Chapter 40

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Yn's POV

My eyes fluttered open to a beam of sun hitting my face. When my eyes were fully open, I was face-to-face with Dong Wook, who had a sleepy smile on his face.

"Morning Kitten." Dong Wook spoke in his sleepy voice.

I smiled as he pecked my forehead. I looked over his shoulder to read the clock.'s 9 a.m!? HOLY SHIT IT'S SUNDAY!!! I'VE BEEN HERE SINCE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON!

I immediately shot out of bed, much to Dong Wook's surprise.

"Yn, what's wrong?" Dong Wook asked as he got up.

"I forgot about Mr. Oh and Gi-gi!" I replied in a panic tone. "We gotta go!"

Dong Wook got out of bed and put on his underwear while I was scurrying around to find my clothes. I then realized that my pants were still in the...other room. I ran to the other room and grabbed my pants to put them on. Dong Wook followed me and found me struggling to put them on. He couldn't help but laugh at me hopping around.

"Hold on, let me help you." Dong Wook laughed out as he walked over to me.

When he helped me with my pants, his eyes grew wide as he looked at my neck.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I...may have gone a little too far with the foreplay." Dong Wook admitted as he turned me around to a mirror.

My eyes grew wide at the sight of a red hickey displayed on my neck. That thing was huge!

"It looks like a bruise." I commented.

"Well, hickies can be known as love bruises." Dong Wook chuckled out.

I looked at him with a straight face.

"Not funny." I whined out.

When we got into the car and drove to my apartment, I hurried to the door and unlocked it to see Mr. Oh on the couch with Gi-gi. Gi-gi hopped off the couch and hurried over to me, meowing excitedly.

"Hi mamas." I coo'ed out. 

"Morning Yn, you're back." Mr. Oh greeted as he got up.

Dong Wook walked in and Gi-gi walked up to him.

"Morning pretty girl." Dong Wook greeted as he knelt down to pet Gi-gi.

"So sorry, I didn't know how long I was gonna be out." I apologized as I bowed down to Mr. Oh.

"Oh, no no it's fine." Mr. Oh chuckled out. "I actually had a great time watching that k-drama with Gi-gi." Mr. Oh admitted.

Mr. Oh then began to examine me and noticed the hickey on my neck then chuckled.

"Oh, to be young and full of hormonal love again." Mr. Oh sighed out.

I realized what he was talking about and covered my neck in embarrassment.

"Oh, there's nothing to be ashamed about." Mr. Oh assured me. "I was once young too you know."

My face turned red as Dong Wook chuckled.

"Sorry to keep you away from your mommy." Dong Wook coo'ed at Gi-gi, who was rubbing against his legs. "You know she has to go away again in May." Dong Wook stated.

"Oh? What's happening in May, if you don't mind me asking?" Mr. Oh asked.

"Me and Dong Wook are heading to Jeju Loveland." I replied.

"Whoa, already taking things to the next level? Well, I would advise you two to take things slow." Mr. Oh lectured.

"Oh no, it's for a friend of ours." I stated. "He and his fiancee are having their parties and wedding there."

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