16. Blunt Force Trauma || Antisepticeye

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(Part 2 to Torture)

The rope around Anti's wrists were stained with blood from him tugging and pulling at it, rubbing his wrists raw. The man had been gone for an hour or so, and along with him, the pain. Anti screamed in frustration, his scream echoing around the walls that he still couldn't see, bouncing around the room.
"Bored?" The familiar voice of the man invaded his ears, causing Anti to wince. The man's voice was odd. It was friendly- a little too friendly to be normal- and high pitched, ringing in Anti's brain.
"No," He said coldly, glaring into the dark where the man's voice had emitted from.
The man slid out of the darkness. It clung to him for a moment before retreating back into the rest of the inky dark.
Once again, his hair was tucked behind his ears, and he wore a surgical mask. He held a baseball bat in his hand, twirling it around before tapping it against his other hand, the wood making a hollow 'thunk'.
"Hear that?" He said cheerfully, Anti answered him with a glare, "It's hollow because I don't want to kill you."
"Oh how kind of you," The Glitch rolled his eyes.
"Not yet anyway," The man said, his eyes shining with a smile.
"Oh fuck off," Anti said, trying to sound like he was completely calm, while his insides were the exact opposite, churning with fear, making him nauseous.
The man chuckled, his high laugh reverberating through the room. Anti hissed, cringing at the sound.
"Y'know, you should probably be standing for this, give me a minute," The man said, pulling a syringe out of nowhere and stabbing it into Anti's neck.
The room went dark as his eyes closed, the weight of sleep heavy in his head.

The man tapped the bat on the floor a few times, the 'tik' of wood on concrete oddly unsettling. Anti opened his eyes to find that his wrists were chained above his head, holding him up, so that even when unconscious he would still be standing.
"Much better," The man said cheerfully, picking up the bat.
He swung it at Anti, hitting him in the stomach. Anti gasped, pushing down the nausea that was threatening him. The man twirled the bat and swung it again, hitting Anti's ribs, a crack resounding through the small room. Anti cried out in pain, a sharp ache in his side exploding with every breath. The man swung the bat at Anti, over and over and over, each crack causing a new throbbing ache in Anti's torso. Tears sparkled on his face, his throat having given out from screaming.
Finally the man swung at Anti's head, pain exploding in Anti's vision, before fading to black.

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