Chapter 52

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Anupam's POV

Anupam woke up to the doctor coming in.

"Hello Anupam, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"Very well sir." Anupam replied with a small smile.

"That's good." The doctor replied. "I got some good news for you; you'll be coming out here tomorrow."

Anupam's eyes grew wide at the news.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Anupam exclaimed.

"However, you are going to have to attend some mental therapy such as yoga and meditation." The doctor ordered.

Anupam chuckled.

"That wouldn't be that much of a hassle, I'm a yoga instructor myself." Anupam explained.

"Hmm, then how in the world did you end up here from Takotsubo?" The doctor asked.

"If he were to tell him, he'd probably send Anupam to a psych ward." Common Sense scoffed.

"That...I don't know." Anupam lied.

He knew exactly why.

"Well, there's no specific trigger to it, so just take it easy on stress okay?" The doctor advised.

"I will sir." Anupam answered.

All of a sudden, Anupam was startled by the sounds of a woman screaming.

Anupam and the doctor both looked to see a pregnant woman being wheeled away while screaming. Anupam was also shocked to see Ha Jun following behind the nurses as well.

"Ha Jun?" Anupam thought.

Ha Jun's POV

So, what happened earlier when Ha Jun was on the bus?

"Hey buddy! You keep an eye on that psycho, we'll try to help the expecting mother." One gruff guy ordered.

Ha Jun nodded his head as he kept the gun aimed at the maniac.

The pregnant lady was breathing heavily.

"I'm not gonna make it, neither will my baby!" The pregnant lady cried out.

"Miss, you're going to be okay." The gruff man assured her. "Help is on the way."

"This one must be really ready to come out." Ha Jun thought to himself.

The gruff man grabbed the pregnant lady's hand as another passenger took a handkerchief  out and place it on the pregnant lady's forehead. The gruff man shushed the pregnant lady while trying to console her.

"Eager little baby to come out huh?" The gruff man chuckled out.

"'s a girl." The pregnant lady breathed out.

"Have you come up with a name for her?" The gruff man asked.

" and my husband agreed to the name." The pregnant lady replied.

"That's a beautiful name miss." The gruff man replied.

"Thank you..." The pregnant lady cried before she let out a loud scream.

Ha Jun couldn't have been more happy to hear the sounds of sirens. He looked to see police and an ambulance pulling up behind the bus.

The maniac was arrested

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