing to behold.

My hands grabbed his face. He tried moving out of my hold but I held on tighter. His fangs were out and his nails grew longer. He wanted to feed. "Kill me please." His face was in shadow, but I could feel the anger radiating off of him. He wanted me to scream. He wanted to hear my pain. He was going to make me scream.

My arms tingled. Pangs of electricity shot through my shoulders. My fingers started to go numb. I clenched my knees around his waist, struggling against him. He swerved his dick in a slow circle, and I couldn't help it. I sobbed out a moan. A tremble went through my body. I was stretched to my limits, in all ways. I had no doubt I was about to break, like a glass smashing into a million pieces on the floor.

"Please," I whispered. I don't know why I did. I doubted he would take mercy on me, but it was worth a shot. He dropped his head and I could hear his ragged breathing all around me. "Please what?" he asked. "Kill me." He didn't move for a moment, as if he was considering my request. Then, surprising me, he let out a hoarse sigh and released my hands. Immediately, I hugged them to myself covering my chest.

"Hear me now," he said simply, leaning closer to me. Invading my personal space once again. "You're mine, Nani. Mine to do with as I please." He dug his knees into the bed and crashed his dick inside me. Once. Twice. "This is mine," he said, punctuating each word with the thrust of his dick, each harder than the last. He swerved his hips and I gritted my teeth, trying not to scream.

He smiled, cruelly, like he thought we were playing a game. He hooked his arm around my leg and hiked my knee high. Then he pounded into me, destroying me with every thrust. I felt my body trembling and I tossed my head to the side, trying to keep my wits about me. It was hard to keep from losing my shit. Then he stiffened and tossed his head back, the muscles in his back bunching. I felt him spurting inside of me as he came, hot and insidious.

Try as I might, that time I couldn't stop myself I screamed. He smiled. Satisfied.

Akio POV

My come smeared her thighs, but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. My mind was singularly focused on fucking. I was going to fill her with my come. I wanted to feel it gush around my dick, seep out of her, and pool on the floor. And then, when I was able, I was going to make her come again.

Her eyes were glazed, her swollen lips parted. Her dark hair was like a halo on the bed around her head. Her face was pinched like she was in pain, but she remained calm. She was strong, but she knew I was stronger. I knew she could take all of me, that was all that mattered. I dipped a thumb in between her teeth, opening her mouth wide. Then I kissed her, fucking on her tongue and tasting her sweet flavor. No doubt she could taste blood.

I had never been so turned on in my life. Hearing her plead, her voice soft and scared, had done something to me, deep inside. A flip had been switched. I was like a kid with a shiny new toy.

She was mine then, and she's mine now.

She will always be mine.

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