Chapter 27

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Jung Jae's POV

Jung Jae sighed as he began to recall about what happened on Thanksgiving.

"Can't believe that psycho broke my nose." Giselle muttered as Jung Jae continued to drive.

"To be fair, you shouldn't have insulted her." Jung Jae reasoned.

Giselle scoffed.

"If you like the cross dresser so much, why don't you date her...or him...or whatever!" Giselle scolded.

"I didn't say that I like Maggie, I'm just saying that you shouldn't have antagonized her." Jung Jae corrected.

"So you're really gonna take that...that...beast's side? Do you know how that makes me feel as your girlfriend?" Giselle asked.

Guilt then began to consume Jung Jae in less than a minute.

Jung Jae sighed. He didn't actually want to lose the one girl he actually does like.

"Okay, I'm sorry Giselle." Jung Jae apologized.

"Sorry isn't going to cut know what? How well is your finances?" Giselle asked.

Jung Jae cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Why?" Jung Jae asked.

"Since you don't wanna side with your girlfriend, you're going have to pay for my nose surgery." Giselle replied as she crossed her arms.

Not wanting to argue with her to make her more upset, Jung Jae complied.

"Sure thing honey." Jung Jae spoke in a sweet tone.

Jung Jae called Anupam to apologize.

"Jung Jae, I'm not mad at you." Anupam assured him. "However, your lady friend was...quite the character." Anupam admitted.

"I know..." Jung Jae mumbled out.

"However, you and your girlfriend needs to apologize to Maggie, something tells me that she's still a little heated about what happened that night." Anupam advised.

"I will." Jung Jae agreed.

"Jung Jae, dare I might ask but...what do you see in Giselle?" Anupam asked.

Jung Jae stayed silent for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"Her beauty and her personality." Jung Jae replied.

"Jung Jae, I don't mean to be rude but, she would've been a nice slice of apple pie if the apples weren't rotten." Anupam commented.

Jung Jae grew a little upset so he hung up on Anupam.

"Yeah right." Jung Jae scoffed. "Giselle just needs a little life lesson learning, that's all."

Jung Jae was now in the gift aisle trying to pick out a gift for Giselle. He spotted a huge teddy bear holding a bouquet of roses then smiled as he grabbed it and went to the check out stand.

"Maybe this will cheer Giselle up." Jung Jae smiled.

"Uh oh...I'm getting a bad vibe right now." Love announced.

"What's wrong?" Lust asked.

Love opened up a portal to see where Giselle is. Love couldn't believe their eyes when she saw Giselle at the hospital with another man.

"Who is that guy? Because I don't recall her having any siblings." Lust asked.

Love looked to see the man holding a diamond necklace and ring that looked like it had costed a fortune then Giselle squealed as she pulled the man in for a kiss.

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