legendary trainee

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2 weeks after the debut .

Their song meow and diamond topped the spotify
Chart for 1 whole week and meow has now 4 music show win .

Cleoj woke up as usual have 4 hours of sleep .

To cleoj surprise all members were already awake and ready .

" woah what did you all eat , y'all woke up so early ? " cleoj can't help but asked .

" nothing we're just excited " kria said .

" we're going to guessed in running man unnie " kria said excitedly .

" yeah i know , are y'all that excited ? " cleoj asked again .

" yesss this is gonna be our first appearance in a variety show " harpy said .

" ok let's , looks like i don't need to do a lot of work in getting y'all ready " cleoj said .

Their managers are already waiting in their car beside the van for the girls .

" walk slowly sweets we're not yet late " cleoj reminded them .

Kria got in the car and all members .

" cleoj unnie come in , hurry up " kria said to cleoj who is now walking towards the van .

" I'm in , lets go " cleoj said .

" we're not yet going to the running man location , we have to change all of your outfits to another outfits " manager miyon said to them .

" manager what do the outfit looks like ? " cleoj asked .

" it's pretty , you know once you see it " miyon said to cleoj .

" ohh trailer , I like that " kria said .

" let's see if cleoj will like it " urie cheekily said .

" yeah hahahha " lizel said .

Cleoj on the other hand is still serious while the unnie teased her .

They arrived at the yg building which is 3 blocks aways from the dorm .

The managers got out on the car and went in the building to get the outfits .

The girls moved to another van which is bigger , a van where you can change outfits and stand up .

The managers came back with the outfits and the van is now heading to the location .

The girls is now done changing inside the van .

The van arrived in the running man location 20 minutes early .

Photographers and fans are waiting for them at the entrance of the building .

" manager do you have a clip ? " cleoj asked .

" yes ... here " miyon answered and handed her a row of clips in diffirent colors .

" okay let's go now " miyon said .

The first to walk out the van is kria then harpy then cleoj then urie and the last one is lizel .

The photographers and fans cheers as they saw the girls walking pass them , catlley were in a hurry yet still give fans a smile and wave to them .

" hello guys lets welcome catlley " juyeon introduced them .

Catlley went in and showed a bright smile to them .

Then dance a cut version oftheir song .

" woah their soo pretty , are you really gonna make them wet ? " kwangso said .

The director and staff nodded .

" haaa you're really evil " jeian said while laughing .

" okay introduced yourself CATLLEY " juyeon said .

" gotcha hello we are catlley " they said .

" I'm urie "

" I'm harpy "

" I'm lizel "

" I'm kria "

" and I'm cleoj "

Clap..clap..clap.. the staff and cast clapped .

" they're pretty and have a nice voice too " jungli said .

" thank you " harpy said .

" who's the leader ? " juyeon asked .

" me " cleoj raised her hand .

" cleoj " other members said while pointing at her .

" how old are you ? " kwangso asked cleoj .

" I'm 17 years old " cleoj answered kwangso with a smile .

" woah are you the oldest ? And how old are the other members ? " lijung asked .

" I'm not the oldest , harpy is the oldest she's 19 and urie unnie is also 19 , kria is the youngest 16 and lizel unnie is 18 " cleoj explain .

" wow that's really cool " mingyu said .

Kwangso wanted to say something to cleoj but juyeon interrupted .

" okay let's start the games " juyeon said .

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