The Door behind the Bookshelf (M)

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The bookshelf separates apart from each other, revealing an iron door behind. Y/N stood surprised, looking at the door in front. Soon, Roseanne noticed Y/N and she made her way to her. A surprised look immediately formed on Roseanne's face as soon as she noticed the secret door. She walked towards it, running her fingers against as she look at it from up and down with curiosity. She looks at her covered dust fingertips before looking back at the door, touching the countless locks on it.

"Keys" Roseanne mumbled, panting heavily as her head became a mess. Thought after thought after another about what could be behind the door filled her head. Her guts tell her that the person she'd been looking for might be there, inside. Not wanting to waste more time, Roseanne headed to her father's study table. Opening each drawers, rummaging through each and one of them, desperate to find the key that could open the iron door.

Tears started forming on Roseanne's eyes, falling to her cheeks and rolling down. She never stopped looking for the keys, literally searching every corner of the room. Roseanne started feeling frustrated, impatient to get the keys and finally open the door and find out what's inside. She's practically throwing things, slamming everything, hitting her knuckles on the wall and even started shouting curses out of annoyance.

"Rosie, calm down" Y/N held Roseanne on both her shoulders, moving it up and down as she tries to calm Roseanne diwn.

"I need to find the keys, Y/N! I have to know what's behind that fucking door, do you understand?!"

"I do. I do, trust me. But you have to calm down, okay?" Y/N wrapped her arms around Roseanne's waist as she hugs her tight. Roseanne's heavy breathing then soon quiets down and small sobs could be heard coming out from her mouth.

"I need to find the keys, Y/N. Knowing my dad's fucked up head, he could be hiding my mother in there. For the past fucking years, she could be locked up in there, I have to get her out" Roseanne said between her sobs. Y/N nodded her head and she starts brushing her palm against Roseanne's back which was surely soothing for Roseanne.

"Yes. We'll find it, Rosie. We'll find the key and we'll open that door. It has to be around here or your father's bedroom"

Roseanne's eyes lit wide open, looking at you as a gasp left her mouth.

"The vault... there's this vault on my father's bedroom" she said and immediately left the room. You followed from behind, heading at her father's bedroom. Roseanne heads ro the painting that hang on the wall, she took it and a not so big vault was behind it.

"I've tried opening it several times already but it won't open, I've put every passcode that he could've put on but it didn't work"

"Have you tried your birthdate?"

"Are you being serious, Y/N? He doesn't give a damn about me, why would he use my birthdat-"

"Just please try it? We're desperate and it won't hurt us if we try it, right?"

She nodded her head and put her attention back to the vault. She started typing in her birthdate and both your eyes and hers shut open when you heard a clicking sound. The vault opened. A wide smile formed across Roseanne's face. She pulled you in her arms, hugging you so tight and peppering kisses all over your face.

"I love you so much, baby!" She squealed and went to spread the vault open. Inside was tons of files, gold bars, and there the keys, hanging on the key holder. Roseanne took it as soon as possible and heads back to her father's study room. There was a mixture of happiness, anxiousness and fright in Roseanne's heart. Thinking of negative things that might be inside the door. What if her mother isn't there? And what if she's indeed there? What could be her mother's situation right now?

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