13. Torture || Antisepticeye

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Anti winced as his back slammed into the wall, knocking the air from his lungs. The man who just tossed him up against the cold, gray brick wall walked up to him with a grin.
"Ooookay, I think I get the point, I'll leave," Anti said quickly, preparing to glitch out of this hell basement he was in.
Wordlessly the man stabbed a needle into Anti's arm and the Glitch hissed in pain, his head already feeling thick, getting harder to think.

His legs felt weak and sank to his knees, leaning against the wall, "Ohhh fuck..." He muttered, the blood in his head pounding loudly, filling his ears with static.
His eyes fluttered shut against his will and everything went dark.

Something cold pressed into his back, something rough pulling at his wrists, and Anti opened his eyes. He was in the middle of a pitch black room, a single light above him. He has no idea how large the room was. Cold air pressed in around him, causing the hair on his arms to stand on end as his breath clouded the air in front of his face. He was seated in a metal chair, the cold, smooth surface uncomfortable against his back. His wrists tied behind him with a jagged rope, the edges rubbing into his skin painfully.
Anti sighed, rolling his head back, annoyed at his situation.
After a minute the man emerged from the liquid darkness that surrounded Anti, sliding out of it like he lived there. He probably did in all honesty. His slightly long hair was tucked behind his ears, a surgical mask covering most of his face, save for his eyes, which were a piercing gray, oddly bright as they reflected light from the single source of light in the entire room.
Anti wanted to say something to the man, but refrained, knowing that if he did, he would probably get himself into even deeper trouble, so he kept his mouth shut, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from opening his stupid mouth.
The man stood there in silence, his hands tucked behind his back, watching Anti as he glitched slightly out of anger and annoyance. After a second, Anti started wondering if maybe the man was actually looking for him to say something, be it a question or a statement.

Another second passed, confirming Anti's theory.
"What are you going to do?" Anti asked simply, keeping it straight (unlike himself) and to the point, avoiding sarcasm or the passive aggressiveness most of his friends knew him for.
The man shrugged, "A little of this, a little of that."
Wow, cryptic. How fucking interesting.
"But we're going to start with this," He said, pulling his arms out from behind his back, holding something in his right hand that glinted in the light.

Anti almost groaned. Always the fucking needles, does this author have no other ideas? He would take almost anything else, (not true, in fact there were many things he would rather not happen to him) just make the prominent theme of needles stop.
(Except the author doesn't like torture, so needles it was.)

Anti hissed as a small twinge of pain emitted from his arm as the syringe slid into his skin. A slight burning pain tickled at the spot where the man had just pulled the needle out of, trailing down his arm and through his chest, spreading through his body, filling him with tingling warmth. Never a good sign, when you can actually feel the drugs making their way through your veins. The burning increased, getting hotter and hotter until it felt like he was burning from the inside. Anti bit his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, the warm liquid leaking down his chin, drawing a path of fire in its wake. Tears pricked at his eyes as the pain spread through his entire body, making every part of him burn with liquid flame. He whimpered but refused to make any other sounds, he wouldn't let the man know how badly he was hurting. It felt like it would never end, but then it was over. Anti took a shaky breath, his body cooling drastically, relief flooding through him.

"Hm, ok... it looks like you got past the first one pretty well, let's move on to the second one, yes?" The man said, pulling a second syringe from his pocket.
The pain was even worse than the first one somehow, and Anti shut his eyes, screaming as the fire took over everything. He felt nothing except for the burning pain, so hot it seemed impossible that he wasn't melting. And then it stopped. Anti opened his eyes, panting, trying to pull the freezing air into his lungs, to cool off his insides.
"Great, ready for round three?" The man grinned.

(I'm just finishing this at 1am lmao, what am I doing with my life)

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