3. Amputation || Henrik Von Schneeplestein

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Henrik grinned. Now was the fun part. The only question was, anesthesia, or not.
The doctor decided on the latter, it was so much funner when they were awake.
He put on his mask, stepping up to the patient on the table, starting to strap them down.
"Uh... i- is that really necessary?" They asked nervously.
"Vell yes, of course," Henrik said, grabbing a syringe from the cart next to the table, injecting it into their arm.
"Isn't... that supposed to put me to sleep? Is that supposed to go in my arm?"
"Are you the doctor, or am I?" Henrik asked coldly.
Henrik rolled his eyes, picking up a small saw.
"I numbed you, but this may hurt a bit."
"Wait, what??"
Henrik brought the saw to their wrist, starting to pull it back and forth, a messy bloody mess unfolding before his eyes as he smiled manically, the patient's screams in the back of his mind.

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