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Levi arrived at Y/N house at a record time. He had the keys to her apartment so it was all easy access. He walked in quietly not making a sound. He could see that everything was pretty much packed up. She really was preparing to move in with him. His heart felt so full. He could remember the first time he ever asked her.

"Y/N." "Yes baby." They had just finished making love. "Move in with me." "Levi we've only been together for a couple of months." "This feels right." He started to kiss her again. "To wake up and go to sleep seeing this face everyday, I couldn't ask for more. I want you in my bed all the time. When I come home I want you to be the first thing I lay my eyes on." Y/N thought everything Levi was saying was beyond sweet, but she wouldn't do that just yet.

She kissed him. "Let me think about it." He nodded his head and began rocking inside her again.


Luckily I didn't move my bed yet. It was the only thing still intact. I laid down and let myself relax. I would have to talk to my landlord and renew my lease. We were pretty cool, so it shouldn't be a problem. I got up so I could change. A person gripped me from behind so I started to panic, thrashing and trying to get away. It was no use.

"Y/N." Levi whispered in my ear. My breathing started to slow. I should have known. "Let me go." I said. "Let you go? He taunted me. "Why would I do that." I pushed him away with all my might and it must have stunned him because he let go of me.

He looked at me like he wanted to hurt me but was holding himself back. "Y/N, what are you doing!? Come here, don't make me come after you." He glared. He had some nerve. I put my hands on my hips and looked at him. "Levi, I'm going to tell you this one more time, I am done with you. We are broken up as of today. Let me break that down a bit more so you can get it into your obviously thick skull. When I caught you cheating on me, breaking my trust, tainting what we had that's when I decided I don't want to do this anymore. That I'm not going to do this anymore." I stood my ground.

He didn't flinch. He stood there in stone as if I didn't even say anything. I looked at him as he stood there, like the ass hat he is.

"I understand that you are hurt and mad. I welcome that. Take it out on me. I promise you right here and now that, that will never happen again. Please Y/N." "No, now leave my house." He starred down at my body, I forgot I was naked. I opened one of my boxes and and put on a oversized t shirt. "Remember this body, because this is the last time you'll ever see it." He clocked his head to the side. "You have no idea how wrong you are."

He closed the gap between us easily, the air around him vibrating with his electric energy. Before I knew it, he was on top of me, his big hands altogether too close for comfort. He caught me around the waist, his arm hooking me right under my ribs and shoving all of the air from my lungs in an instant. His breath was raspy in my ear as he pulled me back against his dick. His free hand shot up the back of my neck and I only had a second to try to jerk my head away before his fingers tangled in my hair.

He yanked hard and the back of my head bounced off of his shoulder. Lights strobed in my field of vision and I blinked through the distraction, digging my nails into the long-sleeved T-shirt that covered his arm. I kicked my legs as he heaved me up off my feet, my heel making contact with his shin. I heard him grunt and he threw me to the side. I couldn't stop a hoarse, breathless scream from escaping as his unyielding arm dug into my midsection. His fingers tightened in my hair and I gritted my teeth, the pain shooting down my back and prickling in my toes.

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